Enabling IBM Storage Insights support

Enable IBM Storage Insights support for an overview of all the deployed Ceph clusters and their statuses to make data-driven decisions based on actual usage of the Ceph product.

Before you begin

  • A running IBM Storage Ceph cluster with an active MGR.

About this task

IBM Storage Ceph clients are entitled to use IBM Storage Insights Pro with the IBM Storage Ceph software. See IBM Storage Insights for IBM Spectrum Control to register for IBM Storage Insights and upgrade to the Pro version. See Adding IBM Storage Ceph systems to add your Ceph system to your IBM Storage Insights Pro dashboard.


  1. Log into the cephadm shell.
    For example,
    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell
  2. Get the IBM information associated with IBM Call Home. This is used to give IBM Storage Insights access to process cluster information in step 3.
    ceph callhome list-tenants owner_ibm_id owner_company_name owner_first_name owner_last_name owner_email
    The output shows the tenant ID within the external URL information.
    The following is an example where the tenant ID for customer "Test company" is 01ed5c3b-830f-1578-9729-d2cfeda265c4.
    [ceph: root@host01 /] #  ceph callhome list-tenants testuser@ibm.com abc Test User testuser@ibm.com
    {"response-status": 2, "response-message": "Multiple SI instances exist for supplied IBM ID",  
        "si-instances": [ 
          {"external_url": "https://stag.insights.ibm.com/gui/01ed5c3b-830f-1578-9729-d2cfeda265c4", "company-name": "Test company", "instance-type": "spectrum_control", "user-role": "ADMIN"},  
          {"external_url": "https://stag.insights.ibm.com/gui/01ec3c4b-a049-1c88-afdc-d2cfe1d3c651", "company-name": "Other company", "instance-type": "purchased", "user-role": "ADMIN"},  
          {"external_url": "https://stag.insights.ibm.com/gui/01cdd9e5-bd98-1cf8-b208-8c6e23baa049", "company-name": "Another company", "instance-type": "purchased", "user-role": "ADMIN"},  
  3. Allow IBM Storage Insights to process the user cluster information by adding the IBM tenant ID.
    Important: Provide the correct IBM_TENANT_ID. IBM Storage Insights cannot identify the cluster if errors in the parameter are given. Technical support for the cluster cannot be provided when this occurs.
    ceph callhome set tenant IBM_TENANT_ID owner_tenant_name owner_ibm_id owner_company_name owner_first_name owner_last_name owner_email
    For example,
    [ceph: root@host01 /] # ceph callhome set tenant 01ec3c4b-a049-1c88-afdc-d2cfe1d3c651 testuser@ibm.com IBM test user testuser@ibm.com