Promoting a TCT-enabled file system to an AFM to cloud object storage fileset in the manual update mode

After TCT is enabled on a file system, promote this file system to an AFM to cloud object storage fileset in the manual update (MU) mode.

  1. Identify a TCT-enabled IBM Storage Scale file system, which needs to be promoted to an AFM to cloud object storage fileset in the MU mode.
    #mmlsfileset fs1 -j root
    • Ensure that this file system is in a good state and in-sync with the cloud tiering.
    • Ensure that the file system does not have any independent or dependent fileset on it.
  2. Collect the end point URL.
    # mmcloudgateway  cloudStorageAccessPoint  list | grep url
    Ensure that the URL is the same when configuring the TCT on a file system.
    A sample output is as follows:
    url                             :
  3. Register an access key and a secret key for a bucket, which was defined as a data container when configuring the TCT tiering. Keys can be added to AFM issuing the following command:
    # mmafmcoskeys set akey skey

    Here, the key of a bucket must be the same as specified to the TCT.

  4. Stop the migration activities during the promotion.
  5. Promote the TCT-enabled file system to an AFM to cloud object storage file system in the MU mode.
    # mmafmcosconfig fs1 root  --endpoint --object-fs --bucket bkt1 --directory-object --acls  --convert --xattr --mode mu 
    Important: During the conversion of an IBM Storage Scale file system to an AFM to cloud object storage fileset in the MU mode, provide root as name of the fileset.
  6. After the TCT-enabled independent fileset is converted to an AFM to cloud object storage fileset in the MU mode, issue the following command:
    # mmafmcosctl fs1 root /gpfs/fs1/ checkTCT
    A list of generated files, which AFM needs to promote, is displayed.
    List of files tiered using the TCT for the fileset root -  /gpfs/fs1/.mcstore/.mceaEnabledFiles.list.mceaFiles.3520029.
  7. Perform a lookup on the generated tiered files by issuing the following command. The TCT style object information is replaced with the AFM style objects information in the bucket. Therefore, files are not recalled.
    # cat /gpfs/fs1/.mcstore/.mceaEnabledFiles.list.mceaFiles.3520029 |xargs ls > /dev/null
  8. After the fileset state becomes Active, ensure that the AFM attributes are enabled on both cache and cloud tier and the TCT attributes are removed from each file.
    # mmafmctl fs1 getstate -j root
    A sample output is as follows:
    Fileset Name Fileset Target  Cache State  Gateway Node    Queue Length   Queue numExec
    ------------    --------------                                -------------        ------------    ------------   -------------
    root               Active            afm-rhel91-1    0              23
  9. Validate AFM attributes of the cache fileset.
    # mmlsattr -L -d /gpfs/fs1/file1 
    A sample output is as follows:
    file name:            /gpfs/fs1/tct3/fl1.txt
  10. Verify that all TCT information from the cloud tiering is replaced by AFM attributes by querying the bucket. After the promotion, the following objects must be listed:
    [2023-10-11 12:42:40 PDT] 1.0MiB file1
    [2023-10-11 12:42:41 PDT] 1.0MiB file2
    [2023-10-11 12:42:42 PDT] 1.0MiB file3
    [2023-10-11 12:42:42 PDT] 1.0MiB file4
    [2023-10-18 22:06:15 PDT]     0B .afm/
    [2023-10-18 22:06:15 PDT]     0B dir1/
    [2023-10-18 22:06:15 PDT]     0B dir2/
    [2023-10-18 22:06:15 PDT]     0B dir3/
    [2023-10-18 22:06:15 PDT]     0B dir4/
  11. After all operations are finished, issue the following command to list remaining files, if any. For more information, see Step 6.
    # mmafmcosctl fs1 root  /gpfs/fs1/ checkTCT
    If any file is found, perform the lookup operation again. For more information, see Step 7.
    # cat /gpfs/fs1/tctfset1/.mcstore/.mceaEnabledFiles.list.mceaFiles.3290537 |xargs ls > /dev/null
  12. Verify that the state of the AFM fileset is shown as Active. If any MCEA enabled files are not on the cache side (you can again check by issuing the # mmafmcosctl fs1 tctfset1 /gpfs/fs1/tctfset1 checkTCT), move out of the .mcstore directory in the fileset path to the other backup location. This directory must not exist in the fileset before running any upload operations.
  13. The cloud bucket might still have CDIR and JDLT TCT directories residue. After the fileset state is validated, remove these TCT directories also.
  14. Remove the cloud container that is provided for this fileset when the following command was issued:
    # mmcloudgateway containerPairSet --meta-container
  15. After you corroborate the successful migration from TCT to AFM, you must disable TCT by following the procedure detailed in the Permanently uninstall Cloud services and clean up the environment section.
Perform all AFM operations such as upload or download as required.