Specifying an optional companion guide rule group

Use the Standards Processing Engine Trading Partner User Interface to modify and save the parameter settings used to associate a companion guide rule group with the envelope. The companion guide rule group setting is used during rule-based Type 7 validation to select site, or business partner-specific (non-global) rules in addition to Type 7 rules with a global extent.

These procedures assume that you are in edit mode for the detail view of an envelope where Type 7 validation has already been enabled.

  1. Ensure that under HIPAA Compliance Check Validation Settings, Companion guide rules is checked, then go to the Companion Guide Rule Group parameter.
  2. Select one of the three settings for Companion Guide Rule Group.
    • Select None (Use global rules) to specify that there is no companion guide rule group associated with this envelope.
    • Select Use Envelope Name to assign the envelope name as the identifier for the companion guide rule group.
    • Select Assign Rule Group Identifier to open a data entry box to enter a user-defined, text string as the identifier for the companion guide rule group.
  3. Either left-click on the Save button to save your changes and return to the Envelopes table or remain in edit mode to configure more envelope parameters.