mmbackup command

Performs a backup of a GPFS file system or independent fileset to an IBM Spectrum Protect server.


mmbackup {Device | Directory} [-t {full | incremental}]
         [-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}]
         [-g GlobalWorkDirectory] [-s LocalWorkDirectory]
         [-S SnapshotName] [-f] [-q] [-v] [-d]
         [-a IscanThreads] [-n DirThreadLevel]
         [-m ExecThreads | [[--expire-threads ExpireThreads] [--backup-threads BackupThreads |
         [[--selective-backup-threads selBackupThreads]
         [--incremental-backup-threads incBackupThreads]]]]]
         [-B MaxFiles | [[--max-backup-count MaxBackupCount |
         [[--max-incremental-backup-count MaxIncBackupCount]
         [--max-selective-backup-count MaxSelBackupCount]]]
         [--max-expire-count MaxExpireCount]]]
         [--max-backup-size MaxBackupSize] [--qos QosClass] [--quote | --noquote]
         [--rebuild] [--scope {filesystem | inodespace}]
         [--backup-migrated | --skip-migrated] [--tsm-servers TSMServer[,TSMServer...]]
         [--tsm-errorlog TSMErrorLogFile] [-L n] [-P PolicyFile | --where-clause Filename]


Available on all IBM Spectrum Scale editions. Available on AIX® and Linux®.


Use the mmbackup command to back up the user data from a GPFS file system or independent fileset to an IBM Spectrum Protect server or servers. The mmbackup command can be used only to back up file systems that are owned by the local cluster.

The IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive client must be installed and at the same version on all the nodes that are executing the mmbackup command or are named in a node specification with -N. For more information about IBM Spectrum Protect requirements for the mmbackup command, see Firewall recommendations for using IBM Spectrum Protect with IBM Spectrum Scale.

You can run multiple simultaneous instances of mmbackup if they are on different file systems or filesets.

See the topic Backup considerations for using IBM Spectrum Protect in the IBM Spectrum Scale: Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide and the topic Configuration reference for using IBM Spectrum Protect with IBM Spectrum Scale in the IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration Guide.


The device name for the file system to be backed up. File system names do not need to be fully qualified. fs0 is as acceptable as /dev/fs0.
Specifies either the mount point of a GPFS file system or the path to an independent fileset root to back up. The path /gpfs/fs0 can be used to specify the GPFS file system called fs0.
  • Do not specify a subdirectory path. Doing so can result in inconsistent backups.
  • Do not specify a snapshot directory path. To back up a snapshot, use -S SnapshotName.
  • If you specify the path of an independent fileset root, you must also specify --scope inodespace.
-t {full | incremental}
Specifies whether to perform a full backup of all of the files in the file system, or an incremental backup of only those files that changed since the last backup was performed. The default is an incremental backup.
Note: Do not use -t full with an unlinked fileset. Use an EXCLUDE statement to exclude directories or files from the backup operation.
-N {Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specifies a list of nodes to run parallel instances of the backup process for better performance. The IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive client must be installed on each node in the list. All the nodes must be in the same cluster as the node from which the mmbackup command is issued. All node classes are supported. For more information about these options, see Specifying nodes as input to GPFS commands.

If the -N option is not specified, then the command runs parallel instances of the backup process on the nodes that are specified by the defaultHelperNodes attribute of the mmchconfig command. If the defaultHelperNodes attribute is not set, then the command runs only on the node where the mmbackup command is issued. For more information about the defaultHelperNodes attribute, see the topic mmchconfig command.

-g GlobalWorkDirectory
Specifies a global work directory in which one or more nodes can store temporary files during mmbackup command processing. For more information about specifying more than one node to process the command, see the description of the -N option.

The global directory must be in a shared file system, and the file system must be mounted and available for reading and writing by every node that will participate in the mmbackup command processing.

If the -g option is not specified, then the global work directory is the directory that is specified by the sharedTmpDir attribute of the mmchconfig command. For more information, see mmchconfig command. If the sharedTmpDir attribute is not set to a value, then the global work directory depends on the file system format version of the target file system:
  • If the target file system is at file system format version 5.0.1 or later (file system format number 19.01 or later), then the global work directory is the directory .mmSharedTmpDir at the root level of the target file system.
  • If the target file system is at a file system format version that is earlier than 5.0.1, then the command does not use a global work directory.

If the global work directory that is specified by -g option or by the sharedTmpDir attribute begins with a forward slash (/) then it is treated as an absolute path. Otherwise it is treated as a path that is relative to the mount point of the file system.

If both the -g option and the -s option are specified, then temporary files can be stored in both the specified directories. In general, the local work directory contains temporary files that are written and read by a single node. The global work directory contains temporary files that are written and read by more than one node.

Note: The specified global work directory and its contents are excluded from the file system or fileset backup. If the directory is located in the file system that is being backed up, make sure that you use a directory that is dedicated to the working files. For example, if you specify the root directory of the file system, the entire contents of the file system are excluded.
-s LocalWorkDirectory
Specifies the local directory to be used for temporary storage during mmbackup command processing. The default directory is /tmp. A LocalWorkDirectory must exist on each node that is used to run the mmbackup command or specified in a node specification with -N.
-S SnapshotName
Specifies the name of a global snapshot for any backup operations or a fileset-level snapshot if --scope inodespace is also specified for a fileset backup. The snapshot must be created before the mmbackup command is used. Snapshot names can be found with the mmlssnapshot command. If a fileset is not present in the named snapshot and fileset-level backup is invoked with --scope inodespace, an error is returned. If a fileset-level snapshot name is used with a file system backup, an error is returned.

The use of -S SnapshotName is recommended because it provides mmbackup and IBM Spectrum Protect a consistent view of GPFS from which to perform backup. Deletion of the snapshot that is used for backup can be performed with the mmdelsnapshot command after mmbackup completes.

Note: The SnapshotName that is specified must be unique to the file system.
Specifies that processing continues when unlinked filesets are detected. All files that belong to unlinked filesets are ignored.
Note: Because -f has a large impact on performance, avoid using it unless it is necessary to perform a backup operation with unlinked filesets.
Performs a query operation before issuing mmbackup. The IBM Spectrum Protect server might have data stored already that is not recognized as having been backed up by mmbackup and its own shadow database. To properly compute the set of files that currently need to be backed up, mmbackup can perform an IBM Spectrum Protect query and process the results to update its shadow database. Use the -q switch to perform this query and then immediately commence the requested backup operation.
Note: Do not use -q with the --rebuild parameter.
Specifies verbose message output. Use this flag to cause mmbackup to issue more verbose messages about its processing. See also Environment.
Gathers debugging information that is useful to the IBM® Support Center for diagnosing problems.
-a IscanThreads
Specifies the number of threads and sort pipelines each node runs during parallel inode scan and policy evaluation. The default value is 2.
-n DirThreadLevel
Specifies the number of threads that are created and dispatched within each mmapplypolicy process during the directory scan phase. The default value is 24.
-m ExecThreads
Specifies the number of threads that are created and dispatched within each mmapplypolicy process during the policy execution phase. The default value for mmapplypolicy is 24; however, the default value for mmbackup is 1. This option cannot be used with the --expire-threads, --backup-threads, --selective-backup-threads, or --incremental-backup-threads options.
--expire-threads ExpireThreads
Specifies the number of worker threads permitted on each node to perform dsmc expire tasks in parallel. This option cannot be used with the -m option. Valid values are 1 - 32. The default value is 4.
--backup-threads BackupThreads
Specifies the number of worker threads that are permitted on each node to perform dsmc selective or dsmc incremental tasks in parallel. This option cannot be used with the -m, --incremental-backup-threads, or --selective-backup-threads options. Valid values are 1 - 32. The default value is 1.
--selective-backup-threads selBackupThreads
Specifies the number of worker threads that are permitted on each node to perform dsmc selective tasks in parallel. This option cannot be used with the -m or --backup-threads options. Valid values are 1 - 32. The default value is 1.
--incremental-backup-threads incBackupThreads
Specifies the number of worker threads that are permitted on each node to perform dsmc incremental tasks in parallel. This option cannot be used with the -m, --backup-threads, or -t full options. Valid values are 1 - 32. The default value is 1.
-B MaxFiles
Specifies the maximum number of objects in a bunch for each invocation of the mmapplypolicy EXEC script. If this option is not specified, the ideal bunch count is automatically computed. This option cannot be used with the --max-backup-count, --max-expire-count, --max-selective-backup-count, or --max-incremental-backup-count options. Valid values are 100 - 2147483647.
--max-backup-count MaxBackupCount
Specifies the maximum number of objects in a bunch for each dsmc selective or dsmc incremental command. This option cannot be used with the -B, --max-incremental-backup-count, or --max-selective-backup-count options. Valid values are 100 - 2147483647.
--max-incremental-backup-count MaxIncBackupCount
Specifies a limit on the maximum number of objects in any single dsmc incremental backup command to be n objects in a bunch. This option cannot be used with the -B, --max-backup-count, or -t full options.
--max-selective-backup-count MaxSelBackupCount
Specifies a limit on the maximum number of objects in any single dsmc selective backup command to be n objects in a bunch. This option cannot be used with the -B or --max-backup-count options.
--max-expire-count MaxExpireCount
Specifies the maximum number of objects in a bunch for each dsmc expire command. This option cannot be used with the -B option. Valid values are 100 - 2147483647.
--max-backup-size MaxBackupSize
Specifies a policy limit on the content size in KB for each dsmc selective or dsmc incremental command.
--qos QosClass
Specifies the Quality of Service for I/O operations (QoS) class to which the instance of the command is assigned. If you do not specify this parameter, the instance of the command is assigned by default to the maintenance QoS class. This parameter has no effect unless the QoS service is enabled. For more information, see the topic mmchqos command. Specify one of the following QoS classes:
This QoS class is typically configured to have a smaller share of file system IOPS. Use this class for I/O-intensive, potentially long-running GPFS commands, so that they contribute less to reducing overall file system performance.
This QoS class is typically configured to have a larger share of file system IOPS. Use this class for administration commands that are not I/O-intensive.
For more information, see Setting the Quality of Service for I/O operations.
--quote | --noquote
Specifies whether to decorate (or not to decorate) file-list entries with quotation marks. The mmbackup command uses file lists to convey the lists of files to the IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive client program. Depending on IBM Spectrum Protect client configuration options, the file lists might not require each file name to be surrounded by quotation marks. If certain IBM Spectrum Protect client configuration options are in use, do not add quotation marks to file-list entries. Use the --noquote option in these instances.
Specifies whether to rebuild the mmbackup shadow database from the inventory of the IBM Spectrum Protect server. This option is similar to the -q option; however, no backup operation proceeds after the shadow database is rebuilt. Use this option if the shadow database of mmbackup is known to be out of date, but the rebuilding operation must be done at a time when the IBM Spectrum Protect server is less loaded than during the normal time mmbackup is run.

If backup files with the old snapshot name /Device/.snapshots/.mmbuSnapshot exist in the inventory of the IBM Spectrum Protect server, those files will be expired from the IBM Spectrum Protect server after the shadow database is rebuilt and any successful incremental or full backup completes.

Note: Do not use --rebuild with the -q parameter.
--scope {filesystem | inodespace}
Specifies that one of the following traversal scopes be applied to the policy scan and backup candidate selection:
Scans all the objects in the file system that are specified by Device or that are mounted at the Directory specified. This is the default behavior.
Specifies that the scan is limited in scope to objects in the same single inode space from which the Directory is allocated. The scan might span more than one fileset if those filesets share inode space; for example, dependent filesets.
--backup-migrated | --skip-migrated
HSM migrated objects are normally skipped even if they need to be backed up.


When specified, HSM migrated objects that need to be backed up are sent for backup. This can cause an HSM recall and other associated costs. When the same IBM Spectrum Protect server instance is used for HSM and backup, this option protects migrated, changed objects more efficiently. These objects are copied internally on the IBM Spectrum Protect server from the HSM storage pool directly to the BACKUP storage pool without incurring object recalls and their local storage costs. After backup, these objects will remain migrated. This occurs only if the object has no ACL or XAttrs attached.


When specified, HSM migrated objects that need to be backed up are not sent for backup. The path names of these objects are listed in a file, mmbackup.hsmMigFiles.TSMServer, that is located in the Directory or on the Device that is being backed up. The path names that are listed can then be recalled by the administrator in a staged manner. This is the default action that is taken for HSM migrated objects.

--tsm-servers TSMServer[,TSMServer...]
Specifies the name of the IBM Spectrum Protect server or servers that are to be used for this backup. Each of the servers is used for the specified backup task.

If this option is not specified and MMBACKUP_SERVER_FROM_OPT is set, the mmbackup command will use the server defined by dsmc q opt SERVERNAME or will backup to the servers that are specified in the dsm.sys file.

--tsm-errorlog TSMErrorLogFile
Specifies the path name of the log file to pass to IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive client commands.
-L n
Controls the level of information that is displayed by the mmapplypolicy command that is invoked by using the mmbackup command. This option and its value are passed directly to the mmapplypolicy command (the use of this option is generally for debugging purposes). Refer to the mmapplypolicy command for an explanation of supported values.
-P PolicyFile
Specifies a customized policy rules file for the backup. Start of changeThis option cannot be used with --where-clause option.End of change Contact IBM Support for details about how to customize the policy rules file.
Start of change--where-clause FilenameEnd of change
Start of change

This option allows the user to specify predicates for the WHERE clause generated by mmbackup and included with the policy rules used to select files to be backed up. This provides the user the means to tune the predicates used to select files to be backed up.


This WHERE clause is applied after any EXCLUDE rules generated from EXCLUDE statements found in the Spectrum Protect dsm.sys file.

The text provided in Filename should only include valid WHERE clause predicates as defined by the Spectrum Scale policy engine. This text is not validated by the mmbackup command so any valid policy engine statements could be included but they will not be processed.

This option cannot be used with the -P option.

End of change


The behavior of mmbackup can be influenced by several environment variables when set.

Variables that apply to IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive client program dsmc
The value of this variable is passed as arguments to dsmc restore and dsmc query {backup,inclexcl,session} commands.
The value of this variable is passed as arguments to dsmc, dsmc selective, and dsmc incremental commands.
The value of this variable is passed as arguments to dsmc expire commands.
Variables that change mmbackup output progress reporting
Controls what progress information is displayed to the user as mmbackup runs. It is a bit field with the following bit meanings:
Specifies that basic text progress for each server is to be displayed.
Specifies that additional text progress for phases within each server is to be displayed.
Specifies that numerical information about files being considered is to be displayed.
Controls how frequently status callouts are made. The value is the minimum number of seconds between calls to the MMBACKUP_PROGRESS_CALLOUT script or program. It does not affect how frequently messages are displayed, except for the messages of MMBACKUP_PROGRESS_CONTENT category 0x04.
Specifies the path to a program or script to be called with a formatted argument, as described in MMBACKUP_PROGRESS_CALLOUT environment variable.
Variables that change mmbackup debugging facilities
In case of a failure, certain debugging and data collection can be enabled by setting the specified environment variable value.
This variable controls what debugging features are enabled. It is interpreted as a bit mask with the following bit meanings:
Specifies that basic debug messages are printed to STDOUT. Because mmbackup comprises multiple components, the debug message prefixes can vary. Some examples include:
Specifies that temporary files are to be preserved for later analysis.
Specifies that all dsmc command output is to be mirrored to STDOUT.
This variable controls debugging facilities in the mmbackup helper program mmcmi, which is used when the cluster minReleaseLevel is less than
This variable controls debugging facilities in the mmbackup helper program tsbuhelper, which is used when the cluster minReleaseLevel is greater than or equal to
Variables that change mmbackup record locations
Specifies an alternative directory name for storing all temporary and permanent records for the backup. The directory name that is specified must be an existing directory and it cannot contain special characters (for example, a colon, semicolon, blank, tab, or comma).

The directory that is specified for MMBACKUP_RECORD_ROOT must be accessible from each node that is specified with the -N option.

Variable that defines the IBM Spectrum Protect server to be used for the backup process
Specifies where to get the IBM Spectrum Protect server to be used when running the mmbackup command without the --tsm-servers option. Possible values are 0 and 1. Default value is 0.

If the value set for the MMBACKUP_SERVER_FROM_OPT variable is 1, the mmbackup command uses the dsmc q opt SERVERNAME command to get the IBM Spectrum Protect server that needs to be used, unless --tsm-servers option is specified. If mmbackup --tsm-servers option is specified, the --tsm-servers value will be used for backup, even if the value of the MMBACKUP_SERVER_FROM_OPT variable is set to 1.

If neither MMBACKUP_SERVER_FROM_OPT nor --tsm-servers is specified, the values defined in the dsm.sys file are used to determine the IBM Spectrum Protect server to be used for backup.

Exit status

Successful completion. All of the eligible files were backed up.
Partially successful completion. Some files, but not all eligible files, were backed up. The shadow database or databases reflect the correct inventory of the IBM Spectrum Protect server. Invoke mmbackup again to complete the backup of eligible files.
A failure occurred that prevented backing up some or all files or recording any progress in the shadow database or databases. Correct any known problems and invoke mmbackup again to complete the backup of eligible files. If some files were backed up, using the -q or --rebuild option can help avoid backing up some files additional times.


You must have root authority to run the mmbackup command.

The node on which the command is issued, and all other IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive client nodes, must be able to execute remote shell commands on any other node in the cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages. For more information, see Requirements for administering a GPFS file system.


  1. To perform an incremental backup of the file system gpfs0, issue the following command:
    # mmbackup gpfs0
    A sample output is as follows:
    mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs/gpfs0 begins at Mon Apr 7 15:37:50 EDT 2014.
    Mon Apr  7 15:38:04 2014 mmbackup:Scanning file system gpfs0
    Mon Apr  7 15:38:14 2014 mmbackup:Determining file system changes for gpfs0 [balok1].
    Mon Apr  7 15:38:14 2014 mmbackup:changed=364, expired=0, unsupported=0 for server [balok1]
    Mon Apr  7 15:38:14 2014 mmbackup:Sending files to the TSM server [364 changed, 0 expired].
    mmbackup: TSM Summary Information:
            Total number of objects inspected:      364
            Total number of objects backed up:      364
            Total number of objects updated:        0
            Total number of objects rebound:        0
            Total number of objects deleted:        0
            Total number of objects expired:        0
            Total number of objects failed:         0
            Total number of bytes transferred:      2179695902
    mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs/gpfs0 completed successfully at Mon Apr 7 15:41:09 EDT 2014.
  2. To re-create a shadow database for gpfs0, issue the following command:
    # mmbackup gpfs0 --rebuild
    A sample output is as follows:
    mmbackup: Shadow database rebuild of /gpfs/gpfs0 begins at Tue Apr 8 09:44:59 EDT 2014.
    Tue Apr  8 09:45:11 2014 mmbackup:Querying files currently backed up in TSM server:balok1.
    Tue Apr  8 09:45:14 2014 mmbackup:Built query data file from TSM server: balok1 rc = 0
    Tue Apr  8 09:45:17 2014 mmbackup:Scanning file system gpfs0
    Tue Apr  8 09:45:26 2014 mmbackup:Reconstructing previous shadow file /gpfs/gpfs0/.mmbackupShadow.1.balok1 from
     query data for balok1
    Tue Apr  8 09:45:26 2014 mmbackup:Done with shadow file database rebuilds
    mmbackup: Shadow database rebuild of /gpfs/gpfs0 completed successfully at Tue Apr 8 09:45:26 EDT 2014.
  3. To perform an incremental backup of the file system gpfs0 with more progress information displayed, first issue the following command:
    Next, issue the mmbackup command:
    # mmbackup gpfs0 --incremental-backup-threads 2 --selective-backup-threads 10
    A sample output is as follows:
    mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs/gpfs0 begins at Fri Oct 26 13:12:18 EDT 2018.
    Fri Oct 26 13:12:21 2018 mmbackup:Begin checking server and shadow file for SERVER1
    Fri Oct 26 13:12:52 2018 mmbackup:Querying TSM server SERVER1 for options
    Fri Oct 26 13:12:53 2018 mmbackup:Found old shadow DB for SERVER1 present in /gpfs/gpfs0/.mmbackupShadow.1.SERVER1.filesys
    Fri Oct 26 13:12:53 2018 mmbackup:Checking format version of old shadow DB
    Fri Oct 26 13:12:53 2018 mmbackup:Found old shadow DB version: 1400
    Fri Oct 26 13:12:53 2018 mmbackup:Previous shadow /gpfs/gpfs0/.mmbackupShadow.1.SERVER1.filesys state: present
    Fri Oct 26 13:12:53 2018 mmbackup:Generating policy rules file:/var/mmfs/mmbackup/.mmbackupRules.gpfs0 to use /gpfs/gpfs0/.mmbackupCfg/BAexecScript.gpfs0
    Fri Oct 26 13:12:54 2018 mmbackup:Completed policy rule generation.  1 Exclude Dir directives, 0 Exclude File directives, 0 Include directives, 0 Warnings.
    Fri Oct 26 13:12:54 2018 mmbackup:Scanning file system gpfs0
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:04 2018 mmbackup:File system scan of gpfs0 is complete.
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:04 2018 mmbackup:Calculating backup and expire lists for server SERVER1
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:04 2018 mmbackup:Determining file system changes for gpfs0 [SERVER1].
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:04 2018 mmbackup:changed=11, expired=10, unsupported=0, statechanged=20 for server [SERVER1] 
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:04 2018 mmbackup:Finished calculating lists [11 changed, 10 expired, 20 updated] for server SERVER1. 
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:04 2018 mmbackup:Sending files to the TSM server [11 changed, 10 expired, 20 updated]. 
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:04 2018 mmbackup:Performing expire operations
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:09 2018 mmbackup:Expiration job finished: processed:10 failed:0 rc:0
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:09 2018 mmbackup:Completed policy expiry run with 0 policy errors, 0 files failed, 0 severe errors, returning rc=0.
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:09 2018 mmbackup:Policy for expiry returned 0 Highest TSM error 0
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:09 2018 mmbackup:Performing backup operations
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:15 2018 mmbackup:Backup job finished: processed:11 failed:0 rc:0
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:15 2018 mmbackup:Completed policy backup run with 0 policy errors, 0 files failed, 0 severe errors, returning rc=0.
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:15 2018 mmbackup:Policy for backup returned 0 Highest TSM error 0
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:15 2018 mmbackup:Performing backup operations
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:21 2018 mmbackup:Backup job finished: processed:10 failed:0 rc:0
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:21 2018 mmbackup:Backup job finished: processed:10 failed:0 rc:0
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:21 2018 mmbackup:Completed policy backup run with 0 policy errors, 0 files failed, 0 severe errors, returning rc=0.
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:21 2018 mmbackup:Policy for backup returned 0 Highest TSM error 0
    mmbackup: TSM Summary Information:
            Total number of objects inspected:      41
            Total number of objects backed up:      31
            Total number of objects updated:        0
            Total number of objects rebound:        0
            Total number of objects deleted:        0
            Total number of objects expired:        10
            Total number of objects failed:         0
            Total number of objects encrypted:      0
            Total number of bytes inspected:        731973
            Total number of bytes transferred:      739603
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:21 2018 mmbackup:analyzing: results from SERVER1.
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:21 2018 mmbackup:Copying updated shadow file to the TSM server
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:23 2018 mmbackup:Done working with files for TSM Server: SERVER1.
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:23 2018 mmbackup:Completed backup and expire jobs.
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:23 2018 mmbackup:TSM server SERVER1
            had 0 failures or excluded paths and returned 0.
            Its shadow database has been updated. Shadow DB state:updated
    Fri Oct 26 13:13:23 2018 mmbackup:Completed successfully. TSM exit status:  exit 0
    mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs/gpfs0 completed successfully at Fri Oct 26 13:13:23 EDT 2018.
  4. To perform an incremental backup of the objects in the inode space of the /gpfs/testfs/infs2 directory to the balok1 server, issue the following command:
    # mmbackup /gpfs/testfs/infs2  -t incremental --scope inodespace  --tsm-servers balok1
    A sample output is as follows:
    mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs/testfs/infs2 begins at Wed May 27 12:58:39 EDT 2015.
    Wed May 27 12:58:48 2015 mmbackup:Scanning fileset testfs.indfs2
    Wed May 27 12:58:53 2015 mmbackup:Determining fileset changes for testfs.indfs2 [balok1].
    Wed May 27 12:58:53 2015 mmbackup:changed=2, expired=2, unsupported=0 for server [balok1]
    Wed May 27 12:58:53 2015 mmbackup:Sending files to the TSM server [2 changed, 2 expired].
    mmbackup: TSM Summary Information:
            Total number of objects inspected:      4
            Total number of objects backed up:      2
            Total number of objects updated:        0
            Total number of objects rebound:        0
            Total number of objects deleted:        0
            Total number of objects expired:        2
            Total number of objects failed:         0
            Total number of objects encrypted:      0
            Total number of bytes inspected:        53934
            Total number of bytes transferred:      53995
    mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs/testfs/infs2 completed successfully at Wed May 27 12:59:31 EDT 2015.
  5. To perform an incremental backup of a global snapshot that is called backupsnap6 to the balok1 server, issue the following command:
    # mmbackup testfs -t incremental -S backupsnap6 --scope filesystem  --tsm-servers balok1
    A sample output is as follows:
    mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs/testfs begins at Wed May 27 13:08:45 EDT 2015.
    Wed May 27 13:08:50 2015 mmbackup:Scanning file system testfs
    Wed May 27 13:08:53 2015 mmbackup:Determining file system changes for testfs [balok1].
    Wed May 27 13:08:53 2015 mmbackup:changed=130, expired=100, unsupported=0 for server [balok1]
    Wed May 27 13:08:53 2015 mmbackup:Sending files to the TSM server [130 changed, 100 expired].
    Wed May 27 13:08:59 2015 mmbackup:Policy for expiry returned 9 Highest TSM error 0
    mmbackup: TSM Summary Information:
            Total number of objects inspected:      230
            Total number of objects backed up:      130
            Total number of objects updated:        0
            Total number of objects rebound:        0
            Total number of objects deleted:        0
            Total number of objects expired:        100
            Total number of objects failed:         0
            Total number of objects encrypted:      0
            Total number of bytes inspected:        151552
            Total number of bytes transferred:      135290
    mmbackup: Backup of /gpfs/testfs completed successfully at Wed May 27 13:09:05 EDT 2015.

See also

