Refining data requests

After the data request is submitted, you can refine it. Read here how to refine identification, preservation, preservation and collection, or deletion data requests. For more information about refining release data requests, see Refining release data requests.

Before you begin

You must be signed in as a user with the role that allows for refining data requests and with the Data requests: Manage and Work packages: Manage privileges.

About this task

During refinement, you can change the list of custodians and specific global request information, and you add data sources to the custodians. Some attributes cannot be changed during refinement. For more information about these attributes, see Nonmodifiable data request attributes.

If you decide that you no longer need the data request, you can cancel it. In this case, all of this data request's work packages are set to the state canceled. If you decide to reopen the data request, you must create new work packages.

If you use a tool or workflow that generates the fulfillment items based on the information in the data request, the fulfillment items are available and organized in work packages when you open the data request to refine. If you do not have such a tool, you must add data sources to the custodians manually or from a CSV file so that StoredIQ® for Legal can generate the fulfillment items.

A work package covers one data source and contains the fulfillment items for all custodians of the same priority and jurisdiction who have one or more user IDs on that data source. By default, a work package contains one fulfillment item for each custodian. If a custodian has more than one user ID on the data source, you can add all user IDs to one fulfillment item, or you can duplicate a fulfillment item to create one fulfillment item for each user ID.

In their user preferences, users can customize which information is displayed in the work packages list. The settings can be different for draft, open, completed, or canceled work packages.


To refine a data request, complete these steps:

  1. Go to Tasks > Unassigned Tasks and assign the appropriate refinement task to you. Under Objects for Review, click the data request to refine.
    Alternatively, you can access the data request through the matter. However, after the refinement task is assigned, the data request is locked and you can solely view it.
  2. To change the global request information, click Actions > Edit.
    You can reduce data source category after submission of data request when no work package exists.
  3. Continue with either of the following tasks:
    1. Use the tool or workflow that creates the fulfillment items directly from the submitted data request.
    2. If you do not have a tool or a workflow, go to the Custodians page and add the data sources that contain the custodians' data. You have the following options:
      • Manually add one or more data sources to one or more custodians: select the custodians and then click Add Data Sources. The data sources that you can choose from fit the data source categories that are specified in the request or defined in the workflow.
      • Add the data sources from a CSV file. For this option, you can use a tool that accepts custodian and data request information from a CSV file and creates a CSV file that maps the custodians to the appropriate data sources. The new CSV file can also contain details about each fulfillment item that is created. Complete these steps:
        1. Click More > Export Request Information for Custodians to export the information about all listed custodians and the request information for each custodian as a CSV file.
        2. To understand which information must be in the CSV to be imported again, download the sample CSV: Click More > Add Data Sources from CSV and then click Download Sample CSV. This CSV file also shows the basic set of fulfillment item attributes, which you can extend with custom attributes that you defined for fulfillment items.
        3. Create the CSV to be imported.
        4. Click More > Add Data Sources from CSV and select the new CSV.
      Note: Start of
changeClient or shared data is not supported for option (a). While it is available for option (b), specify the value of Identifier for client or shared data when you import from CSV.End of change
  4. If you decide to change the priority of a custodian after fulfillment items are created for this custodian, you have the following possibilities:
    • If the new priority is to be applied to new fulfillment items only, change the priority within the data request: Click Actions > Edit.
    • If the new priority is also to be applied to existing fulfillment items, select the custodian on the Custodians page and then click Edit Priority. However, the existing fulfillment items must be reorganized because a work package can contain custodians of the same priority only. The reorganization can take a while.
  5. On the Work Packages page, change to the Draft Work Packages view. Edit or delete the work packages as necessary.
    For example, you might want to change the fulfillment team that is assigned to each work package.
  6. Edit, remove, or duplicate the fulfillment items as needed.
    For example, you might want to change the fulfillment instructions or add more user IDs.
    You can edit multiple fulfillment items in your work package by selecting the items and clicking Edit information.
  7. Optionally, you can create the custodian snapshot of data requests within the workflow. You can also manage the snapshot of custodians by using More > Manage Custodian Snapshot on the Custodian page. For more information, see Configuring the data requests.
  8. Submit the work packages. A confirmation message is displayed asking for your confirmation.
    If the data requests required approval, the approval task must be completed before the work packages can be submitted. Submit individual work packages by clicking Submit for each work package.
    Alternatively, submit all work packages at a time by clicking Submit All.
    Tip: You can also submit a subset of work packages by filtering the list of work packages before you click Submit All.

    After you submit a work package, its status changes from Draft to Submitted to Open. How long the work package remains in status Submitted depends on the number of work packages that are submitted in parallel and also on the process that is defined in the workflow. You cannot work with a work package while it has the status Submitted.

  9. Mark the refinement task as complete.


A workflow is started for each work package that is submitted. It ends when all fulfillment items in a work package are completed.