Special attributes

The SAP NetWeaver Adapter supports some special attributes that are specific to the adapter.

Email Address

The SAP email is a multi-valued attribute, which means a user can have more than one email address. You must designate one email address as the user's "Standard" email. In addition, you can designate an email address to be the "Home" email. If only one email address is to be assigned to the account, ensure that you set both the "Standard" email and "Home" email options.

To enter an email address on the IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager form, you must follow this syntax:

	a= X for Standard email, or space for not Standard.
	b= is the email address.
	c= X for home email, or space for not home.
	d= is the sequence number, must consist of three digits.

For example, to enter three email addresses for user Jon Doe:

	X|jon.doe@company.com| |001  (standard email)
	 |jon.doe@home.com|X|002     (home email)
	 |jon.doe@other.com| |003    (other email)

Or, to enter one email address as the standard and home:


CUA License Data

To edit license data for CUA systems, the adapter schema supports an attribute named "ersapnwliccuadata". This attribute is a multivalued attribute that enables the management of CUA License Data. This attribute is exposed on the CUA Systems License Data tab. The ersapnwliccuadata attribute consists of nine values that are delimited by pipes and contains no white space. Any data input by the CUA Systems License Data tab overwrites the CUA license data in SAP NetWeaver for the account.

The format of the ersapnwliccuadata attribute is:

<CUA System Name>|<ersapnwlicutype>|<ersapnwlicspecver>|<ersapnwlicsurchrg>|

The previous values have the following meanings:

  • CUA System Name: CUA Logical system name
  • ersapnwlicutype: Contractual User Type
  • ersapnwlicspecver: Assignment to special version
  • ersapnwlicsurchrg: Country surcharge
  • ersapnwlicsubfrom: Substitute date from
  • ersapnwlicsubto: Substitute date to
  • ersapnwlicsysid: Chargeable user SAP system
  • ersapnwlicclient: Chargeable user client
  • ersapnwlicbname: Chargeable user name

CUA license data must be input in the CUA Systems License Data tab by using the format that is specified for the ersapnwliccuadata attribute. Some examples of individual entries are:


Set Password as Productive

This attribute is supported by both Add and Modify operation. Select this attribute to make the existing password Productive (Permanent). Otherwise, the password is Initial (Temporary). This attribute is available in account form. As such, to select between productive and initial password during the Password change operation, complete a Modify operation prior to the Password change operation to change the flag.
Note: This is a send only attribute. The value of the flag is not stored in IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager.

Full Name

Pass the full name of the user to this attribute. The full name is reflected in NW against the FORMAT attribute (in SU01) for any string value that is passed except for blank spaces. If the value is blank space or empty, then the FORMAT attribute (in SU01) combines the First name and Last Name that are available in the NW account.