Creating a webhook for ServiceNow

About this task

A webhook facilitates the integration of IBM Storage Insights with ServiceNow. With this integration, incidents are automatically created in ServiceNow when a ransomware threat alert is triggered in IBM Storage Insights.


To create a webhook for ServiceNow in IBM® Storage Insights, complete the following steps:

  1. From IBM Storage Insights, go to Configurations > Integrations. If you are in the new Carbon UI of IBM Storage Insights, then go to Settings.
  2. Click Add Integration.
    The following screen capture shows an example webhook that is configured for ServiceNow.
  3. Enter appropriate information for each field, including the webhook URL, HTTP headers, and authentication type.
    1. In the URL field, enter your ServiceNow instance URL along with the Resource Path noted when creating the REST API endpoint. To identify the resource path, see step 6.e in Creating REST API endpoint in ServiceNow.
    2. You can choose the authentication types from the Type drop-down. API key, Basic Auth, and OAuth 2.0 are the supported authentication types.
    3. You can test a webhook connection to ServiceNow by clicking Test Webhook.
  4. Click Add.


The webhook for ServiceNow is created successfully. When you click Test Webhook or encounter an actual ransomware alert trigger, an incident is automatically created in ServiceNow.