Limitations of cloudkit

To ensure the proper functioning of cloudkit, consider the outlined in this topic when using this command line interface for IBM Storage Scale.

The limitations of cloudkit are:
  • Deleting a cluster may lead to failure if there are other resources that reference the resources created by cloudkit, or if there are additional resources sharing the network resources created by cloudkit that are not recognized by cloudkit.
  • The image created using cloudkit create image will contain root partition of 10 GB, and can be extended to size of user passed input using growpart and resizefs.
  • To ensure the secure usage of the bastion private key, cloudkit fails to accept if the permissions of bastion private key is other than 400 or 600.
  • Cloudkit stores its states, temporary files, and logs under $HOME/scale-cloudkit, it is user's responsibility to replicate and keep it secure. If this metadata is lost, it cannot be reconstructed. However, loss of this metadata does not delete the resources on the cloud.
  • One namespace (filesystem) will be configured per storage cluster or combined storage along with compute cluster creation as part of the cloudkit.
  • If any of the ebs volumes is detached and reattached after the initial cluster creation, these ebs volumes must be manually deleted after the cluster is destroyed.
  • Run grant from the same cloudkit version which is used to deploy the other resources like compute and storage cluster.
  • The cloudkit is currently limited to be executed as root user. Attempting to execute cloudkit as non root user, even with sudo privileges will result in failure.
  • While running the upgrade cluster, it asks to choose the upgrade version from the list of old and new version, expected to list only new version.
  • Ensure to have filesystem mounted after you perform edit operation. Use mmmount all -a command.
  • Edit operation is not assigning any new quorum node. You need to manually assign additional quorum node from newly added nodes.
  • NSD disks are not balanced after edit operation and if you want to re-balance the existing filesystem data across disks then run the mmrestripefs -b command.
  • If you are deploying an IBM Storage Scale cluster within an existing GCP virtual private cloud (VPC) that was configured to use cloud DNS, during the cloudkit create cluster flow, use the existing DNS domains instead of the internal DNS.
  • The cloud-vm installer node on AWS must be configured to use a different security group instead of the default security group of the VPC.
  • Cloud accounts come with a default network (VPC) that has a preconfigured subnet and security rules. Using VPC when performing an IBM Storage Scale cluster installation is not recommended. If you are using a new account, it is recommended to use the cloudkit create network command to create a network that works properly with IBM Storage Scale.