Modifying output length

Optionally, a field name may be followed by a length in parentheses. This number indicates the number of output positions into which the field should be formatted. Most fields have default lengths predefined that are sufficient for standard usage.

If NEWLIST TYPE=RACF field is defined as a variable length field in the template and no default length is set by IBM® Security zSecure (this is listed on the SHOW TEMPLATES output) and no explicit length is provided on the LIST command, the actual length is used for each profile. This results in disturbance of the column layout, because all subsequent fields start at a varying position.

The overriding output length 0 has a special meaning, dependent on the command issued. For the DISPLAY command it can only be used on the last field on a line. If the output field is not modifiable, it will then use all remaining space on the line on the screen. A modifiable field will allocate the maximum input length supported for the field or its output format. This may require many scroll-right operations to reach the end of the field for, e.g., a maximum input length of 1023. If WRAP is also specified, the field will wrap at end of screen - but only if the current contents are longer than fits on the screen (no right scrolling is required in this case). If the current contents fit on the screen in the first line, but the field maximum length is longer than fits on the screen, WRAP will cause the field to be extended just to the end of the screen but not generate continuation lines - this means that the maximum input length cannot necessarily be entered when WRAP has been specified. For the (SORT)LIST command it means that trailing blanks must be trimmed (stripped) from the output. It generally results in a ragged column layout, but can be used to generate your own TSO or CMS commands. The following example will put quotations around a profile or rule key .
   sortlist "'" | key(0) | "'"

Coding an overriding length of zero is not valid when also using TITLE, SUBTITLE, or TOPTITLE modifier on the field.

You can also modify the field output length on a (D)SUMMARY statement. For a detailed description, see Overriding length.