Adding multiple back-end servers to the same junction

About this task

To increase high availability of the resources protected by Security Verify Access, you can junction multiple replica back-end servers to the same junction point. There can be any number of replica servers mounted at the same point.

  • Multiple back-end servers added to the same junction point must be replica servers with identical (mirrored) Web document spaces.
  • Multiple back-end servers added to the same junction point must use the same protocol.
  • Do not add dissimilar servers to the same junction point.
  • A priority field can be assigned to each replicated server. The field has a range of 1-9. If multiple servers are available, the request will be sent to the server with the highest priority. The priority field can be used to configure a hot-standby server.
  • WebSEAL uses a least busy algorithm, for servers with the same priority, to determine which matching back-end replica server has the fewest number of request connections and forwards any new request to that server.


  1. Create the initial junction. For example:
    pdadmin> server task web1-webseald-cruz create -t tcp -h server1 /sales
  2. Add an additional back-end server replica. For example:
    pdadmin> server task web1-webseald-cruz add -h server2 /sales
  3. From the primary Security Verify Access server Web space, test the access to pages belonging to the junctioned servers. You must be able to access these pages (subject to permissions) and the pages must appear consistent. If a page cannot be found occasionally, or if it changes occasionally, it means that page was not replicated properly.
  4. Check that the document exists and is identical in the document tree of both replicated servers.