CKR1325 Option option already set differently for output file, unexpected change by newlist name at ddname line number


The indicated option is an output file property that cannot be set differently across NEWLISTs writing to the same file. This message is normally issued with severity 12 (syntax error), but for options that should be file properties in principle but might vary across NEWLISTs, it is issued with severity 4 (warning). These options are NOPAGE, PAGELENGTH, OVERPRINT, MAXPAGE, PAGETEXT, and CAPS.

In general it is recommended to set output file options with the FILEOPTION statement and refer to the ddname on the NEWLIST or MERGELIST statement with DD=, and omit those options on OPTION or NEWLIST statements.

The CKR1325 message is often caused by OPTION parameters setting the default for subsequent newlists and conflicting with what was implied by the FILEOPTION statement.


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