zSecure CARLa Command Language

The CARLa Auditing and Reporting Language (CARLa) is a script language to generate audit reports and perform security administration tasks with zSecure.

The various components of the zSecure suite that make use of the CARLa engine (the CKRCARLA program1) are collectively known as the CARLa-driven components. This program can be used in a number of ways. It is capable of interacting with ISPF to present report data and to allow interaction through line commands and overtyping. The program can also be run as a batch program, for example, to automate RACF database clean-up tasks. Note that the CKGRACF program (which can update the RACF database directly) has its own command language; see CKGRACF Command Language in the zSecure Admin and Audit for RACF User Reference ManualCKGRACF Command Language in zSecure Admin and Audit for RACF User Reference Manual.

1 The CKRCARLA program is technically a stub program. Most of the function is in another program, but that other program identifies itself in its log file and most other places as CKRCARLA. This book edition abstracts from this program structure and continues to refer to the CARLa engine as the CKRCARLA program.