Print format

After you select the Print format option, a number of additional options are available for selection. The print data can be formatted in either tabular or form-oriented by selecting the Full detail form option. The tabular form sacrifices some detail in favor of a readable printout. The print format can either use a print file width of at least 132 characters, or it can be limited to 79 columns through the Narrow print option. The prints can be sorted in another way than by profile name through the Sort differently option.

If Sort differently is selected, a sort order panel is displayed for each segment type to be shown. Figure 1 shows the sort order panel for the base segment.

Figure 1. Data set sort order panel
  Menu   Options   Info   Commands   Setup                         
                         zSecure Suite - RACF - Data set Sort Order  
Command ===> __________________________________________________________________   
like SYS1.** with UACC or ID(*)>=READ    
Specify up to 3 fields to act as
alternate base segment sort order
Select with 1 or / and optionally 2, 3    
_ Profile name (default)
_ Qualifier (naming conventions)
_ Profile type
_ Installation data
_ Owner
_ Notify
_ Creation date (descending)
1 Universal access (descending)
_ Warning mode
_ Erase-on-scratch
_ Retention period (descending)
_ Level (descending)
_ By audit priority (descending)

In the sort order panels, one can specify up to three sort keys by entering 1, 2, or 3 in front of the sort criteria. If you want to sort on just one column, it is also possible to use a forward slash (/) instead of 1.

Figure 2 shows an example of wide tabular print output of dataset profile base segments, sorted by descending universal access:
Figure 2. DATASET Overview Report panel
zSecure Admin DATASET Overview - complex DINO   14Sep2000  15:59                                        page    1
like SYS1.** with UACC or ID(*)>=READ, sorted by uacc

Profile key                                TWE UACC    Owner    QUAL   S/F RETPD Created Notify  Lv Pri InstData
SYS1.BRODCAST                              G   UPDATE  SYSPROG  SYS1     R        7Nov95             10
     Concern:  Verify why UACC>=UPDATE
SYS1.CMDLIB                                G   READ    SYSPROG  SYS1   U R       28Feb98
SYS1.LOCAL.LINKLIB                         G   READ    SYSPROG  SYS1   U R       28Feb98
SYS1.LOCAL.VTAMLIB                         G   READ    SYSPROG  SYS1   U R       28Feb98
SYS1.LPALIB                                G   READ    SYSPROG  SYS1   U R        7Nov95

The TWE columns indicate Type, Warning, and Erase status, respectively. For the meaning of the other columns see Dataset profile tabular display.

When Narrow print is checked, the output is almost the same, except that installation data (if any) is on a separate line. This changes if Print ACL is also selected, the output is shown with each access level on a separate line:
RACF DATASET profiles  - complex DINO     14Sep2000  16:02            page    1
like SYS1.** with UACC or ID(*)>=READ, sorted by uacc

Profile key                      TWE UACC    Owner    S/F RETPD Created Notify
SYS1.BRODCAST                    G   UPDATE  SYSPROG    R        7Nov95
     Alter:    SYSPROG
SYS1.CMDLIB                      G   READ    SYSPROG  U R       28Feb98
     Alter:    SYSPROG
     Read:     C##A SYS1
     None:     C##QARUN
SYS1.LOCAL.LINKLIB               G   READ    SYSPROG  U R       28Feb98
     Alter:    SYSPROG SYS1
     Read:     C##A
     None:     C##QARUN
SYS1.LOCAL.VTAMLIB               G   READ    SYSPROG  U R       28Feb98
     Alter:    SYSPROG SYS1
     Read:     C##A
     None:     C##QARUN
SYS1.LPALIB                      G   READ    SYSPROG  U R        7Nov95
     Alter:    SYSPROG
RACF DATASET profiles  - complex DINO     14Sep2000  16:02            page    1
like SYS1.** with UACC or ID(*)>=READ, sorted by uacc

Profile key                      TWE UACC    Owner    S/F RETPD Created Notify Pri
SYS1.BRODCAST                    G   UPDATE  SYSPROG    R        7Nov95         10
     Concern:  Verify why UACC>=UPDATE
     Alter:    SYSPROG
SYS1.CMDLIB                      G   READ    SYSPROG  U R       28Feb98
     Alter:    SYSPROG
     Read:     C##A SYS1
     None:     C##QARUN
SYS1.LOCAL.LINKLIB               G   READ    SYSPROG  U R       28Feb98
     Alter:    SYSPROG SYS1
     Read:     C##A
     None:     C##QARUN
SYS1.LOCAL.VTAMLIB               G   READ    SYSPROG  U R       28Feb98
     Alter:    SYSPROG SYS1
     Read:     C##A
     None:     C##QARUN
SYS1.LPALIB                      G   READ    SYSPROG  U R        7Nov95
     Alter:    SYSPROG
When Full detail form is also selected, the profile forms are separated by dashed lines. When Resolve to users has been selected, the access list is resolved to user IDs (matrix).
SYS1                          DINO     14Sep2000  16:42 BASE          page    1

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

DATASET profile name          SYS1.ACDS
Type                          GENERIC
Effective first qualifier     SYS1                          MOST SUPERIOR GROUP
Owner                         SYSPROG                       SYSTEM PROGRAMMING

User     Access  ACL id   When                Name                 InstData
------------------------------                ----                 --------
C##BMR1  ALTER   SYSPROG                      MIKE REED           INSTDATA
C##BPK1  ALTER   SYSPROG                      PETE KENDALL
C##BPK2  ALTER   SYSPROG                      PETE KENDALL
DEPT     ALTER   SYS1                         USR =QA OW=SYS1      USR =QA CNG
DEPT1    ALTER   SYS1                         USR =QA OW=DEPT      USR =QA CNG
DEPT2    ALTER   SYS1                         USR =QA OW=DEPT      USR =QA CNG
DFRMM    ALTER   SYS1                         DFRMM STARTED TASK U
IBMUSER  ALTER   SYS1                         IBM DEFAULT USER
OSA      ALTER   SYS1                         OSA STARTED TASK USR
STRTASK  ALTER   SYS1                         DIV STARTED TASK USR
- any -  READ    *
C##QARUN NONE    C##QARUN                     USER RUNS TESTS      U

Safeguards                             Other permissions
----------                             -----------------
Erase on scratch              No       Allow all accesses    WARNING No
User to notify of violation            Universal access authority    NONE
Audit success access level    UPDATE   Resource level                 0
Audit failures access level   READ

Mandatory Access Control               Statistics
------------------------               ----------
Security label                ........ Creating user's connect group SYSPROG
Security level                         Creation date                 11Nov1998
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