Specifying data set parameters for extended monitoring

About this task

For extended monitoring, the C2POLICE started task creates a CKFREEZE snapshot data set at each environment refresh interval. The parameters for allocating these data sets are entered in a special template format in member C2PEMFRT in the C2PCUST data set.


To create the C2PEMFRT member, follow these steps:

  1. Copy member C2PEMFRT from the SCKRSAMP data set to the data set you specified for C2PCUST in your configuration member.
  2. Edit the copied C2PEMFRT member. The sample member starts with the following lines:
    alloc reuse fi(ckfreeze) -                                           
    DA('unique.sysplex-wide.prefix.CKFREEZE.D&LYYMMDD..T&LHR.&LMIN.') -  
    new vol(your.volume) space(2,1) cylinders release -                  
    recfm(v b s) lrecl(X) blk(27998)                                    
  3. In the sample member, edit the data set name, the space parameters, and the data set placement parameters to follow the installation conventions used in your environment.
    • Multiple input lines are allowed.
    • Indicate continuation lines with the minus sign (-).
    • Columns 73-80 are ignored.
    • The total command length must be less than 255 characters. The length includes all blanks between the last significant character on a line and the subsequent line continuation character, the minus sign (-).
    • Aside from the symbol substitution, the command entered in these members must be a complete and valid TSO ALLOCATE command. Remove any keywords that are not needed, for example, the VOLUME keyword.
    • The REUSE and FILE keywords must be kept as shown in the example. The filename specified must be CKFREEZE.
    • System symbols can be included anywhere in the command. User and JCL symbols are not supported.
    • The record format of the data set must be variable blocked spanned, as indicated by the RECFM(V B S) keywords.
    • The data set name specification must begin with the string DA('
    • The data set name specification must end with the string ')
    • The data set names as specified must end in D&LYR2&LMON&LDAY.T&LHR&LMIN. Specifying the data set names in this way results in a timestamp formatted as Dyymmdd.Thhmm.
    • You can specify any leading qualifiers you want, as long as the data set name after symbol substitution remains valid.
    • The high level qualifiers must uniquely identify the data set as reserved for zSecure Alert Extended Monitoring. Also the name must not match the name used by another zSecure Alert started task. You can use system symbols, like &SYSCLONE and &SYSNAME to uniquely identify these data sets.
    • You can specify additional parameters for the allocation. For example, if your installation supports specification of SMS constructs such as STORCLAS or MGMTCLAS, you can use them here.
    • Optional comment lines must be included at the end. Comment is included between the comment delimiters /* and */.
    Note: It is important to specify the qualifiers before the final date and time qualifiers so that only the intended CKFREEZE snapshot data sets match. All data sets starting with these qualifiers are considered as temporary CKFREEZE data sets that are eventually deleted.
  4. Save the C2PEMFRT member.