mmkeyserv command

Manages encryption key servers and clients.


mmkeyserv server {add | update}
   ServerName [--port RestPortNumber] [--user-id RestUserID]
   [--server-pwd PasswordFile] [--accept] [--kmip-cert CertFilesPrefix]
   [--backup ServerName[,ServerName...]] [--distribute | --nodistribute]
   [--timeout ConnectionTimeout] [--retry ConnectionAttempts]
   [--interval Microseconds]
mmkeyserv server delete ServerName
mmkeyserv server show [ServerName] [-Y]
mmkeyserv tenant add TenantName
    --server ServerName [--server-pwd PasswordFile]
mmkeyserv tenant delete TenantName
   --server ServerName [--server-pwd PasswordFile]
mmkeyserv tenant show [TenantName] [--server ServerName] [-Y]
mmkeyserv key create --server ServerName [--server-pwd PasswordFile]
   --tenant TenantName [--count NumberOfKeys]
mmkeyserv key delete --server ServerName [--server-pwd PasswordFile]
   {--all --tenant TenantName | --file ListOfKeysFile}
mmkeyserv key show --server ServerName [--server-pwd PasswordFile]
   --tenant TenantName
mmkeyserv client create ClientName
   --server ServerName [--server-pwd PasswordFile]
   [--cert ClientCertFile --priv ClientPrivateKeyFile
    {--ca-cert CACertFilePrefix | --ca-chain CACertChainFile} ]
   [--days DaysToExpiration][--keystore-pwd PasswordFile]
mmkeyserv client delete ClientName
mmkeyserv client register ClientName
   --rkm-id RkmID --tenant TenantName [--server-pwd PasswordFile]
mmkeyserv client deregister ClientName
   --tenant TenantName [--server-pwd PasswordFile]
mmkeyserv client show [ClientName | --server ServerName] [-Y]
mmkeyserv client update ClientName [--client NewClientName]
    [--cert ClientCertFile --priv ClientPrivateKeyFile
     {--ca-cert CACertFilePrefix | --ca-chain CACertChainFile} ]
    [--force] [--days DaysToExpiration] [--keystore-pwd PasswordFile]
    [--server-pwd PasswordFile]
mmkeyserv rkm change RkmID {[--rkm-id NewRkmID]
   [--backup ServerName[,ServerName...]] [--distribute | --nodistribute]
   [--timeout ConnectionTimeout] [--retry ConnectionAttempts]
   [--interval Microseconds]}
mmkeyserv rkm show


Available with IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition, IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition, IBM Spectrum Scale Developer Edition, or IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition.


With the mmkeyserv command, you can configure a cluster and a remote key manager (RKM) server so that nodes in the cluster can retrieve master encryption keys when they need to. You must set up an RKM server before you run this command. The RKM server software must be IBM® Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM). Nodes in the cluster must have direct network access to the RKM server.

Note: IBM Spectrum Scale supports IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager (GKLM) (IF01), 4.1.1, or later. The older versions of GKLM are referred to as IBM Security Lifecycle Manager or SKLM in the documentation. The configuration information is the same for both GKLM and SKLM.

With this command you can connect to an RKM server, create GPFS tenants, create encryption keys, and create and register key clients. The command automatically generates and exchanges certificates and sets up a local keystore. You can also use this command to securely delete key clients, encryption keys, and tenants. You can run this command from any node in the cluster. Each node has a configuration file and a copy of the local keystore. Configuration changes affect all nodes in the cluster.

Password files: Several of the command options require a password file as a parameter. A password file is a text file that contains a password at the beginning. A password must be 1 - 20 characters in length. Only the following characters are allowed in the password:

0 to 9

A to Z

a to z


Because the password file is a security-sensitive file, it must have the following characteristics:

  • It must be a regular file.
  • It must be owned by the root user.
  • Only the root user must have permission to read or write it.
The following terms are used:
client or key client
An entity in the cluster that represents the nodes that access encrypted files. The key client receives master encryption keys from the tenant of the RKM server.
IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (SKLM)
Required key management server software.
Master encryption key (MEK)
A key for encrypting file encryption keys.
Remote key management (RKM) server
A server with software that authenticates clients and provides them with master encryption keys.
RKM.conf file
A configuration file that the mmkeyserv command maintains. Each node in the cluster has a copy of this file. The full path is /var/mmfs/ssl/keyServ/RKM.conf.
RKM stanza
A block of configuration information that describes a registered key client. RKM stanzas are stored in the RKM.conf file.
An identifier for an RKM stanza.
A device group in SKLM that contains MEKs for registered key clients.


Manages a connection with an RKM server.
Adds an RKM server connection to the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. You can adjust the values of some of these options later with the mmkeyserv rkm change command.
Specifies the host name or IP address of the RKM server.
--port RestPortNumber
Specifies the port number for the Representational State Transfer (REST) interface on the SKLM server:
  • If SKLM is configured to use its default REST port for communications with its clients, you do not need to specify this parameter. IBM Spectrum Scale automatically tries to connect with SKLM through the default REST port number of each of the supported versions of SKLM serially, starting with the earliest supported version. If IBM Spectrum Scale successfully connects with SKLM through the default REST port and successfully retrieves the REST certificates, it stops searching for a port and uses the successful port number for future communications with SKLM.
    Note: The default SKLM REST port number depends on the version of SKLM that is installed on the RKM server. For more information, see Firewall recommendations for IBM SKLM.
  • If SKLM is not configured to use its default REST port number, you must specify the --port parameter with the correct port number so that IBM Spectrum Scale can connect with SKLM. If you do not specify a port number or if you specify the incorrect port number, IBM Spectrum Scale fails to connect with SKLM and displays an error message.
For more information, see Part 2 of Simplified setup: Using SKLM with a self-signed certificate.
--user-id RestUserID
Specifies the user ID for the RKM server. The default value is SKLMAdmin.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.
Configures the command to automatically accept certificates from the RKM server. The acceptance prompt is suppressed.
[--kmip-cert CertFilesPrefix]
Specifies the path and the file name prefix of non-self-signed certificate files in a certificate chain.
  • You must use this option when the specified key server is using a chain of certificates from a certificate authority (CA) or other non-self-signed certificate chain for communication on the KMIP port.
  • If you omit this option, the command assumes that the specified key server is using a self-signed certificate for communication on the KMIP port. The command retrieves the self-signed certificate from the key server automatically.
For more information about adding certificates of either kind to the configuration, see Simplified setup: Using SKLM with a self-signed certificate.
The certificate files must be formatted as PEM-encoded X.509 certificates. You must manually retrieve the certificate files from the key server. Copy the files to the node on which you are issuing the mmkeyserv command. Rename the files so that the full path and the file name of each file in the chain has the following format:
Is the full path and the file name prefix of the certificate file.
Is an integer that identifies the place of the certificate in the certificate chain:
  • 0 indicates that the file is the root CA certificate.
  • An integer in the range 1 - (n-1) indicates that the file is an intermediate CA certificate.
  • n indicates that the file is the endpoint certificate.
Note: A valid certificate chain can contain zero or more intermediate certificates.
Is the suffix of the certificate file.
For example, in the following set of certificate files, the CertFilesPrefix is /tmp/certificate/sklmChain:
  • /tmp/certificate/sklmChain.0.cert contains the root certificate.
  • /tmp/certificate/sklmChain.1.cert contains an intermediate certificate.
  • /tmp/certificate/sklmChain.2.cert contains the endpoint certificate.
--backup ServerName[,ServerName...]
Specifies a comma-separated list of server names that you want to add to the list of backup RKM servers in the RKM.conf file. If an IBM Spectrum Scale node cannot retrieve a master encryption key from its main RKM server, it tries each backup server in the list until it either retrieves a key or exhausts the list.
Note: The mmkeyserv command itself does not attempt to contact backup servers or to replicate client information across background servers. The system administrator is responsible for maintaining replication across backup servers.
--distribute | --nodistribute
Attempts to arrange the list of RKM server names (main RKM server and backup RKM servers) in the RKM.conf file in a different order on each node so that each node connects with the servers in a different order. This option provides some performance advantage in retrieving MEKs. This option is the default.
Does not attempt to arrange the list of backup RKM server names in the RKM.conf file.
--timeout ConnectionTimeout
Sets the connection timeout in seconds for retrieving an MEK from an RKM server. The valid range is 1 - 120 seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.
--retry ConnectionAttempts
Sets the number of attempts to retry a connection to an RKM server. The valid range is 1 - 10 retries. The default value is three retries.
--interval Microseconds
Specifies the number of microseconds to wait between connection retries. The valid range is 1 - 1000000000. The default value is 10000 (0.1 seconds).
Updates a connection between an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster and an RKM server.
  • The command always gets a fresh server certificate from the RKM server.
  • If you do not specify the --port option, the command first tries to connect with SKLM through the most recently used REST interface port number. If this connection fails, the command tries to connect with SKLM through the default REST interface port number of each of the supported versions of SKLM serially, starting with the earliest supported version. For more information, see the description of the --port option for the mmkeyserv server add command earlier in this topic.
Specifies the host name or IP address of the RKM server.
--port RestPortNumber
Specifies the port number for the Representational State Transfer (REST) interface.
--user-id RestUserID
Specifies the user ID for the RKM server. The default value is SKLMAdmin.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password if one is required.
Configures the command to automatically accept certificates from the RKM server. The acceptance prompt is suppressed.
[--kmip-cert CertFilesPrefix]
Specifies the path and the file name prefix of non-self-signed certificate files in a certificate chain.
  • You must use this option when the specified key server is using a chain of certificates from a certificate authority or other non-self-signed certificate chain for communication on the KMIP port.
  • If you omit this option, the command assumes that the specified key server is using a self-signed certificate for communication on the KMIP port. The command retrieves the self-signed certificate from the key server automatically.
For more information about adding certificates of either kind to the configuration, see Simplified setup: Using SKLM with a self-signed certificate.
The certificate files must be formatted as PEM-encoded X.509 certificates. You must manually retrieve the certificate files from the key server. Copy the files to the node on which you are issuing the mmkeyserv command. Rename the files so that the full path and the file name of each file in the chain has the following format:
Is the full path and the file name prefix of the certificate file.
Is an integer that identifies the place of the certificate in the certificate chain:
  • 0 indicates that the file is the root CA certificate.
  • An integer in the range 1 - (n-1) indicates that the file is an intermediate CA certificate.
  • n indicates that the file is the endpoint certificate.
Note: A valid certificate chain can contain zero or more intermediate certificates.
Is the suffix of the certificate file.
For example, in the following set of certificate files, the CertFilesPrefix is /tmp/certificate/sklmChain:
  • /tmp/certificate/sklmChain.0.cert contains the root certificate.
  • /tmp/certificate/sklmChain.1.cert contains an intermediate certificate.
  • /tmp/certificate/sklmChain.2.cert contains the endpoint certificate.
--backup ServerName[,ServerName...]
Specifies a comma-separated list of server names that you want to add to the backup RKM servers that are listed in the RKM.conf file. If an IBM Spectrum Scale node cannot retrieve a master encryption key from its main RKM server, it tries each backup server in the list until it either retrieves a key or exhausts the list.
Important: To remove a backup list, specify delete instead of a list of server names, as in the following example:
mmkeyserv server update ServerName --backup delete

The backup option does not change the RKM.conf file.

Note: The mmkeyserv command itself does not attempt to contact backup servers or to replicate client information across background servers. The system administrator is responsible for maintaining replication across backup servers.
--distribute | --nodistribute
You must specify one of these two options. There is no default value.
Attempts to arrange the RKM server names (main RKM server and backup RKM servers) that are listed in the RKM.conf file in a different order on each node so that each node connects with the servers in a different order. This option provides some performance advantage in retrieving MEKs.
Does not attempt to arrange the backup RKM server names that are listed in the RKM.conf file.

Neither option changes the RKM.conf file.

--timeout ConnectionTimeout
Sets the connection timeout in seconds for retrieving an MEK from an RKM server. The valid range is 1 - 120 seconds. To restore the system default value (60 seconds), you can specify either 60 or the keyword default as the ConnectionTimeout value.

This option does not change the RKM.conf file.

--retry ConnectionAttempts
Sets the number of attempts to retry a connection to an RKM server. The valid range is 1 - 10 retries. To restore the system default value (3 retries), you can specify either 3 or the keyword default as the ConnectionAttempts value.

This option does not change the RKM.conf file.

--interval Microseconds
Specifies the number of microseconds to wait between connection retries. The valid range is 1 - 1000000000. To restore the system default value (10000, which is 0.1 seconds), you can specify either 10000 or the keyword default as the Microseconds value.

This option does not change the RKM.conf file.

Removes a connection with an RKM server from the cluster.
Specifies the host name or IP address of the RKM server that you want to disconnect from.
Displays information about RKM servers. The following table shows the display options:
Table 1. mmkeyserv server show
Option Displays information about
show All servers
show ServerName The specified server
Specifies the host name or IP address of an RKM server.
Manages tenants on RKM servers. A tenant is an SKLM device group for holding encryption keys.
Specifies the name of a tenant to add to the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster.
  • If the tenant is already added to the cluster, the command returns with an error.
  • If the tenant exists on the RKM server but is not added to the cluster, the command adds the tenant to the cluster.
  • If the tenant does not exist on the RKM server, the command creates the tenant on the server and adds the tenant to the cluster.
Specifies the name of the tenant that you want to create.
--server ServerName
Specifies the name of the RKM server to which the tenant belongs.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.
Deletes a tenant from an RKM server.
  • If you delete a tenant that has encryption keys on the key server, the command deletes the tenant from the cluster configuration but not from the key server.
  • If you delete a tenant that has no encryption keys on the key server, the command deletes the tenant from both the cluster configuration and the key server.
Specifies the name of the tenant that you want to delete.
--server ServerName
Specifies the name of the RKM server to which the tenant belongs.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.
Displays information about tenants and RKM servers. The following table shows the results of various combinations of options:
Table 2. mmkeyserv tenant show
Option Displays information about
show All tenants from all RKM servers
show TenantName The specified tenant
show --server ServerName All tenants from the specified RKM server
show TenantName --server ServerName The specified tenant and the specified server
Specifies the name of a tenant.
--server ServerName
Specifies the name of an RKM server.
Manages encryption keys.
Creates encryption keys in a tenant and displays the key IDs on the console.
Note: Make a note of the key IDs. You must specify an encryption key ID and an RKM ID when you write an encryption policy rule.
--server ServerName
Specifies the host name or IP address of an RKM server.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.
--tenant TenantName
Specifies the name of the tenant in which you want to create the encryption keys.
--count NumberOfKeys
Specifies the number of keys to create. The default value is 1.
Deletes encryption keys from a tenant.
When you delete an encryption key, any data that was encrypted by that key becomes unrecoverable.
--server ServerName
Specifies the host name or IP address of an RKM server.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.
--all --tenant TenantName
Deletes all the encryption keys in the specified tenant.
--file ListOfKeysFile
Specifies a file that contains a list of the key IDs of encryption keys that you want to delete, one key per line.
Displays information about the encryption keys in a tenant.
--server ServerName
Specifies the host name or IP address of an RKM server.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.
--tenant TenantName
Specifies the name of the tenant that contains the keys that you want to display.
Manages key clients. The following facts are important:
  • You need only one key client per cluster per RKM server. However, you can create and use multiple key clients on the same RKM server.
  • You can register only one key client per tenant per cluster. However, you can register one key client to more than one tenant in the same RKM server.
Creates a key client to communicate with the RKM server.
Specifies the name of the key client that you want to create. A key client name must be 1 - 16 characters in length and must be unique within an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster.
--server ServerName
Specifies the name of the RKM server to which the key client belongs.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.

[--cert ClientCertFile --priv ClientPrivateKeyFile
 {--ca-cert CACertFilePrefix | --ca-chain CACertChainFile} ]
--cert ClientCertFile
Specifies a file that contains a client certificate from a CA.
--priv ClientPrivateKeyFile
Specifies a file that contains a client private key that matches the client certificate.
--ca-cert CACertFilePrefix
Specifies the path and file name prefix of the certificates that signed the client certificate.
--ca-chain CACertChainFile
Specifies a file that contains the certificates of the CA that signed the client certificate.
  • If you are providing a client certificate from a CA for communicating with the remote key server on the KMIP port, you must specify either the --ca-cert option or the --ca-chain option.
  • If you omit the --cert option, the command generates a self-signed client certificate for communicating with the remote key server on the KMIP port.
For more information, see the following topics: The following requirements must be met:
  • The contents of a private key file must be PEM-encoded and unencrypted.
  • The CA certificate chain can be specified either as a certificate chain file that contains all the CA certificates or as a set of files, one file for each CA certificate in the chain.
  • If a certificate chain file is used, the certificates in it must be in PEM-encoded x509 format and must be concatenated. The CA root certificate must be first, followed by the intermediate CA certificates in order, followed by the final CA certificate that signed the client certificate.
  • If certificate files are used, one file for each certificate, the certificates must be in PEM-encoded x509 format. Each file must be renamed in the format <CACertFilesPrefix><n>.cert, where <CACertFilesPrefix> is the full path prefix for the CA certificate files, such as /tmp/CA/certfiles, and <n> is a CA certificate index. The index is 0 for the CA root certificate and n - 1 for the last intermediate CA certificate that signed the client certificate. In the following example, the chain consists of a CA root certificate file and two intermediate CA certificate files. The full path prefix is /tmp/CA/certfiles:

--days DaysToExpiration
Specifies the number of days until the newly created client certificate expires. The valid range is 1 - 18262. The default value is 1095. This parameter is not available when you specify a CA-signed certificate chain for the client certificate. The certificates in the CA certificate chain specify their expiration dates.
--keystore-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a client keystore password. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this parameter is omitted the command prompts for a keystore password.
Deletes a key client.
Specifies the name of the key client that you want to delete.
Registers a key client to a tenant.
Specifies the name of the key client that you want to register.
--rkm-id RkmID
Specifies a new RKM ID. An RKM ID must be unique within the cluster, must be 1 - 21 characters in length, and can contain only alphanumeric characters or underscore (_). It must begin with a letter or an underscore. An RKM ID identifies an RKM stanza in the RKM.conf file. The stanza contains the information that a node needs to retrieve a master encryption key (MEK) from an RKM.
--tenant TenantName
Specifies the name of the tenant to which you want to register the client.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.
Unregisters a key client from a tenant.
Specifies the name of the key client that you want to unregister.
--tenant TenantName
Specifies the name of the tenant that you want to unregister the key client from.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.
Displays information about a key client.
Specifies the name of the client whose information you want to display.
--server ServerName
Specifies the name of the server to which the client belongs.
Replaces an expired or unexpired client certificate with a new one in the specified key client.
Specifies the name of the key client that you want to update.
--client NewClientName
Specifies a new name for client. A key client name must be 1 - 16 characters in length and must be unique within an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. If this option is omitted, the client name is not changed.

[--cert ClientCertFile --priv ClientPrivateKeyFile
 {--ca-cert CACertFilePrefix | --ca-chain CACertChainFile} ]
--cert ClientCertFile
Specifies a file that contains a client certificate from a CA.
--priv ClientPrivateKeyFile
Specifies a file that contains a client private key that matches the client certificate.
--ca-cert CACertFilePrefix
Specifies the path and file name prefix of the certificates that signed the client certificate.
--ca-chain CACertChainFile
Specifies a file that contains the certificates of the CA that signed the client certificate.
For more information, see the descriptions of these parameters in the description of the mmkeyserv client create command earlier in this topic.

Generates a self-signed client certificate for the key client. This option is required only if both the following conditions are true:
  • You want the key client to have a self-signed client certificate.
  • The key client was created with or was previously updated with a client CA-signed certificate and chain.
This option is not required in either of the following situations:
  • You want to replace a self-signed certificate with a CA-signed certificate and chain.
  • You want to replace a CA-signed certificate and chain with another CA-signed certificate and chain.
--days DaysToExpiration
Specifies the number of days until the new client certificate expires. The valid range is 1 - 18262. If this option is omitted, the new client certificate expires in 1095 days. This parameter is not available when you specify a CA-signed certificate chain for the client certificate. The certificates in the CA certificate chain specify their expiration dates.
--keystore-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a client keystore password. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the current password is not changed.
--server-pwd PasswordFile
Specifies a password file that contains a password for accessing the RKM server. See the requirements for password files in the Description section of this topic. If this option is omitted, the command prompts for a password.
Changes the properties of an RKM stanza. For more information about an RKM stanza, see the Description section of this topic.
Specifies the RKM ID of the stanza whose properties you want to change.
--rkm-id RkmID
Specifies a new RKM ID. An RKM ID must be unique within the cluster, must be 1 - 21 characters in length, and can contain only alphanumeric characters or underscore (_). It must begin with a letter or an underscore. An RKM ID identifies an RKM stanza in the RKM.conf file. The stanza contains the information that a node needs to retrieve a master encryption key (MEK) from an RKM.
--backup ServerName[,ServerName...]
Specifies a comma-separated list of server names that you want to add to the backup RKM servers that are listed in the RKM.conf file. If an IBM Spectrum Scale node cannot retrieve a master encryption key from its main RKM server, it tries each backup server in the list until it either retrieves a key or exhausts the list.
Important: To remove a backup list, specify delete instead of a list of server names, as in the following example:
mmkeyserv rkm change RkmID --backup delete

The backup option does not change the RKM.conf file.

Note: The mmkeyserv command itself does not attempt to contact backup servers or to replicate client information across background servers. The system administrator is responsible for maintaining replication across backup servers.
--distribute | --nodistribute
Attempts to arrange the list of RKM server names (main RKM server and backup RKM servers) in the RKM.conf file in a different order on each node so that each node connects with the servers in a different order. This option provides some performance advantage in retrieving MEKs.
Does not attempt to arrange the list of backup RKM server names in the RKM.conf file.
--timeout ConnectionTimeout
Sets the connection timeout in seconds for retrieving an MEK from an RKM server. The valid range is 1 - 120 seconds. To restore the system default value (60 seconds), you can specify either 60 or the keyword default as the ConnectionTimeout value.

This option does not change the RKM.conf file.

--retry ConnectionAttempts
Sets the number of attempts to retry a connection to an RKM server. The valid range is 1 - 10 retries. To restore the system default value (3 retries), you can specify either 3 or the keyword default as the ConnectionAttempts value.

This option does not change the RKM.conf file.

--interval Microseconds
Specifies the number of microseconds to wait between connection retries. The valid range is 1 - 1000000000. To restore the system default value (10000, which is 0.1 seconds), you can specify either 10000 or the keyword default as the Microseconds value.

This option does not change the RKM.conf file.

Displays information about all the RKM stanzas in the RKM.conf file of the node.
Displays the command output in a parseable format with a colon (:) as a field delimiter. Each column is described by a header.
Note: Fields that have a colon (:) are encoded to prevent confusion. For the set of characters that might be encoded, see the command documentation of mmclidecode. Use the mmclidecode command to decode the field.

Exit status

Successful completion.
A failure occurred.


You must have root authority to run the mmkeyserv command.

The node on which you enter the command must be able to execute remote shell commands on any other administration node in the cluster. It must be able to do so without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages. For more information, see Requirements for administering a GPFS file system.


Examples 1 - 5 illustrate the steps in configuring an RKM server and a key client and generating an encryption key:
  1. The following command makes an RKM server known to an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. The name keyserver01 is the host name of the SKLM server:
    # mmkeyserv server add keyserver01
    Enter password for the RKM server keyserver01:
    The security certificate(s) from must be accepted to continue.  View the 
    certificate(s) to determine whether you want to trust the certifying authority.
    Do you want to view or trust the certificate(s)? (view/yes/no) view
    Serial number:          01022a8adf20f3
    SHA-256 digest:         2ca4a48a3038f37d430162be8827d91eb584e98f5b3809047ef4a1c72e15fc4c
    Signature:              7f0312e7be18efd72c9d8f37dbb832724859ba4bb5827c230e2161473e0753b367ed49d9935
    Signature algorithm:    SHA256WithRSASignature
    Key size:               2048
    Issuer:                 C=US, O=IBM, OU=SKLMNode, SKLMCell, Root Certificate,
    Subject:                C=US, O=IBM, OU=SKLMNode, SKLMCell,
    Serial number:          01022a24475466
    SHA-256 digest:         077c3b53c5046aa893b760c11cca3a993efbc729479771e03791f9ed4f716879
    Signature:              227b5befe89f2e55ef628da6b50db1ab842095a54e1505655e3d95fee753a7f7554868aa79b
    Signature algorithm:    SHA256WithRSASignature
    Key size:               2048
    Issuer:                 C=US, O=IBM, OU=SKLMNode, SKLMCell, Root Certificate,
    Subject:                C=US, O=IBM, OU=SKLMNode, SKLMCell, Root Certificate,
    Do you trust the certificate(s) above? (yes/no) yes
    To display all RKM servers information, enter:
    c34f2n03:~ # mmkeyserv server show
            Type:                         SKLM
            User ID:                      SKLMAdmin
            REST port:                    9080
            Label:                        1_keyserver01
            NIST:                         on
            FIPS1402:                     off
            Backup Key Servers:
            Distribute:                   yes
            Retrieval Timeout:            120
            Retrieval Retry:              3
            Retrieval Interval:           10000        
            REST Certificate Expiration:  2030-12-22 21:48:53 (-0500)
            KMIP Certificate Expiration:  2021-11-02 13:03:52 (-0400)
    The following command displays information about all RKM servers that are known to the cluster. At the moment, the only one is keyserver01:
    # mmkeyserv server show
            Type:                         SKLM
            User ID:                      SKLMAdmin
            REST port:                    9080
            Label:                        1_keyserver01
            NIST:                         on
            FIPS1402:                     off
            Backup Key Servers:
            Distribute:                   yes
            Retrieval Timeout:            120
            Retrieval Retry:              3
            Retrieval Interval:           10000
            REST Certificate Expiration:  2030-12-22 21:48:53 (-0500)
            KMIP Certificate Expiration:  2021-11-02 13:03:52 (-0400)
  2. The following command creates a tenant in the server that you defined in Example 1, keyserver01. The name of the tenant is devG1:
    # mmkeyserv tenant add devG1 --server keyserver01
    Enter password for the RKM server keyserver01:
    The following command displays all the current tenants of keyserver01:
    # mmkeyserv tenant show
            Key Server:
            Registered Client:   (none)
  3. The following command adds a key client to the tenant that you created in Example 2. The command does not specify password files for the server and the new keystore, so the command prompts for the passwords. The name of the key client is c34f2n03Client1:
    # mmkeyserv client create c34f2n03Client1 --server keyserver01
    Enter password for the RKM server keyserver01:
    Create a pass phrase for keystore:
    Confirm your pass phrase:
    The following command displays information about all the key clients on the RKM server:
    # mmkeyserv client show
            Label:                   c34f2n03Client1
            Key Server:    
            Tenants:                 (none)
            Certificate Expiration:  2021-08-20 14:20:46 (-0400)
  4. The following command registers the key client from Example 3 to the tenant from Example 2. To ensure uniqueness in RKM IDs, it is a good practice to create the RKM ID name by combining the names of the RKM server and the tenant. However, the RKM ID cannot be longer than 21 characters. In this example the RKM ID is keyserver01_devG1:
    # mmkeyserv client register c34f2n03Client1 --tenant devG1 --rkm-id keyserver01_devG1
    Enter password for the RKM server :
    mmkeyserv: [I] Client currently does not have access to the key.  Continue the registration process ...
    mmkeyserv: Successfully accepted client certificate
    The following two commands now show that key client c34f2n03Client1 is registered to tenant devG1:
    # mmkeyserv tenant show
            Key Server:
            Registered Client:   c34f2n03Client1
            RKM ID:              keyserver01_devG1
    # mmkeyserv client show
            Label:                   c34f2n03Client1
            Key Server:    
            Tenants:                 devG1
            Certificate Expiration:  2021-08-20 14:20:46 (-0400)
    The following command shows the contents of the new RKM stanza that was added to the RKM.conf file:
    # mmkeyserv rkm show
    keyserver01_devG1 {
      type = SKLM
      kmipServerUri = tls://
      keyStore = /var/mmfs/ssl/keyServ/serverKmip.1_keyserver01.c34f2n03Client1.1.p12
      passphrase = pw4c34f2n03Client1
      clientCertLabel = c34f2n03Client1
      tenantName = devG1
    You can also show the contents of the RKM.conf file by routing the contents of the file to the console:
    # cat /var/mmfs/ssl/keyServ/RKM.conf
    keyserver01_devG1 {
      type = SKLM
      kmipServerUri = tls://
      keyStore = /var/mmfs/ssl/keyServ/serverKmip.1_keyserver01.c34f2n03Client1.1.p12
      passphrase = pw4c34f2n03Client1
      clientCertLabel = c34f2n03Client1
      tenantName = devG1
  5. The following example creates an encryption key in the tenant from Example 4. In the third line, the command displays the new encryption key (KEY-d4e83148-e827-4f54-8e5b-5e1b5cc66de1):
    # mmkeyserv key create --server --tenant devG1
    Enter password for the RKM server
  6. In the following example, assume that client certificate c6f2bc3n9client expires in a few days. The system administrator issues the mmkeyserv client update command to replace the old certificate with a new one that expires in 90 days.
    Note: Notice that this command also updates the keystore password. If the --keystore-pwd parameter is omitted, the keystore password remains the same.
    # mmkeyserv client update c6f2bc3n9client --server-pwd /u/admin/README/sklm/
        --days 90 --keystore-pwd /u/admin/README/sklm/
    mmkeyserv: [I] Client currently does not have access to the key. Continue the registration
        process ...
    mmkeyserv: Successfully accepted client certificate
    mmkeyserv: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an
        asynchronous process.
    mmkeyserv: Deleting the following KMIP certificate with label:
    Mon Jan 6 12:06:33 EST 2020: mmcommon pushSdr_async: mmsdrfs propagation started
    (12:06:35) c9f1u19p1:~ # Mon Jan 6 12:06:36 EST 2020: mmcommon pushSdr_async:
        mmsdrfs propagation completed; mmdsh rc=0

