RUN field descriptions

The RUN NEWLIST provides the following fields for reporting.

Canonical name of the TCP/IP host. That is the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), as the CNAME record of a Domain Name Server defines it. It can be missing if the resolver cannot be reached or if the resolver cannot reach the DNS server.
Date and time of the CKRCARLA run.
The External Security Monitor (ESM) of the system that runs the CKRCARLA engine.
TCP/IP host name. This name is not qualified with the domain name; for the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), see CANONICAL_NAME.
The hardware name.
JES job ID of the job, started task, or TSO user that runs the CKRCARLA engine. This field is missing when running under CMS.
Name of the job, started task, or TSO user that runs the CKRCARLA engine.
Name of the logical partition (LPAR).
The time stamp of the engine's main program compile.
The program version.
The abbreviated name of the system that runs the CKRCARLA engine. The maximum length is 2 characters. This field is missing when running under CMS.
The system name as shown in the CVT. For MVS systems, this value originates from the SYSNAME parameter in the IEASYMxx or IEASYSxx PARMLIB member. This can be the same or different from the value returned in the field SYSTEM. For VM systems, this value originates from the system identifier in the SYSTEM CONFIG.
The sysplex name of the system that runs the CKRCARLA engine.
The name of the system that runs the CKRCARLA engine. For MVS systems, this is identical to the SMF system ID (4 characters). For VM, it is the system identifier.
The user ID that runs the CKRCARLA engine. This is taken from the currently active ACEE.
VM user ID of the machine running the system that runs the CKRCARLA engine. When the system is not running under z/VM, this field is empty.