Group table

You can review group data, such as owner and connected users, in the Groups table.

Use the Find dialog to view a list of groups. A group is displayed in two colors, blue as default and gray when the installation data of the group is not yet loaded.
Figure 1. Groups table

The list of groups has these columns:

The name of the zSecure node where the result was found. This column is displayed only if you are operating in multi-system mode.
The ID of the RACF® group.
The purpose and layout of this field are site-defined. Typically it contains organizational data on the group.
The owner can change the group definition.
The superior group of the group. All groups except group SYS1 belong to one superior group.
Number of subgroups of the group. A subgroup is a group that belongs to another group.
A universal group can have an unlimited number of users with USE authority connected to it.
  1. A group can be created as a universal group. It is not possible to change the attribute after creation.
  2. In most cases, it is not possible to delete a universal group.
  3. The old limitation of 5957 connections is still valid for users with authority higher than USE or with the attributes SPECIAL, OPERATIONS, or AUDITOR at the group level.
  4. For universal groups, the Connected Users table shows only the users with authority higher than USE or with the attributes SPECIAL, OPERATIONS, or AUDITOR at the group level.
  5. On sites where universal groups are not yet supported, the Universal column or field stays empty and disabled.
Number of users connected to the group.
Date of creation of the group.

The extra selection fields for groups in the Find dialog are:

Figure 2. Find dialog for groups
Installation data
A substring that appears in the installation data.
Select groups by owner. The field is used as a filter.
Select groups that have more or less than a certain number of connected users. A blank in the number field selects groups independently of this number. Typing < or > in the number field selects the corresponding operator.
Select the groups that have the segment you specified. If this option is disabled, you cannot view segments or there are no segments. The option ANY gives you the complete group list, whether the profiles have segments or not.