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Adding IBM Storage Ceph systems

Before you begin

Before adding the IBM® Storage Ceph® systems for monitoring, you must consider the following prerequisites:

About this task

Configure Call Home with cloud services for the IBM Storage Ceph system. For more information, see Enabling Call Home with cloud services. If you configured Call Home with cloud services, you can add IBM Storage Ceph system for monitoring through IBM Storage Insights GUI.

Note: IBM Storage Insights supports the monitoring of IBM Storage Ceph systems of version 7 or later.


To add IBM Storage Ceph systems to IBM Storage Insights, complete the following steps:

  1. Login to IBM Storage Insights GUI and click More details in the notification titled Add Call Home with cloud services device. Alternatively, you can go to Configuration > Call Home Storage Systems page.
  2. Select the device that you want to add for monitoring and click Approve. The device is added to IBM Storage Insights for monitoring.


The device gets added to IBM Storage Insights. To view information about a monitored IBM Storage Ceph system, go to Resources > Unified Storage Systems.
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