Property (File)
The Property (File) enables you to configure the specific Launcher process to override the default settings.
The following table lists the Launcher process properties along with a description, and default and valid values.
- Property (File)
- Description
- Name
- Unique name that will be used for the Management Console and command line utilities to control the Launcher process individually.
- Description
- Description for the Launcher process.
- File Name
- Launcher system path and name.
- Initialization File
- Valid WebSphere® Transformation
Extender initialization
Default value is the global entry on the General tab of the Launcher Administration.
- Resource Manager
- Configuration value indicating whether to use global
or local resource management.
Valid values are Global and Local selected from pull-down menu.
Default value is Local.
Global indicates that resource management will allow multiple Launcher processes to share common resources properly.
- Resource Configuration
- Resource configuration file for this system.
Default value is the entry on the General tab of the Launcher Administration.
- Automatic Start
- This property row appears when Automatic startup is
enabled on the General tab of the Launcher Administration
window. It allows you to start up this Launcher process
Valid values are Yes and No, which are selected from a pull-down menu.
Default value is No.
To apply your system configuration changes
The File List window closes and the window under the Deployment Directories tab in the Launcher Administration application reappears.