OAuth Authentication

Security Verify Access supports OAuth 2.0 authentication. The implementation of OAuth in Security Verify Access strictly follows the OAuth standards.

OAuth is an HTTP-based authorization protocol. It provides third-party applications with scoped access to a protected resource on behalf of the resource owner. It provides scoped access by creating an approval interaction between the resource owner, the client, and the resource server. Users receive the ability to share their private resources between sites without providing usernames and passwords.

WebSEAL provides two different mechanisms by which it can validate OAuth tokens:
ws-trust authentication
Authentication details are passed to a server for verification by using the ws-trust protocol. This protocol is the legacy mechanism that is supported by IBM Security Verify Access and is previously known as oauth-auth.
OAuth introspection
Authentication details are passed to a server for verification by using an OAuth introspection endpoint.

For a complete description of the OAuth specifications, see the OAuth website: http://www.oauth.net

For more general information about OAuth support in Security Verify Access, see OAuth 2.0 and OIDC support.