Manually installing the IBM Storage Scale software packages on Linux nodes

Use this information to manually install the IBM Storage Scale software on Linux® nodes.

Note: You can also use the installation toolkit to install and configure packages on supported Linux distributions. For more information, see Overview of the installation toolkit.

You can install the IBM Storage Scale packages manually by using tools such as rpm or yum on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, rpm or zypper on SLES, and dpkg or apt on Ubuntu Linux.

Required packages for SLES and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
The following packages are required for IBM Storage Scale Standard Edition or IBM Storage Scale Data Access Edition on SLES and Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
  • gpfs.base*.rpm
  • gpfs.gpl*.noarch.rpm
  • gpfs.msg.en_US*.noarch.rpm
  • gpfs.gskit*.rpm
  • gpfs.license*.rpm
The gpfs.crypto*.rpm and gpfs.adv*.rpm packages are required for following editions respective to the operating system, in addition to the packages listed for IBM Storage Scale Standard Edition or IBM Storage Scale Data Access Edition:
  • IBM Storage Scale Advanced Edition and IBM Storage Scale Data Management Edition on SLES
  • IBM Storage Scale Advanced Edition, IBM Storage Scale Data Management Edition, and IBM Storage Scale Developer Edition on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Required packages for Ubuntu Linux
The following packages are required for IBM Storage Scale Standard Edition or IBM Storage Scale Data Access Edition on Ubuntu Linux:
  • gpfs.base*.deb
  • gpfs.gpl*all.deb
  • gpfs.msg.en-us*all.deb
  • gpfs.gskit*.deb
  • gpfs.license*.deb
The following packages are required for IBM Storage Scale Advanced Edition and IBM Storage Scale Data Management Edition on Ubuntu Linux, in addition to the packages listed for IBM Storage Scale Standard Edition or IBM Storage Scale Data Access Edition:
  • gpfs.crypto*.deb
  • gpfs.adv*.deb
Note: For this release, the IBM® Global Security Kit (GSKit) version for RPMs and Ubuntu Linux packages must be at least 8.0.55.x or later.
Optional packages for SLES and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • gpfs.compression*.rpm
  • gpfs.gui*.rpm
  • gpfs.librdkafka*.x86_64.rpm (Red Hat Enterprise Linux x86_64 only)
  • gpfs.afm.cos*.rpm

For more information about manually installing management GUI packages, see Manually installing IBM Storage Scale management GUI.

The following performance monitoring packages are also optional for SLES and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

  • gpfs.gss.pmcollector*.rpm
  • gpfs.gss.pmsensors*.rpm
The following protocols packages are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x:
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha*.el8.*.rpm
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-gpfs*.el8.*.rpm
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-utils*.el8.*.rpm
  • gpfs.smb*_gpfs_*.el8.*.rpm
  • spectrum-scale-object*.noarch.rpm
  • pmswift*.noarch.rpm
The following protocols packages are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x:
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha*.el7.*.rpm
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-gpfs*.el7.*.rpm
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-utils*.el7.*.rpm
  • gpfs.smb*_gpfs_*.el7.*.rpm
The following protocols packages are available for SLES 15:
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha*.sles15.x86_64.rpm
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-gpfs*.sles15.x86_64.rpm
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-utils*.sles15.x86_64.rpm
  • gpfs.smb*_gpfs_*.sles15.x86_64.rpm

For information on manually installing packages including protocols packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SLES, and Ubuntu nodes, see Manually installing IBM Storage Scale and deploying protocols on Linux nodes.

For information about manually installing performance monitoring packages, see Manually installing the performance monitoring tool.

Optional packages for Ubuntu Linux
The following packages are optional for Ubuntu Linux.
  • gpfs.librdkafka*.deb
  • gpfs.afm.cos*.deb
  • gpfs.compression*.deb

The following performance monitoring packages are optional for Ubuntu Linux (x86_64 and s390x).

  • gpfs.gss.pmcollector*20*.deb
  • gpfs.gss.pmsensors*20*.deb
The following protocols packages are available for Ubuntu 20.04:
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha*~focal_amd64.deb
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha_gpfs*~focal_amd64.deb
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-dbgsym*~focal_amd64.deb
  • gpfs.python-nfs-ganesha*~focal_all.deb
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-doc*all.~focal_deb
  • gpfs.smb*gpfs*~focal_amd64.deb
  • gpfs.smb-dbg_*gpfs*~focal_amd64.deb
The following protocols packages are available for Ubuntu 22.04:
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha*~jammy_amd64.deb
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha_gpfs*~jammy_amd64.deb
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-dbgsym*~jammy_amd64.deb
  • gpfs.python-nfs-ganesha*~jammy_all.deb
  • gpfs.nfs-ganesha-doc*all.~jammy_deb
  • gpfs.smb*gpfs*~jammy_amd64.deb
  • gpfs.smb-dbg_*gpfs*~jammy_amd64.deb
The following packages are required (and provided) only on the Elastic Storage Server (ESS):
  • gpfs.gnr.base*.ppc64.rpm
  • gpfs.gnr*.ppc64.rpm
  • gpfs.gss.firmware*.ppc64.rpm
For more information about Elastic Storage Server (ESS), see Elastic Storage Server (ESS) documentation.

Location of extracted packages

The installation images are extracted to following component-specific directories.
GPFS packages
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/gpfs_rpms
    • File audit logging and watch folder packages: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/gpfs_rpms/rhel
  • Ubuntu: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/gpfs_debs
    • File audit logging and watch folder packages: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/gpfs_debs/ubuntu
  • SLES: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/gpfs_rpms
NFS packages
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/ganesha_rpms/rhel8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/ganesha_rpms/rhel7
  • Ubuntu 20.04: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/ganesha_debs/ubuntu/ubuntu20
  • Ubuntu 22.04: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/ganesha_debs/ubuntu/ubuntu22
  • SLES 15: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/ganesha_rpms/sles15
SMB packages
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/smb_rpms/rhel8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/smb_rpms/rhel7
  • Ubuntu 20.04: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/smb_debs/ubuntu/ubuntu20
  • Ubuntu 22.04: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/smb_debs/ubuntu/ubuntu22
  • SLES 15: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/ganesha_rpms/sles15
Object packages
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/object_rpms/rhel8
Performance monitoring packages
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/zimon_rpms/rhel8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/zimon_rpms/rhel7
  • Ubuntu 20.04: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/zimon_debs/zimon/ubuntu20
  • Ubuntu 22.04: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/zimon_debs/zimon/ubuntu22
  • SLES 15: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/zimon_rpms/sles15
Note: The pm-ganesha package is extracted in the following directories:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/zimon_rpms/rhel8
    Note: The pmswift package is also extracted on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/zimon_rpms/rhel7
  • SLES: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/zimon_rpms/sles15
  • Ubuntu: /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.x.x/zimon_debs/ubuntu

Installation of packages for SLES

To install all required GPFS SLES RPMs for the IBM Storage Scale Standard Edition or IBM Storage Scale Data Access Edition, change the directory to where the installation image is extracted. For example, issue this command:
cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.9.x/gpfs_rpms
Then, issue this command for Standard Edition:
zypper install -y gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm gpfs.license.std*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm*.rpm
Or issue the following command for Data Access Edition:
zypper install -y gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm gpfs.license.da*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm*.rpm
To install all required GPFS SLES RPMs for the IBM Storage Scale Advanced Edition, IBM Storage Scale Data Management Edition, or IBM Storage Scale Developer Edition, change to the directory where the installation image is extracted. For example, enter the following command:
cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.9.x/gpfs_rpms
Then, issue the following command for Advanced Edition:
zypper install -y gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm gpfs.license.adv*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm gpfs.adv*.rpm gpfs.crypto*.rpm
Or issue the following command for Data Management Edition:
zypper install -y gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm gpfs.adv*.rpm gpfs.crypto*.rpm
Or issue the following command for Developer Edition:
zypper install -y gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm gpfs.adv*.rpm gpfs.crypto*.rpm

Installation of packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

To install all required GPFS Red Hat Enterprise Linux RPMs for the IBM Storage Scale Standard Edition or IBM Storage Scale Data Access Edition, change the directory to where the installation image is extracted. For example, issue this command:
cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.9.x/gpfs_rpms
Then, issue this command for Standard Edition:
yum -y install gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm gpfs.license.std*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm*.rpm
Or issue the following command for Data Access Edition:
yum -y install gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm gpfs.license.da*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm*.rpm
To install all required GPFS Red Hat Enterprise Linux RPMs for the IBM Storage Scale Advanced Edition, IBM Storage Scale Data Management Edition, or IBM Storage Scale Developer Edition, change to the directory where the installation image is extracted. For example, enter the following command:
cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.9.x/gpfs_rpms
Then, issue the following command for Advanced Edition:
yum -y install gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm gpfs.license.adv*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm gpfs.adv*.rpm gpfs.crypto*.rpm
Or issue the following command for Data Management Edition:
yum -y install gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm gpfs.adv*.rpm gpfs.crypto*.rpm
Or issue the following command for Developer Edition:
yum -y install gpfs.base*.rpm gpfs.gpl*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.gskit*.rpm*.rpm gpfs.msg*.rpm gpfs.adv*.rpm gpfs.crypto*.rpm
Note: IBM Storage Scale Developer Edition is available only on Red Hat Enterprise Linux on x86_64.

Installation of packages for Ubuntu Linux

To install all GPFS Ubuntu Linux packages for the IBM Storage Scale Standard edition, change the directory to where the installation image is extracted. For example, issue this command:
cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.9.x/gpfs_debs
Then, issue this command for Standard Edition:
apt install ./gpfs.base*.deb ./gpfs.gpl*.deb ./gpfs.license.std*.deb ./gpfs.gskit*.deb ./gpfs.msg*.deb ./*.deb
Or issue the following command for Data Access Edition:
apt install ./gpfs.base*.deb ./gpfs.gpl*.deb ./gpfs.license.da*.deb ./gpfs.gskit*.deb ./gpfs.msg*.deb ./*.deb
To install all GPFS Ubuntu Linux packages for IBM Storage Scale Advanced Edition and IBM Storage Scale Data Management Edition, change the directory to where the installation image is extracted. For example, issue this command:
cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.1.9.x/gpfs_debs
Then, issue this command for Advanced Edition:
apt install ./gpfs.base*.deb ./gpfs.gpl*.deb ./gpfs.license.adv*.deb ./gpfs.gskit*.deb ./gpfs.msg*.deb ./*.deb ./gpfs.adv*.deb ./gpfs.crypto*.deb
Or issue this command for Data Management Edition:
apt install ./gpfs.base*.deb ./gpfs.gpl*.deb ./*.deb ./gpfs.gskit*.deb ./gpfs.msg*.deb ./*.deb ./gpfs.adv*.deb ./gpfs.crypto*.deb