Hierarchy creation

It is more common to add new kinds of records to the Classification hierarchy than it is to create an entirely new hierarchy.

Hierarchies are built with business objects in a module that has its Hierarchy Module check box checked. Checking the module's Hierarchy Module check box means that records created from the module's business objects will be used in a hierarchy.

Checking the Hierarchy Module check box also causes the Show Quantity check box to appear. Leave the Show Quantity check box unchecked. You may see it checked in some IBM® TRIRIGA® modules.

After you finish editing a module's properties, you are ready to start defining business objects in the newly defined hierarchy module. Like any other module, the first business object you must define in a hierarchy module is the base business object that has the same name as the module. A record that is created from the module's base business object will serve as the root of the hierarchy.

All business objects that you use to create records in a hierarchy should be defined as Stand Alone. See Creating business objects for more information about stand alone records.

As you specify fields that will be in the records of a hierarchy, pay extra attention to the fields or combination of fields that will be used as the record's name. In addition to the requirement that each existing record created from the same business object has a different name, you also should be sure that the names will be suitable as labels in the hierarchy.