Creating the import mapping

Create an import mapping for each target entity that you want to import and reuse the mapping for as many import requests as possible.

Before you begin

About this task

The following procedure describes the steps that you are most likely to complete when you import data for the first time. For an overview of all commands relating to import mappings and of the REST API endpoints that are used, see Overview of commands and REST API endpoints.
Important: Do not create an import mapping from scratch. Always use a default mapping or mapping template as the basis.


  1. List all target entities that are supported by StoredIQ for Legal. See also Data to import: Target entities.
    Complete this step after each upgrade of StoredIQ for Legal to get an overview of the currently supported target entities.

    Use the following syntax for your command:

    Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram siq4l importmapping list-target-entities OPTIONS
    Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram default-c--client-idclientid -l--login-idsigninid -f--write-to-file
    -c clientid
    --client-id clientid
    The client that accesses the REST API. The default name is default.
    -l signinid
    --login-id signinid
    The signin ID of an authorized user. The user must have the Import: General privilege.
    Writes the result to a JSON file.
  2. Retrieve the default mapping for the target entity that you want to import. If no default mapping is available or you want to import more attributes than the minimum set, retrieve the mapping template. For more information, see also Default mappings, mapping templates, and custom mappings.

    Retrieve the default mapping after each upgrade of StoredIQ for Legal to get an overview of its contents. If you use a mapping template, retrieve it after each attribute change to check whether adjustments are necessary.

    • To retrieve the default mapping, use the following syntax for your command:
      Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram siq4l importmapping get-default OPTIONS target-entity-name
    • To retrieve the mapping template, use the following syntax for your command:
      Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram siq4l importmapping get-template OPTIONS target-entity-name
    The name of the target entity.

    For a description of the options, see step 1.

  3. Decide whether you can use the default mapping or the mapping template unchanged, whether changes are necessary, or whether you want to create a custom mapping based on the default mapping or the mapping template. Compare your import mapping to your CSV file to find out where in the mapping changes are necessary.
    For guidance, see also Import mapping structure.
  4. If you decide to create a custom mapping based on the default mapping or mapping template, you must make the custom mapping available for use. If you decide to change the mapping template, you must make the changed mapping available. See also Custom mappings for an import from the GUI.
    Use the following syntax for your command:
    Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram siq4l importmapping define OPTIONS file
    The name of the import mapping file that is made available.

    For a description of the options, see step 1.