Predefined sensitivity types related to SIMULATE CLASS SENSITIVITY

These sensitivity types related to the SENSITIVITY keyword of SIMULATE CLASS and SIM RESOURCE_TYPE enable you to define resources as sensitive.

The following sensitivities are predefined (with ACCESS, PRIO, CONCERN, and ID values):
Table 1. Predefined sensitivities
Sensitivity Access Prio Concern
Regulation-defined (allows optional site-defined suffix)
GDPR-data READ 5 Can read GDPR regulated information
PCI-PAN READ 5 Can read credit card numbers
PCI-PAN-clr READ 6 Can read unmasked credit card numbers
PCI-AUTH READ 7 Can read credit card sensitive authentication data
Non-regulation-defined (site-defined suffix not allowed)
FTPbanner UPDATE 2 Can access data sets or files containing FTP BANNER
FTPconfig UPDATE 7 Can access data sets or files containing FTP configuration
GTFtrace DATASET 4 Can read GTF trace that can contain non-encrypted passwords
  1. When FTPbanner is used with RESOURCE_TYPE=UNIX the access level is WRIT-NX instead of UPDATE.
  2. The PCI* and GDPR* sensitivities allow an extra suffix beyond what is shown in Table 1.

For the description of the SENSITIVITY parameter for the SIMULATE command, see SENSITIVITY.