Product documentation in guide format

This page contains IBM Storage Scale product documentation in PDF format.

For links to Quick Start Guide and Protocols Quick Overview, see Table 2.
Table 1. IBM Storage Scale product guides
Guide name Description Links
Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide This guide provides the following information:
Product overview
  • Overview of IBM Storage Scale
  • GPFS architecture
  • Protocols support overview: Integration of protocol access methods with GPFS
  • Active File Management
  • AFM-based Asynchronous Disaster Recovery (AFM DR)
  • Introduction to AFM to cloud object storage
  • Introduction to system health and troubleshooting
  • Introduction to performance monitoring
  • Data protection and disaster recovery in IBM Storage Scale
  • Introduction to IBM Storage Scale GUI
  • IBM Storage Scale management API
  • Introduction to Cloud services
  • Introduction to file audit logging
  • Introduction to clustered watch folder
  • Understanding call home
  • IBM Storage Scale in an OpenStack cloud deployment
  • IBM Storage Scale product editions
  • IBM Storage Scale license designation
  • Capacity-based licensing
  • Dynamic pagepool
Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide
  • Planning for GPFS
  • Planning for protocols
  • Planning for cloud services
  • Planning for IBM Storage Scale on Public Clouds
  • Planning for AFM
  • Planning for AFM DR
  • Planning for AFM to cloud object storage
  • Planning for performance monitoring tool
  • Planning for UEFI secure boot
  • Firewall recommendations
  • Considerations for GPFS applications
  • Security-Enhanced Linux support
  • Space requirements for call home data upload
  • Steps for establishing and starting your IBM Storage Scale cluster
  • Installing IBM Storage Scale on Linux® nodes and deploying protocols
  • Installing IBM Storage Scale on public cloud by using cloudkit
  • Installing IBM Storage Scale on AIX® nodes
  • Installing IBM Storage Scale on Windows nodes
  • Installing Cloud services on IBM Storage Scale nodes
  • Installing and configuring IBM Storage Scale management API
  • Installing GPUDirect Storage for IBM Storage Scale
  • Installation of Active File Management (AFM)
  • Installing AFM Disaster Recovery
  • Installing call home
  • Installing file audit logging
  • Installing clustered watch folder
  • Installing the signed kernel modules for UEFI secure boot
  • Steps to permanently uninstall IBM Storage Scale
  • IBM Storage Scale supported upgrade paths
  • Online upgrade support for protocols and performance monitoring
  • Upgrading IBM Storage Scale nodes
  • Upgrading IBM Storage Scale non-protocol Linux nodes
  • Upgrading IBM Storage Scale protocol nodes
  • Start of changeUpgrading IBM Storage Scale on cloudEnd of change
  • Upgrading GPUDirect Storage
  • Upgrading AFM and AFM DR
  • Upgrading object packages
  • Upgrading SMB packages
  • Upgrading NFS packages
  • Upgrading call home
  • Upgrading the performance monitoring tool
  • Upgrading signed kernel modules for UEFI secure boot
  • Manually upgrading pmswift
  • Manually upgrading the IBM Storage Scale management GUI
  • Upgrading Cloud services
  • Upgrading to IBM® Cloud Object Storage software level 3.7.2 and above
  • Upgrade paths and commands for file audit logging and clustered watch folder
  • Upgrading IBM Storage Scale components with the installation toolkit
  • Protocol authentication configuration changes during upgrade
  • Changing the IBM Storage Scale product edition
  • Completing the upgrade to a new level of IBM Storage Scale
  • Reverting to the previous level of IBM Storage Scale
  • Coexistence considerations
  • Compatibility considerations
  • Considerations for IBM Storage Protect for Space Management
  • Applying maintenance to your IBM Storage Scale system
  • Guidance for upgrading the operating system on IBM Storage Scale nodes
  • Considerations for upgrading from an operating system not supported in IBM Storage Scale 5.1.x.x
  • Servicing IBM Storage Scale protocol nodes
  • Offline upgrade with complete cluster shutdown
Administration Guide This guide provides the following information:
  • Configuring the GPFS cluster
  • Configuring GPUDirect Storage for IBM Storage Scale
  • Configuring the CES and protocol configuration
  • Configuring and tuning your system for GPFS
  • Parameters for performance tuning and optimization
  • Ensuring high availability of the GUI service
  • Configuring and tuning your system for Cloud services
  • Configuring IBM Power Systems for IBM Storage Scale
  • Configuring file audit logging
  • Configuring clustered watch folder
  • Configuring the cloudkit
  • Configuring Active File Management
  • Configuring AFM-based DR
  • Configuring AFM to cloud object storage
  • Tuning for Kernel NFS backend on AFM and AFM DR
  • Configuring call home
  • Integrating IBM Storage Scale Cinder driver with Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.1
  • Configuring Multi-Rail over TCP (MROT)
  • Dynamic pagepool configuration
Administration Guide
  • Performing GPFS administration tasks
  • Performing parallel copy with mmxcp command
  • Protecting file data: IBM Storage Scale safeguarded copy
  • Verifying network operation with the mmnetverify command
  • Managing file systems
  • File system format changes between versions of IBM Storage Scale
  • Managing disks
  • Managing protocol services
  • Managing protocol user authentication
  • Managing protocol data exports
  • Managing object storage
  • Managing GPFS quotas
  • Managing GUI users
  • Managing GPFS access control lists
  • Native NFS and GPFS
  • Accessing a remote GPFS file system
  • Information lifecycle management for IBM Storage Scale
  • Creating and maintaining snapshots of file systems
  • Creating and managing file clones
  • Scale Out Backup and Restore (SOBAR)
  • Data Mirroring and Replication
  • Implementing a clustered NFS environment on Linux
  • Implementing Cluster Export Services
  • Identity management on Windows / RFC 2307 Attributes
  • Protocols cluster disaster recovery
  • File Placement Optimizer
  • Encryption
  • Managing certificates to secure communications between GUI web server and web browsers
  • Securing protocol data
  • Managing file audit logging
  • RDMA tuning
  • Configuring Mellanox Memory Translation Table (MTT) for GPFS RDMA VERBS Operation
  • Administering cloudkit
  • Administering AFM
  • Administering AFM DR
  • Administering AFM to cloud object storage
  • Highly available write cache (HAWC)
  • Local read-only cache
  • Miscellaneous advanced administration topics
  • GUI limitations
Problem Determination Guide This guide provides the following information:
  • Monitoring system health by using IBM Storage Scale GUI
  • Monitoring system health by using the mmhealth command
  • Dynamic pagepool monitoring
  • Performance monitoring
  • Monitoring GPUDirect storage
  • Monitoring events through callbacks
  • Monitoring capacity through GUI
  • Monitoring AFM and AFM DR
  • Monitoring AFM to cloud object storage
  • GPFS SNMP support
  • Monitoring the IBM Storage Scale system by using call home
  • Monitoring remote cluster through GUI
  • Monitoring file audit logging
  • Monitoring clustered watch folder
  • Monitoring local read-only cache
  • Best practices for troubleshooting
  • Understanding the system limitations
  • Collecting details of the issues
  • Managing deadlocks
  • Installation and configuration issues
  • Upgrade issues
  • CCR issues
  • Network issues
  • File system issues
  • Disk issues
  • GPUDirect Storage troubleshooting
  • Security issues
  • Protocol issues
  • Disaster recovery issues
  • Performance issues
  • GUI and monitoring issues
  • AFM issues
  • AFM DR issues
  • AFM to cloud object storage issues
  • Transparent cloud tiering issues
  • File audit logging issues
  • Cloudkit issues
  • Troubleshooting mmwatch
  • Maintenance procedures
  • Recovery procedures
  • Support for troubleshooting
  • References
Command and Programming Reference This guide provides the following information:
Command reference
  • cloudkit command
  • gpfs.snap command
  • mmaddcallback command
  • mmadddisk command
  • mmaddnode command
  • mmadquery command
  • mmafmconfig command
  • mmafmcosaccess command
  • mmafmcosconfig command
  • mmafmcosctl command
  • mmafmcoskeys command
  • mmafmctl command
  • mmafmlocal command
  • mmapplypolicy command
  • mmaudit command
  • mmauth command
  • mmbackup command
  • mmbackupconfig command
  • mmbuildgpl command
  • mmcachectl command
  • mmcallhome command
  • mmces command
  • mmchattr command
  • mmchcluster command
  • mmchconfig command
  • mmchdisk command
  • mmcheckquota command
  • mmchfileset command
  • mmchfs command
  • mmchlicense command
  • mmchmgr command
  • mmchnode command
  • mmchnodeclass command
  • mmchnsd command
  • mmchpolicy command
  • mmchpool command
  • mmchqos command
  • mmclidecode command
  • mmclone command
  • mmcloudgateway command
  • mmcrcluster command
  • mmcrfileset command
  • mmcrfs command
  • mmcrnodeclass command
  • mmcrnsd command
  • mmcrsnapshot command
  • mmdefedquota command
  • mmdefquotaoff command
  • mmdefquotaon command
  • mmdefragfs command
  • mmdelacl command
  • mmdelcallback command
  • mmdeldisk command
  • mmdelfileset command
  • mmdelfs command
  • mmdelnode command
  • mmdelnodeclass command
  • mmdelnsd command
  • mmdelsnapshot command
  • mmdf command
  • mmdiag command
  • mmdsh command
  • mmeditacl command
  • mmedquota command
  • mmexportfs command
  • mmfsck command
  • mmfsckx command
  • mmfsctl command
  • mmgetacl command
  • mmgetstate command
  • mmhadoopctl command
  • mmhdfs command
  • mmhealth command
  • mmimgbackup command
  • mmimgrestore command
  • mmimportfs command
  • mmkeyserv command
  • mmlinkfileset command
  • mmlsattr command
  • mmlscallback command
  • mmlscluster command
  • mmlsconfig command
  • mmlsdisk command
  • mmlsfileset command
  • mmlsfs command
  • mmlslicense command
  • mmlsmgr command
  • mmlsmount command
  • mmlsnodeclass command
  • mmlsnsd command
  • mmlspolicy command
  • mmlspool command
  • mmlsqos command
  • mmlsquota command
  • mmlssnapshot command
  • mmmigratefs command
  • mmmount command
  • mmnetverify command
  • mmnfs command
  • mmnsddiscover command
  • mmobj command
  • mmperfmon command
  • mmpmon command
  • mmprotocoltrace command
  • mmpsnap command
  • mmputacl command
  • mmqos command
  • mmquotaoff command
  • mmquotaon command
  • mmreclaimspace command
  • mmremotecluster command
  • mmremotefs command
  • mmrepquota command
  • mmrestoreconfig command
  • mmrestorefs command
  • mmrestrictedctl command
  • mmrestripefile command
  • mmrestripefs command
  • mmrpldisk command
  • mmsdrrestore command
  • mmsetquota command
  • mmshutdown command
  • mmsmb command
  • mmsnapdir command
  • mmstartup command
  • mmstartpolicy command
  • mmtracectl command
  • mmumount command
  • mmunlinkfileset command
  • mmuserauth command
  • mmwatch command
  • mmwinservctl command
  • mmxcp command
  • spectrumscale command
Programming reference
  • IBM Storage Scale Data Management API for GPFS information
  • GPFS programming interfaces
  • GPFS user exits
  • IBM Storage Scale management API endpoints
  • Considerations for GPFS applications
Big Data and Analytics Guide This guide provides the following information:

Summary of changes

Big data and analytics support

Hadoop Scale Storage Architecture
  • Elastic Storage Server
  • Erasure Code Edition
  • Share Storage (SAN-based storage)
  • File Placement Optimizer (FPO)
  • Deployment model
  • Additional supported storage features
IBM Spectrum® Scale support for Hadoop
  • HDFS transparency overview
  • Supported IBM Storage Scale storage modes
  • Hadoop cluster planning
  • Non-CES HDFS
  • Security
  • Advanced features
  • Hadoop distribution support
  • Limitations and differences from native HDFS
  • Problem determination
IBM Storage Scale Hadoop performance tuning guide
  • Overview
  • Performance overview
  • Hadoop Performance Planning over IBM Storage Scale
  • Performance guide
  Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Private Cloud Base
  • Overview
  • Planning
  • Installing
  • Configuring
  • Administering
  • Monitoring
  • Upgrading
  • Limitations
  • Problem determination
Cloudera HDP 3.X
  • Planning
  • Installation
  • Upgrading and uninstallation
  • Configuration
  • Administration
  • Limitations
  • Problem determination
Open Source Apache Hadoop
  • Open Source Apache Hadoop without CES HDFS
  • Open Source Apache Hadoop with CES HDFS
IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition Guide
IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition
  • Summary of changes
  • Introduction to IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition
  • Planning for IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition
  • Installing IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition
  • Uninstalling IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition
  • Creating an IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition storage environment
  • Using IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition for data mirroring and replication
  • Deploying IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition on VMware infrastructure
  • Upgrading IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition
  • Incorporating IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition in an Elastic Storage Server (ESS) cluster
  • Incorporating IBM Elastic Storage Server (ESS) building block in an IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition cluster
  • Administering IBM Storage Scale Erasure Code Edition
  • Troubleshooting
  • IBM Storage Scale RAID Administration
IBM Storage Scale Container Native Storage Access This guide provides the following information:
  • Overview
  • Planning
  • Installation prerequisites
  • Installing the IBM Storage Scale container native operator and cluster
  • Upgrading
  • Configuring IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver
  • Using IBM Storage Scale GUI
  • Maintenance of a deployed cluster
  • Cleaning up the container native cluster
  • Monitoring
  • Troubleshooting
  • References
IBM Storage Scale Data Access Services This guide provides the following information:
  • Overview
  • Architecture
  • Security
  • Planning
  • Installing and configuring
  • Upgrading
  • Administering
  • Monitoring
  • Collecting data for support
  • Troubleshooting
  • The mmdas command
IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface Driver Guide This guide provides the following information:
  • Summary of changes
  • Introduction
  • Planning
  • Installation
  • Upgrading
  • Configurations
  • Using IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface Driver
  • Managing IBM Storage Scale when used with IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface driver
  • Cleanup
  • Limitations
  • Troubleshooting
IBM Storage Scale FAQ  
Table 2. IBM Storage Scale quick start and protocols overview guides
Guide name Description Links
Quick Start Guide This guide directs you to the instructions for installing IBM Storage Scale 5.2.0.
Quick Start Guide for cloud (cloudkit) This guide directs you to the instructions for using cloudkit.
Protocols Quick Overview This guide provides an overview of:
  • Prerequisites needed prior to starting an IBM Storage Scale installation and protocols deployment using the installation toolkit.
  • Steps for a basic IBM Storage Scale installation using the installation toolkit
  • Steps for protocol deployment (NFS, SMB, Object) using the installation toolkit
  • Basic commands needed to check cluster health, configure NFS/SMB exports, and quickly test the Object protocol