Accessing the cluster on the cloud

Accessing nodes within the cluster

To access a node through a bastion host using SSH, you can use the following command:
ssh -i <path_to_key.pem> <user>@<destination_host> -o "proxycommand ssh -W %h:%p -i <path_to_key.pem> <bastion-user>@<Bastion_host>"

Replace user with your username, bastion-user with bastion host username, bastion-host with the hostname or IP address of your bastion host, and destination-host with the hostname or IP address of the node you want to access.

This command uses the -J flag to specify the bastion host. It sets up a SSH jump connection through the bastion host to the destination host, allowing you to securely access the destination node even if it is behind a firewall or other security measures.

Accessing the IBM Storage Scale Management GUI

To access IBM Storage Scale Graphical User Interface (GUI), a user needs to follow these steps:
  1. Allow TCP package forwarding from the Bastion host.
    1. Comment out AllowTcpForwarding no in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on the Bastion host.
    2. Restart the ssh service.
  2. Identify the Security Group which owns the GUI node.
    1. Go to Services>EC2, and select the EC2 instance which has the IP address of GUI node.
    2. Select the corresponding security group.
  3. Add Rule to Security Group.
    1. Click Edit inbound rules.
    2. Add HTTPS (443) Type to allow the GUI traffic from the Bastion host to the GUI node.
  4. Run the following command from the machine where cloudkit ran:
    - eval `ssh-agent`
    - ssh-add -k
    <path_of_region_specific_key> - ssh -A -L 22443:<GUI_node_IP>:443 -N ec2-user@<bastion_host_IP>
  5. Open the browser on the machine where cloudkit ran, and run https://localhost:22443.

    For more information, see Introduction to IBM Spectrum® Scale GUI in the IBM Storage Scale Documentation.