Automating the distribution of IBM Storage Protect server certificate to clients

Self-signed SSL/TLS certificate that is generated by the IBM® Storage Protect server expires after 10 years. You can renew the certificate when it is expired or before it expires. Here an utility is provided, which helps automate the distribution of new certificate generated on IBM® Storage Protect Server to various IBM Storage Protect Clients (including BA Client, HSM, VE, various types of TDP clients etc.) This automation utility is available in the form of a script that runs on the administrative client. Several schedules, with action=command are defined in this process of distribution and associated with nodes (clients) registered on the IBM Storage Protect server. These schedules are responsible for sending the certificate to the client, when the client scheduler runs those. The new certificate is then added into the client certificate database. Enabling the clients to trust the new certificate from IBM Storage Protect, for further communications, after the IBM Storage Protect switches over to the new certificate.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
  • The administrative client (dsmadmc) must be configured to connect with the IBM Storage Protect server.
  • The client scheduler must be configured for the clients. For the details on client scheduler, refer to IBM Storage Protect scheduler overview.
  • You must load and configure the utilities before the execution.
    Loading Utility
    The process of automation to distribute certificate to clients initiates from the administrative client (dsmadmc), which can be on the same machine where server is installed or on a separate machine.

    To download the tar package, click here. You must extract the package on the administrative client machine.

    After the extraction, you must change the directory to cert_distribute.
    • After changing the directory, you must set directory to windows or linux-aix based on the platform of the admin client machine.
    • You must use the BASH script on Linux®, AIX® or other UNIX kernel based admin clients.
      Remember: You must ensure that the BASH shell is installed on AIX-based admin clients before distributing the certificate by using script.
    • You must use the cert_distribute.ps1 Microsoft Windows powershell script on Microsoft Windows based admin client.
    Configuring Utility
    You must place the configurations file cert_distribute.ini in the same directory where the script is present. The configuration file contains parameters needed by utility to execute. You must also set appropriate values to these parameters in the configuration file.
    Note: The IBM Storage Protect clients registered with type = OBJECTCLIENT or NAS are not covered with this utility
Table 1. System Requirements
IBM Storage Protect Components Minimum Version
IBM Storage Protect Server 8.1.19
IBM Storage Protect Client 8.1.2

About this task

The following types of certificates are distributed by using this utility :
  • IBM Storage Protect server generated self signed certificate.
  • Certificate Authority (CA) provided root and intermediate certificates. The root certificate must be distributed followed by intermediate certificate when you use the CA signed certificate for communications with IBM Storage Protect server. For more details, refer Configuring the server to accept SSL connections
Note: This process only distributes the certificate to clients and does not set the distributed certificate to default for server and client communication.
Restriction: In the following cases, clients are not covered by this utility:
  • IBM GSkit (gsk8capicmd_64) is not installed or located in the default location.

    You must refer to the following default location for GSkit binary on different platforms:

    Platform Default Installation Directory
    AIX /usr/opt/ibm/gsk8_64/bin/gsk8capicmd_64
    Linux /usr/local/ibm/gsk8_64/bin/gsk8capicmd_64
    MAC /Library/ibm/gsk8/bin/gsk8capicmd
    Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\gsk8\bin\gsk8capicmd_64
  • Client certificate keystore file dsmcert.kdb path is not found in default set of locations, including client installation path.

    You must refer to the following default paths for BA client installation or binaries is:

    Platform Default BA Client Installation Directory
    AIX /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
    Linux /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
    MAC /Library/Application\ Support/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
    Windows C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient

    If the client is not installed in above default paths, then the script looks for the client's certificate key store file under the path defined with environment variable DSM_DIR.

    Other than above mentioned paths, you can also find the client's certificate key store file in the path mentioned by environment variables such as PASSWORDDIR, or in ~/IBM/StorageProtect/certs on Unix based systems and C:\Users\user\IBM\StorageProtect\certs on Windows system.

In addition to the above cases, the automated certificate renewal utility does not provide the new certificate to other IBM Storage Protect servers that communicate with the server being updated, or the administrative clients configured to connect with the server being updated, or to the Operations Center. In such cases, you must refer to the manual procedure documented under Renewing an SSL certificate of the IBM Storage Protect server.


To automate the distribution of the IBM Storage Protect server certificate to clients, complete the following steps:

  1. You must generate a new certificate on the IBM Storage Protect server for distributing certificate to all clients by using CREATE CERTIFICATE command.
    Log in to server administrative client (DSMADMC), and create the certificate by using the following command:
    CREate CERTificate "certificate_label"

    To know more details about CREATE CERTIFICATE command, refer to CREATE CERTIFICATE (Create a new TLS certificate).

    Important: Certificate file certificate_label.arm is created in the server's instance directory, where certificate_label is the label used while generating the certificate.
  2. Copy the generated certificate file from server's instance directory to the admin client. For example, copy certificate_label.arm from server's instance directory to the admin client.
    Important: If server and admin client are on the same machine, you must provide the full path of the certificate file in the configuration file instead of copying the file path.
  3. Place the script and configuration file in the same directory on the admin client machine.
  4. Set appropriate values for different parameters in configuration file.
  5. Ensure that the script has the execute permissions to the logged in user. You can also give permissions to the script for execution.
    For example, use the following command on Linux admin client :
    chmod +x
  6. Execute this script with dsmadmc user_id and password, along with the action argument as shown in the following examples:

    For Windows admin client :

    powershell .\cert_distribute.ps1 -id <dsmadmc-user-id>
                                     -pass <dsmadmc-user-password>
                                     -action <action-to-perform>

    For Linux /UNIX /Aix admin client:

    ./ -id <dsmadmc-user-id>
                         -pass <dsmadmc-user-password>
                         -action <action-to-perform>
    Note: Please provide dsmadmc user ID and password with single quotes in case they contain special characters.

    For example:

    ./ -id 'test&44admin'
                         -pass 'Colt!44lifelate'
                         -action <action-to-perform>
  7. To start a certificate distribution job, run the script with action distribute. Set of client schedules will be defined on server to distribute certificate to all clients.

    Example of executing the utility with distribute action on Linux admin client:

    # ./ -id admin -password passw0rd -action distribute
    ANS8002I Highest return code was 0.
    >> Schedules are defined to distribute the certificate to clients.
    >> A return code other than 0 indicates an error. For more information, take a look at the log file.
    >>The log file is located at /home/cert_distribute/cert_distribute.log
    >> Client nodes will begin receiving a new certificate after 5 hours from the start time of the scheduler window.
    >> To monitor the progress of certificate distribution, it is recommended to run this script in Report mode regularly for a couple of days.

    If an error occurs during the certificate distribution to client nodes, you must execute the cleanup script action to clear previous schedules before attempting the distribution again.

  8. To monitor the progress of the certificate distribution job, run the script with action report. The distribute schedules will be run on a daily basis. You must leave the schedules to run for certain days if some clients are not reported as Completed.

    Example of executing the utility with report action on Linux Admin Client:

    # ./ -id admin -password passw0rd -action report
    The detailed status report is : /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/
    >> Any status other than 'Completed' indicates a failure.
    >> Client nodes with status ‘Missed’ specifies that the scheduled startup window is already passed.
    >> Client nodes with status ‘Future’ specifies that the beginning of the startup window is in the future.
    >> For ‘Missed’ and ‘Future’ status there is a chance that they will catch up as these schedules will be re-run on a daily basis.
    >> Please regularly monitor the progress of certificate distribution status, by executing this script in Report mode for a couple of days.
    >> Client nodes that are still in failed state, it is recommended to follow the manual steps for adding the certificate.
    >> 1. Copy the new certificate file over to the client box.
    >> 2. Execute below command to add the certificate.
    >> gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -label "<<New Certificate Label>>" -file "<<New Certificate File Path>>" -db dsmcert.kdb -stashed
    >> Tip: The dsmcert.kdb file is located in client installation directory. On Unix, Linux and Mac systems, if client sessions were ever started from a non-root user, copies of the certificate can be located in $HOME/IBM/StorageProtect/certs/ or in the directory determined by the PASSWORDDIR client option.
  9. After completing the certificate distribute job, run the script with action cleanup to remove the defined schedules from the IBM Storage Protect server.
    Note: You may not see some clients with Completed status after the retries as client scheduler might not run or there are some other issues. Such clients are considered failed. To distribute certification for the failed clients, refer to Renewing an SSL certificate of the IBM Storage Protect server .

    Example of executing the utility with cleanup action on Linux admin client:

    # ./ -id admin -password passw0rd -action cleanup
    ANS8002I Highest return code was 0.
    >> Cleanup Completed.
    >> A return code other than 0 indicates an error. For more information, take a look at the log file.
    >> The log file is located at /cert_distribute/cert_distribute.log
  10. You must confirm the distribution of certificate to all clients by executing script in report action.
    Note: The new and detailed status report is generated regularly. This report file contains the status of the schedule responsible for adding the certificate in client certificate keystore. For details, check possible values for status information at QUERY EVENT (Display client schedules)
  11. Set the distributed certificate to default value after the report file shows the completed status for all clients.

    To get the new certificate in effect, the admin must execute the following command from the admin client:

    SET DEFAULTTLSCert <certificate_label>

    Where, certificate_label is the label mentioned in configurations file while executing the script. For details on SET DEFAULTTLSCert command, refer to SET DEFAULTTLSCERT (Mark a TLS certificate as the default)

  12. Restart the server to get the new certificate in effect for further communication with all BA and TDP clients.
    Note: This results in aborting all the ongoing sessions (like backup or restore or replication) currently running on the server.