Configuring the host definer

Some of the parameters within the HostDefiner custom resource are configurable. Use this information to help decide whether the parameters for your storage system need to be updated.

For more information about using the host definer, see Using dynamic host definition.

Field Description
prefix Adds a prefix to the hosts defined by the host definer.
Note: The prefix length is bound by the limitation of the storage system. When defined, the length is a combination of both the prefix and node (server) hostname.
connectivityType Selects the connectivity type for the host ports.
Possible input values are:
- nvmeofc for use with NVMe over Fibre Channel connectivity
- fc for use with Fibre Channel over SCSI connectivity
- iscsi for use with iSCSI connectivity
By default, this field is blank and the host definer selects the first of available connectivity types on the node, according to the following hierarchy: NVMe, FC, iSCSI.
Note: When left blank, the connectivity type will update along with any changes within the host ports, according to the set hierarchy. If the value is set and there are host port changes, connectivity needs to be manually updated. For more information, see Changing node connectivity.
allowDelete Defines whether the host definer is allowed to delete host definitions on the storage system.
Input values are true or false.
The default value is true.
dynamicNodeLabeling Defines whether the nodes that run the CSI node pod are dynamically labeled or if the user must create the label on each relevant node. This label tells the host definer which nodes to manage their host definition on the storage side.
Input values are true or false.
The default value is false, where the user must manually create this label on every node to be managed by the host definer for dynamic host definition on the storage.

For an example HostDefiner yaml file, see csi_v1_hostdefiner_cr.yaml.