Running your applications in a multiple hosts environment

When your solution starts to grow and consists of a Lookup Manager controlling one or more ITE applications, you want to run and manage it on multiple hosts.

About this task

Configure the applications of your solution to run on a multiple host environment.


  1. For every ITE application, find the global.multiHost parameter in the <PathToYourApplication>/config/config.cfg file
  2. To enable the multiple host support for the ITE applications, set the parameter to on: global.multiHost=on

  3. For every ITE application, find the global.multiHost.customHostTags parameter in the <PathToYourApplication>/config/config.cfg file

  4. Assign the host tags that you want to use in your customized code to place operators on specific hosts, for example: global.multiHost.customHostTags=myCustomParserHostTag,myCustomContextHostTag

  5. In the Lookup Manager application, find the global.multiHost parameter in the <PathToYourApplication>/config/config.cfg file

  6. To enable the multiple host support for the Lookup Manager, set the parameter to on: global.multiHost=on

  7. In the Lookup Manager application, find the global.multiHost.numberOfHosts parameter in the <PathToYourApplication>/config/config.cfg file

  8. To specify the number of hosts that hold enrichment data, set the parameter to the appropriate number, for example: global.multiHost.numberOfHosts=3

The number of hosts must be equal to the number of hosts that you assign the <namespace>_lookup_host_writer host tag.