QUERY NODE (Query nodes)

Use this command to view information about one or more registered nodes.

Privilege class

Any administrator can issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram Query Node *node_nameDOmain=,domain_nameFormat=StandardFormat=StandardDetailedAUTHentication=LOcalLDapType=ClientType=ClientAnyNASServerOBJECTClientOSSMClient


Specifies the name of the client node to be queried. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. All matching client nodes are queried. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all client nodes are queried. The parameter is optional.
Specifies a list of policy domains that limit the client node query. Only nodes that are assigned to one of the specified policy domains are displayed. This parameter is optional. Separate the items in the list with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify a domain. All clients that are assigned to a matching domain are displayed. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all policy domains are included in the query.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The default value is STANDARD. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the specified client nodes.
Specifies that complete information is displayed for the specified client nodes.
Specifies the password authentication method for the node.
Display the nodes that authenticate to the IBM® Storage Protect server.
Display the nodes that authenticate to an LDAP directory server. The node password is case-sensitive.
Specifies the type of node to include in the query results. The parameter is optional. The default value is CLIENT. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies client nodes that are backup-archive clients, IBM Storage Protect for Space Management clients, or application clients.
Specifies any type of node.
Specifies network-attached storage (NAS) nodes.
Specifies client nodes that are other IBM Storage Protect servers.
Specifies that the client node is an object client. An object client must connect to the server through an object agent. An object agent must be configured and running to back up data from an object client. To configure an IBM Storage Protect object agent, see the DEFINE SERVER command.
Specifies that the client node is an Open Snap Store Manager (OSSM) node. OSSM client nodes are intended to support the integration of the IBM Storage Protect server with clients by using the OSSM interface.
Restriction: In IBM Storage Protect 8.1.13, OSSM client nodes can be used only in the context of the OSSM technology preview. For more information about the technology preview, see technote 6475581.

Example: Display information about registered client nodes

Display information about all registered client nodes.
query node
Node Name   Platform  Policy Domain  Days Since  Days Since  Locked?
                      Name                 Last    Password 
                                         Access         Set         
---------   --------  --------        ---------   ---------- -------
CLIENT1     AIX       STANDARD               6            6    No
GEORGE      AIX       STANDARD               1            1    No
JANET       AIX       STANDARD               1            1    No
JARED       Linux86   STANDARD               1            1    No
JOE2        Mac       STANDARD              <1           <1    No
TOMC        WinNT     STANDARD               1            1    No

Example: Display detailed information about a client node

Display complete information about the client node named JOE.
query node joe format=detailed
                             Node Name: JOE
                              Platform: WinNT
                       Client OS Level: 4.00
                        Client Version: Version 7, Release 8,
                                        Level 0.0
                   Application Version: Version 8, Release 1,
                                        Level 0.9
                    Policy Domain Name: STANDARD
                 Last Access Date/Time: 06/14/2020 16:28:44
                Days Since Last Access: 6
                Password Set Date/Time: 06/14/2020 16:28:43
               Days Since Password Set: 6
                 Invalid Sign-on Count: 0
                               Locked?: No
                           Compression: Client
               Archive Delete Allowed?: Yes
                Backup Delete Allowed?: No
                Registration Date/Time: 06/14/2020 15:28:42
             Registering Administrator: SERVER_CONSOLE
        Last Communication Method Used: Tcp/Ip
           Bytes Received Last Session: 108,731
               Bytes Sent Last Session: 698
              Duration of Last Session: 0.00
           Pct. Idle Wait Last Session: 0.00
          Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session: 0.00
          Pct. Media Wait Last Session: 0.00
                                   URL: http://joe.host.name:1581
                             Node Type: Client
            Password Expiration Period: 60
                     Keep Mount Point?: No
          Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 2
                 Auto Filespace Rename: No
                     Validate Protocol: No
                           TCP/IP Name:  
                        TCP/IP Address:
                    Globally Unique ID: 11.9c.54.e0.8a.b5.11.d6.b3.
                 Transaction Group Max: 0
                       Data Write Path: ANY
                        Data Read Path: ANY 
                    Session Initiation: ClientOrServer
                    High-level Address: 
                     Low-level Address: 1501
                Collocation Group Name:
                      Proxynode Target:
                       Proxynode Agent:
                           Node Groups:
                         Email Address:
                         Deduplication: ServerOnly
       Object Client Access Identifier: BTAON9JVL6BXJSUT8NXJ
   Object Client Credentials Generated: 06/14/2020 16:28:44
                    Object Client Type: Other

Linux operating systemsAIX operating systems
              Users allowed to back up: ALL
                     Replication State: Enabled
                      Replication Mode: Send
               Backup Replication Rule: DEFAULT
              Archive Replication Rule: ALL_DATA
     Space Management Replication Rule: None
            Replication Primary Server: PRODSERVER1
             Last Replicated to Server: DRSERVER1
            Last Replicated to Server2: DRSERVER2
                   Client OS Name: WIN: Windows XP
         Client Processor Architecture: x86
             Client Products Installed: WIN, FCM, VE
                 Client Target Version: Version 7, Release 2,
                                        Level 0.0
                        Authentication: Local
                          SSL Required: No
                      Session Security: Strict
                      Transport Method: TLS 1.2
                   Split Large Objects: Yes
                          At-risk type: Default interval
                      At-risk interval:
                           Utility URL:
 Replication Recovery of Damaged Files: Yes
                   Decommissioned Date: 

Field descriptions

Node Name
The name of the client node.
The operating system of the client node, as of the last time that the client node contacted the server. A question mark (?) is displayed until the client node first accesses the server and reports its operating system type.
Client OS Level
The level of the operating system for the client as of the last time that the client node contacted the server.
Client Version
The version of the client that is installed on the client node.
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS or SERVER.
Application Version
The version of the Data Protection for VMware client.
Policy Domain Name
The assigned policy domain of the client node.
Last Access Date/Time
The last date and time that the client node accessed the server.
Days Since Last Access
The number of days that elapsed since the last time that the client node accessed the server.
Password Set Date/Time
The date and time that the password was set for the client node.
Days Since Password Set
The number of days that elapsed since the password was set for the client node.
Invalid Sign-on Count
The number of invalid sign-on attempts that were made since the last successful sign-on. This count can be nonzero only when the invalid password limit (SET INVALIDPWLIMIT) is greater than zero. When the number of invalid attempts equals the limit that is set by the SET INVALIDPWLIMIT command, the node is locked out of the system.
Whether the client node is locked out of IBM Storage Protect.
Any contact information for the client node.
Whether compression is enabled on the client node.
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS.
Archive Delete Allowed?
Whether the client node can delete its own archive files.
Backup Delete Allowed?
Whether the client node can delete its own backup files.
Registration Date/Time
The date and time that the client node was registered.
Registering Administrator
The name of the administrator that registered the client node.
Last Communication Method Used
The communication method that was last used by the client node to contact the server.
Bytes Received Last Session
The number of bytes received by the server during the last client node session.

This field does not apply to NAS nodes.

Bytes Sent Last Session
The number of bytes sent to the client node.

This field does not apply to NAS nodes.

Duration of Last Session
How long the most recent client node session lasted, in seconds.

This field does not apply to NAS nodes.

Pct. Idle Wait Last Session
The percentage of the total session time that the client was not running any functions.

This field does not apply to NAS nodes.

Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session
The percentage of the total session time that the client waited for a communication response from the server.

This field does not apply to NAS nodes.

Pct. Media Wait Last Session
The percentage of the total session time that the client waited for a removable volume to be mounted.

This field does not apply to NAS nodes.

The name of the client option set.
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of OBJECTCLIENT.
The URL of the IBM Storage Protect web client that is configured on the client system. You can use the URL in a web browser and in the Operations Center to remotely manage the client node.
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of OBJECTCLIENT.
Node Type
The type of client node. One of the following values is possible:
  • Client: a backup-archive client, an IBM Storage Protect for Space Management client, or an application client
  • Server: an IBM Storage Protect server
  • NAS: a NAS file server
  • Object client: a node that is an object client
  • OSSM client: a node that is an OSSM client
    Restriction: In IBM Storage Protect 8.1.13, OSSM client nodes can be used only in the context of the OSSM technology preview. For more information about the technology preview, see technote 6475581.
Password Expiration Period
The password expiration period of the client node.
Keep Mount Point?
Whether the client node retains a mount point during a session.
Maximum Mount Points Allowed
The number of mount points that a client node can use on the server for IBM Storage Protect for Space Management migration and for backup and archive operations. If a client node was registered to a server at version 3.7 or later, the value is 0-999, depending on the value that is set with the MAXNUMMP parameter of the REGISTER NODE command. If the client node was registered under previous versions of the server and the MAXNUMMP parameter was not explicitly set by using the UPDATE NODE command, the value is set to NOLIMIT. The MAXNUMMP value is not evaluated or enforced during client data read operations such as restore, retrieve, and IBM Storage Protect for Space Management recall. However, mount points in use for data read operations are evaluated against attempted concurrent data store operations for the same client node. This evaluation might prevent the data store operations from acquiring mount points.
Restriction: This parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS or SERVER.
Auto Filespace Rename
Whether IBM Storage Protect prompts the client to rename file spaces when the client system upgrades to a client that supports Unicode. This field is valid only for client systems that use Windows, Macintosh OS X, or NetWare operating systems.
Validate Protocol (deprecated)

Whether the client has data validation enabled. If the client has data validation enabled, this field specifies whether IBM Storage Protect validates only the file data or all data, which includes file metadata. You can enable data validation by using the REGISTER NODE or UPDATE NODE command. This field is deprecated.

The host name of the client node as of the last time that the client node contacted the server. The field is blank if the client software does not support reporting this information to the server.
TCP/IP Address
The TCP/IP address of the client node as of the last time that the client node contacted the server. The field is blank if the client software does not support reporting this information to the server.
Globally Unique ID
The globally unique identifier (GUID) as of the last time that the client node contacted the server. This GUID identifies the host computer on which the node is located.
Transaction Group Max
Specifies the number of files per transaction committed that are transferred between a client and a server. Client performance might be improved by using a larger value for this option.
Data Write Path
Specifies the transfer path that is used when the client sends data to the server, storage agent, or both, during storage operations. If a path is unavailable, the node cannot send any data.

Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsData transfer path options are ANY, LAN, or LAN-free.

Data Read Path
Specifies the transfer path that is used when the server, storage agent, or both, read data for a client, during operations such as restore or retrieve. If a path is unavailable, data cannot be read.

Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsData transfer path options are ANY, LAN, or LAN-free.

Session Initiation
Controls whether the server or client initiates sessions. The following two options are available:
  • ClientOrServer
  • Serveronly
High-level Address
Specifies the client IP address that the server contacts to initiate scheduled events when SESSIONINITIATION is set to SERVERONLY.
Low-level Address
Specifies the client port number on which the client listens for sessions from the server when SESSIONINITIATION is set to SERVERONLY.
Collocation Group Name
Specifies the name of the collocation group to which a node belongs. If a node does not belong to a collocation group, this field is blank.
Tip: If the node contains file spaces that are members of a file space collocation group, this field is left blank. You can find file space names by issuing the QUERY FILESPACE command.
Proxynode Target
Specifies which nodes are proxy nodes (agents) for other nodes, in a space-separated list. If there are no nodes in that type of association, this field is blank.
Proxynode Agent
Specifies the originating (target) node name for a proxy node session, in a space separated list. If there are no nodes in that type of association, this field is blank.
Node Groups
Specifies the name of the node group to which a node belongs. If a node does not belong to a node group, this field is blank.
Email Address
Specifies the email address of the client node.
Specifies the location where data is deduplicated. The value ServerOnly specifies that data that is stored by this node can be deduplicated on the server only. The Clientorserver value specifies that data that is stored by this node can be deduplicated on either the client or the server.
Object Client Access Identifier
Specifies the user ID that is used to connect to the object agent.
Object Client Credentials Generated
Specifies the time and date when the credentials were generated for the object client.
Object Client Type
Specifies the type of object client. If this field is blank, one of the following conditions is true:
  • The client type is not an object client.
  • The client type is an object client that has never connected to the server.
The following values are possible:
  • Other
  • IBM Storage Protect Plus
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsUsers allowed to back up
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsSpecifies whether a non-root user ID or only a root user ID can back up files to the server. ALL indicates all users, while ROOT indicates that just the root user ID can back up files to the server. This output is not available if the client node operating system is considered a single-user operating system.
Replication State
Indicates whether the node is enabled for replication. The following values are possible:
The node is configured for replication and ready to replicate.
The node is configured for replication but is not ready to replicate.
The node is not configured for replication.
Replication Mode
Indicates whether the node is configured as the source of or target for replicated data. If this field is blank, the node is not configured for replication. The following values are possible:
The node is configured as the source of data for replication.
The node is configured as the target of data for replication.
The data that belongs to the node is to be synchronized with the node data that is on the target replication server. Synchronization applies only to nodes whose data was imported from a source replication server and imported to the target replication server. Synchronization occurs during replication.
The data that belongs to the node is to be synchronized with the node data that is on the source replication server. Synchronization applies only to nodes whose data was imported from a source replication server and imported to the target replication server. Synchronization occurs during replication.
The node is not configured for replication.
Backup Replication Rule
Archive Replication Rule
Space Management Replication Rule
Tip: This field output applies to traditional replication rules. Do not confuse replication rules with replication storage rules. Replication rules are associated with the traditional method of node replication. You define a replication rule on the command line by using the REPLICATE NODE command. Replication storage rules are associated with a newer replication method that is more flexible and granular. You define replication storage rules by using the DEFINE STGRULE command.
The replication rule that applies to back up, archive, and space-managed data that belongs to the node. The following values are possible:
Replicates backup, archive, or space-managed data. The data is replicated with normal priority.
Replicates active backup data. The data is replicated with normal priority.
Attention: If you specify ACTIVE_DATA and one or more of the following conditions are true, inactive backup data on the target replication server is deleted, and inactive backup data on the source replication server is not replicated.
  • When a server version earlier than version 7.1.1 is installed on either the source or target replication servers.
  • When you are using the REPLICATE NODE command with the FORCERECONCILE=YES parameter.
  • When you are running the initial replication of a file space after you configure replication, restore the database, or upgrade both the source and target replication servers from a server version earlier than 7.1.1.
If the previous conditions are not true, all new and changed files since the last replication are replicated, including inactive files, and files are deleted when they expire.
Replicates backup, archive, or space-managed data. The data is replicated with high priority.

This rule is the same as the ACTIVE_DATA replication rule except data is replicated with a high priority.

Replicates backup, archive, or space-managed data according to the domain rule for the data type.
No data is replicated. For example, if the replication rule for archive data is NONE, archive data that belongs to the node is not replicated.
Replication Primary Server
Specifies the source replication server for the client node.
Last Replicated to Server
Specifies the name of the server that the node was last replicated to. This is also the name of the failover server that the client is directed for restore operations.
Last Replicated to Server2
Specifies the name of the second-to-last server that the node was replicated to. This is also the name of the additional failover server to which the client can be redirected during restore operations. The field is blank if no information is available about the server.
Client OS Name
The operating system of the client. The client deployment wizard uses this information to deploy a package to the client. This field is reported only for IBM Storage Protect clients at version and later.
Client Processor Architecture
The client architecture. The client deployment wizard uses this value to determine which package to deploy when the client is being updated. This field is reported only for IBM Storage Protect clients at version and later.
Client Products Installed
The products that are on the node. The following products might be listed:
  • BA (Backup-Archive Client)
  • VE (Virtual Environments)
  • FCM (FlashCopy® Manager)
Client Target Version
The version of the client that is installed at a time that is scheduled through the DEFINE SCHEDULE or UPDATE SCHEDULE command. This field is reported only for IBM Storage Protect clients at version and later.
Specifies the password authentication method: LOCAL, LDAP, or LDAP (pending).
Authentication Target Authentication Method
IBM Storage Protect server LOCAL
LDAP directory server LDAP
This node is configured to authenticate with an LDAP directory server, but the node did not yet authenticate. LDAP (pending)
SSL Required (deprecated)

Specifies whether the security setting for the node requires the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. Values can be YES, NO, or Default. You must have system level authority to update the node SSLREQUIRED setting. This field is deprecated.

Session Security
Specifies the level of session security that is enforced for the node. Values can be STRICT or TRANSITIONAL.
Transport Method
Specifies the transport method that was last used for the specified node. Values can be TLS 1.3, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.1, or NONE. A question mark (?) is displayed until a successful authentication is completed.
Split Large Objects
Specifies whether large objects that are stored by this node are automatically split into smaller pieces, by the server, to optimize server processing. Yes indicates that the server splits large objects (over 10 GB) into smaller pieces when stored by a client node. No indicates that this process is bypassed. The default value is Yes.
At-risk type
Specifies the at-risk evaluation type. Values can be Default, Bypassed, or Custom. Default indicates that the node is evaluated with the same interval that was specified for the nodes classification by the SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL command. Bypassed indicates that the node is not evaluated for at-risk status by the status monitor. Custom indicates that the node is evaluated with the interval that was specified by the SET NODEATRISKINTERVAL command, rather than the interval that was specified by the SET STATUSATRISKINTERVAL command.
At-risk interval
Specifies the number of hours between two client backup activities, or two replication activities, after which the status monitor indicates that the activity is at risk. This field contains a value only when the At-risk type field contains the value of Custom.
Utility URL
Specifies the address of the IBM Storage Protect client management services that are configured on the client system. This URL is used by the Operations Center to access client log files so that you can remotely diagnose client issues from the Operations Center.
Replication Recovery of Damaged Files
Specifies whether damaged files can be recovered for this node from a target replication server.
Specifies whether the client node is decommissioned. The following values are possible:
Specifies that the node is decommissioned.
Null value
Specifies that the node is not decommissioned.
Specifies that the node is being decommissioned, or the decommission process failed.
Tip: If you want to determine the status of a pending decommission process, follow the instructions in Decommissioning a client node.
Decommissioned Date
Specifies the date that the client node was decommissioned.

Example: Display information about node roles

The example output is only a portion of the full display.
query node alvin f=d
                  Proxynode Agent:
                      Node Groups:
                    Email Address:
                    Deduplication: ServerOnly
         Users allowed to back up: All
                             Role: Server
                    Role Override: UseReported
                 Processor Vendor: ORACLE
                  Processor Brand: UltraSPARC-T2
                   Processor Type: 4
                  Processor Model:
                  Processor Count: 1
                  API Application: NO
                       Scan Error: NO
                      MAC Address:

Field descriptions for processors

The processor role as reported by the client.
Role Override
The override value for role, which is specified with the UPDATE NODE command.
Processor Vendor
The processor vendor as reported by the client.
Processor Brand
The processor brand as reported by the client.
Processor Type
The processor type as reported by the client. This value specifies the number of processor cores that are used for PVU calculation.
Processor Model
The processor model as reported by the client.
Processor Count
The processor count as reported by the client.
The hypervisor as reported by the client.
API Application
The client indicator that the client is an API application.
Scan Error
The indicator of whether the latest scan for processor information might be failing and needs investigation.
MAC Address
MAC Address as reported by the client.

Example: View all nodes that authenticate to the IBM Storage Protect server

If you want to view all nodes that authenticate locally, specify the following command:
query node * authentication=local

Node   Platform  Policy       Days Since   Days Since   Locked?
Name             Domain Name  Last Access  Password Set
NODE1  WinNT     STANDARD         3           3          No
LOCAL  (?)       STANDARD         7           7          No

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to QUERY NODE
Command Description
DEFINE SERVER Defines a server for server-to-server communications.
LOCK NODE Prevents a client from accessing the server.
QUERY ADMIN Displays information about one or more IBM Storage Protect administrators.
QUERY REPLNODE Displays information about the replication status of a client node.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters, such as those selected by the SET commands.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets options for that user.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered nodes for a specific policy domain.
REMOVE REPLNODE Removes a node from replication.
RENAME NODE Changes the name for a client node.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a client node.
RESET PASSEXP Resets the password expiration for nodes or administrators.
SET INVALIDPWLIMIT Sets the number of invalid logon attempts before a node is locked.
SET MINPWLENGTH Sets the minimum length for client passwords.
SET PASSEXP Specifies the number of days after which a password is expired and must be changed.
UNLOCK NODE Enables a locked user in a specific policy domain to access the server.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated with a client node.