Esri data services and IBM TRIRIGA tools

To display GIS maps in IBM® TRIRIGA® forms, you need both Esri data services and IBM TRIRIGA tools.

The following list shows the services and tools that enable the display of GIS maps in IBM TRIRIGA forms.
Esri data services
  • The geographical and geospatial data (Data Services). The IBM TRIRIGA system obtains this data through REST API services on Esri servers.
  • The actual map view. The ArcGIS server, whether the services offered online or the services hosted on a proprietary server, renders the maps and handles your geoprocessing.
  • Geoprocessing for drive time or distance radii. Geoprocessing is provided by the ArcGIS server.
  • Geocoding for gathering the latitude and longitude coordinates of addressable objects or identifiers that represent the features. Geocoding is provided by the ArcGIS server.
  • The Esri JavaScript API. It renders the viewer to provide data from the server and to provide basic interaction with the map data. The standard configuration is defined in the IBM TRIRIGA GIS Map object.
  • An initial set of building data that is used to query the Esri ArcGIS server.
  • A ClassLoader object that contains the logic to render the Esri JavaScript viewer.
  • Tools to configure the basemaps, layers, spatial references, widgets, and queries that are used in the rendered GIS Map areas within IBM TRIRIGA.

Esri offers a number of data services, including the Spatial Query data service. These services are used by IBM TRIRIGA to determine the geographic areas that the user sees within the current map view.

A GIS map can be displayed in an IBM TRIRIGA portal section or form tab. The same full-featured function is available each time a map is displayed.

The versions of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform and the IBM TRIRIGA applications that support the GIS features are defined in the Compatibility Matrix for IBM TRIRIGA Products IBM Support page.