Parameters of the CRTCBLMOD Command

A description of the parameters for the CRTCBLMOD command are defined in this section. The parameters and options are described in the order they appear on the prompt displays.

The default values are displayed first, and are underscored for identification.

All object names specified for the CRTCBLMOD command must followIBM® i naming conventions: the names may be basic names, ten characters in length, composed of alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic; or the names may be quoted names, eight characters in length, enclosed in double quotes.

You can specify various compiler options by using the OPTION parameter of the CRTCBLMOD command or from within the source program using the PROCESS statement. Any options specified in the PROCESS statement override the corresponding options on the CRTCBLMOD command.

MODULE Parameter:
Specifies the module name and library name for the module object you are creating. The module name and library name must conform to IBM i naming conventions. The possible values are:
The name for the module is taken from the PROGRAM-ID paragraph in the outermost ILE COBOL source program of the compilation unit.
Enter a name to identify the compiled ILE COBOL module. If you specify a module name for this parameter, and compile a sequence of source programs (multiple compilation units in a single source file member) the first module in the sequence uses this name; any other modules use the name specified in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph in the corresponding outermost ILE COBOL source program of the compilation unit.
The possible library values are:
The created module object is stored in the current library. If you have not assigned a library as the current library, QGPL is used.
Enter the name of the library where the created module object is to be stored.
SRCFILE Parameter:
Specifies the name of the source file and library that contains the ILE COBOL source code to be compiled. This source file should have a record length of 92. The possible values are:
Specifies that the source file, QCBLLESRC, contains the ILE COBOL source code to be compiled.
Enter the name of the source file that contains the ILE COBOL source code to be compiled.
The possible library values are:
The library list is searched to find the library where the source file is located.
The current library is used. If you have not assigned a library as the current library, QGPL is used.
Enter the name of the library where the source file is located.
SRCMBR Parameter:
Specifies the name of the member that contains the ILE COBOL source code to be compiled. You can specify this parameter only if the source file referred to in the SRCFILE parameter is a database file. The possible values are:
The source file member with the same name as the module name specified on the MODULE parameter, is used.

If you do not specify a module name for the MODULE parameter, the first member of the database source file is used.

Enter the name of the member that contains the ILE COBOL source code.
SRCSTMF Parameter:
Specifies the path name of the stream file containing the ILE COBOL source code to be compiled. The path name can be either absolutely or relatively qualified. An absolute path name starts with '/'; a relative path name starts with a character other than '/'. If absolutely-qualified, the path name is complete. If relatively-qualified, the path name is completed by appending the job's current working directory to the path name. The SRCMBR and SRCFILE parameters cannot be specified with the SRCSTMF parameter.
OUTPUT Parameter:
Specifies if the compiler listing is generated or not. The possible values are:
A compiler listing is generated. If a member is being compiled, the output file has the same name as the member. If a stream file is being compiled and *PGMID is specified in the PGM parameter, the output file has the name COBOLPGM00. Otherwise, it has the same name as the program.
No compiler listing is generated.
GENLVL Parameter:
Specifies the severity level that determines if a module object is created. The severity level corresponds to the severity level of the messages produced during compilation. This parameter applies individually to each compilation unit in a source file member. Other compilation units in the source file member will still be compiled even if a previous compilation unit fails.
The possible values are:
No module object is created if errors occur with a severity level equal to or greater than 30.
Specify a one or two-digit number, 0 through 30, which is the severity level you want to use to determine if a module object is to be created. No module object is created if errors occur with a severity level equal to or greater than this severity level.
TEXT Parameter:
Allows you to enter text that briefly describes the module and its function.
The same text that describes the database file member containing the ILE COBOL source code, is used to describe the module object. If the source comes from a device or inline file, specifying *SRCMBRTXT has the same effect as specifying *BLANK.
No text is specified.
Enter text briefly describing the module and its function. The text can be a maximum of 50 SBCS characters in length and must be enclosed in single quotation marks. The single quotation marks are not part of the 50-character string.
OPTION Parameter:
Specifies the options to use when the ILE COBOL source code is compiled.

Options specified in the PROCESS statement of an ILE COBOL source program override the corresponding options of the OPTION parameter.

The possible values of the OPTION parameter are:
The compiler produces a source listing, consisting of the ILE COBOL source program and all compile-time error messages.
The compiler does not produce the source part of the listing. If you do not require a source listing, you should use this option because compilation may take less time.
The compiler does not produce a cross-reference listing for the ILE COBOL source program.
The compiler produces a cross-reference listing for the source program.
The compiler creates a module object after the ILE COBOL source is compiled.
The compiler does not create a module object after the ILE COBOL source program is compiled. You might specify this option if you want only error messages or listings.
The reference numbers are not checked for sequence errors.
The reference numbers are checked for sequence errors. Sequence errors do not occur if the *LINENUMBER option is specified.
Verb usage counts are not printed.
Verb usage counts are printed.
The source-file sequence numbers are used for reference numbers.
The user-supplied sequence numbers (columns 1 through 6) are used for reference numbers.
The sequence numbers created by the compiler are used for reference numbers. This option combines ILE COBOL program source code and source code introduced by COPY statements into one consecutively numbered sequence. Use this option if you specify FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) flagging.
The compiler does not list the Data Division map.
The compiler lists the Data Division map.
Options in effect are not listed for this compilation.
Options in effect are listed for this compilation.
Specifies that the delimiter quotation mark (") is used for nonnumeric literals, hexadecimal literals, and Boolean literals. This option also specifies that the value of the figurative constant QUOTE has the EBCDIC value of a quotation mark.
Specifies that the delimiter apostrophe (') is used for nonnumeric literals, hexadecimal literals, and Boolean literals. This option also specifies that the value of the figurative constant QUOTE has the EBCDIC value of an apostrophe.
Second level message text is not listed for this compilation.
Second level message text is listed for this compilation, along with the first-level error text, in the message section of the compiler listing.
Comment lines are inserted in the compiler listing indicating which elementary items were included as a result of the use of the CORRESPONDING phrase.
Comment lines are not inserted in the compiler listing when the CORRESPONDING phrase is used.
The program-name (literal or word) found in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph, the CALL, CANCEL, or SET ENTRY statements, and the END PROGRAM header is converted to all uppercase characters (monocasing) and the rules for program-name formation are enforced.
The program-name (literal or word) found in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph, the CALL, CANCEL, or SET ENTRY statements, and the END PROGRAM header is not converted to all uppercase characters (no monocasing) and the rules for program-name formation are not enforced. This option allows special characters not allowed for standard COBOL to be used in the CALL target.
At run time, subscripts are verified to ensure they are within the correct ranges, but index ranges are not verified. Reference modification and compiler-generated substring operations are also checked.

The contents of date-time items are checked to make sure their format is correct, and that they represent a valid date, time, or timestamp.

Ranges are not verified at run time.
Note: The *RANGE option generates code for checking subscript ranges. For example, it ensures that you are not attempting to access the element 21 of a 20-element array.

The *NORANGE option does not generate code to check subscript ranges. As a result, the *NORANGE option produces faster running code.

Unreferenced data items are not included in the compiled module. This reduces the amount of storage used, allowing a larger program to be compiled. You cannot look at or assign to an unreferenced data item during debugging when the *NOUNREF option is chosen. The unreferenced data items still appear in the cross-reference listings produced by specifying OPTION (*XREF).
Unreferenced data items are included in the compiled module.
The SYNCHRONIZED clause is syntax checked only.
The SYNCHRONIZED clause is compiled by the compiler. The SYNCHRONIZED clause causes the position of a data item to be aligned such that the right-hand (least-significant) end is on the natural storage boundary. The natural storage boundary is the next nearest 4-byte, 8-byte, or 16-byte boundary in storage depending on the length and type of data being stored. Extra storage is reserved adjacent to the synchronized item to achieve this alignment. Each elementary data item that is described as SYNCHRONIZED is aligned to the natural storage boundary that corresponds to its data storage assignment.
Disk files that are unavailable at the time of an OPEN operation are not created dynamically.
Disk files that are unavailable at the time of an OPEN operation are created dynamically.
Note: The maximum record length for a file that will be created dynamically is 32 766. Indexed files will not be dynamically created even though the *CRTF option has been specified.
Does not check for duplicate primary keys for INDEXED files.
Checks for duplicate primary keys for INDEXED files.
Relative files with sequential access are not initialized with deleted records during the CLOSE operation if the files have been opened for OUTPUT. The record boundary is determined by the number of records written at OPEN OUTPUT time. Subsequent OPEN operations allow access only up to the record boundary.
Relative files with sequential access are initialized with deleted records during the CLOSE operation if the files were opened for OUTPUT. Active records in the files are not affected. The record boundary is defined as the file size for subsequent OPEN operations.
The compiler allows blocking only of SEQUENTIAL access files with no START statement. The BLOCK CONTAINS clause, if specified, is ignored, except for tape files.
When *BLK is used, the compiler allows blocking for DYNAMIC access files and SEQUENTIAL access files. Blocking is not allowed for RELATIVE files opened for output operations. The BLOCK CONTAINS clause determines the number of records to be blocked if it is specified, otherwise the operating system determines the number of records to be blocked.
For those items with no VALUE clause, the compiler initializes data items to default values. The value assigned to each area of storage of the first level-01 or level-77 data item that occupies the area.
For those items with no VALUE clause, the compiler does not initialize data items to system defaults.
For those items with no VALUE clause, the compiler initializes data items to hexadecimal zero.
If no matching fields are found by a COPY DDS statement, no field descriptions are generated.
If no matching fields are found by a COPY DDS statement, a single character FILLER field description, "07 FILLER PIC X", is always created.
Error messages are not included in the source listing section of the compiler listing. Error messages only appear in the error message section of the compiler listing.
First level error messages are included in the source listing section of the compiler listing, immediately following the line where the error occurred. Error messages also appear in the error message section of the compiler listing.
This option applies only to USAGE BINARY data. When *STDTRUNC is selected, USAGE BINARY data is truncated to the number of digits in the PICTURE clause of the BINARY receiving field.
This option applies only to USAGE BINARY data. When *NOSTDTRUNC is selected, BINARY receiving fields are truncated only at half-word, full-word, or double-word boundaries. BINARY sending fields are also handled as half-words, full-words, or double-words. Thus, the full binary content of the field is significant. Also, the DISPLAY statement will convert the entire content of a BINARY field, with no truncation.
Note: *NOSTDTRUNC has no effect on the VALUE clause.
Hexadecimal F is used as the default positive sign for zoned and packed numeric data. Hexadecimal F is the system default for the operating system.
Hexadecimal C is used as the default positive sign for zoned and packed numeric data. This applies to all results of the MOVE, ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, COMPUTE, and INITIALIZE statements, as well as the results of the VALUE clause.
Do not create an Event File for use by CoOperative Development Environment/400® (the client product). The client product uses this file to provide error feedback integrated with the client product editor. An Event File is normally created when you create a module or program from within the client product.
Create an Event File for use by the client product. The Event File is created as a member in file EVFEVENT in the library where the created module or program object is to be stored. If the file EVFEVENT does not exist it is automatically created. The Event File member name is the same as the name of the object being created.

The client product uses this file to provide error feedback integrated with the client product editor. An Event File is normally created when you create a module or program from within the client product.

All alphabetic characters in a PICTURE character-string will be converted to uppercase (monocasing).
The currency symbol used in the PICTURE character-string is case sensitive. That is, the lowercase letters corresponding to the uppercase letters for the PICTURE symbols A, B, E, G, N, P, S, V, X, Z, CR, and DB are equivalent to their uppercase representations in a PICTURE character-string. All other lowercase letters are not equivalent to their corresponding uppercase representations.
Temporary alternate record key (ARK) indexes are not created if permanent ones cannot be found.
Temporary alternate record key (ARK) indexes are created if permanent ones cannot be found.
CVTOPT Parameter:
Specifies how the compiler handles date, time, and timestamp field types, DBCS-graphic field type, variable-length field types, and floating-point field types passed from externally-described files to your program through COPY DDS. The possible values are:
Variable-length fields are declared as FILLER fields.
Variable-length fields are declared as group items, and are accessible to the ILE COBOL source program.
Date, time, and timestamp data items are declared as FILLER fields.
Date, time, and timestamp DDS data items are given COBOL data item names based on their DDS names. The category of the COBOL data item is alphanumeric, unless one of the CVTOPT parameter values *DATE, *TIME, or *TIMESTAMP is specified. In this case, the category of the COBOL data item is date, time, or timestamp, respectively.
DBCS-graphic data items are declared as FILLER fields.
Fixed-length DBCS-graphic data items are declared as fixed-length alphanumeric fields, and are accessible to the ILE COBOL source program.

When the *VARCHAR option is also in use, variable-length DBCS-graphic data items are declared as fixed-length group items, and are accessible to the ILE COBOL source program.

Fixed-length DBCS-graphic data items are declared as fixed-length G fields, and are accessible to the ILE COBOL source program.

When the *VARCHAR option is also in use, variable-length DBCS-graphic data items are declared as fixed-length group items (made of a numeric field followed by G type field), and are accessible to the ILE COBOL source program.

DBCS-graphic data items are declared as FILLER fields. *NOPICGGRAPHIC will be printed as *NOPICXGRAPHIC in the listing.
Fixed-length graphic data items, associated with the CCSID specified in the National CCSID compiler option or in the NTLCCSID PROCESS option, are declared as fixed-length N fields, and are accessible to the ILE COBOL source program.

When the *VARCHAR option is also in use, variable-length graphic data items with the CCSID specified in the National CCSID compiler option or in the NTLCCSID PROCESS option are declared as fixed-length group items (made of a numeric field followed by N type field), and are accessible to the ILE COBOL source program.

The processing of graphic fields depends upon the values specified for the PICXGRAPHIC/NOPICXGRAPHIC and PICGGRAPHIC/NOPICGGRAPHIC options.
Floating-point data items are declared as FILLER fields with a USAGE of binary.
Floating-point data items are brought into the program with their DDS names and a USAGE of COMP-1 (single-precision) or COMP-2 (double-precision). The fields are made accessible to the ILE COBOL source program.
Date data items are declared as category alphanumeric COBOL data items, for example:
06 FILLER PIC X(10).

The COBOL data item name is determined by the *NODATETIME/*DATETIME CVTOPT parameter.

DDS date data items are declared as category date COBOL data items, for example:

The COBOL data item name is determined by the *NODATETIME/*DATETIME CVTOPT parameter.

DDS time data items are declared as category alphanumeric COBOL data items, for example:

The COBOL data item name is determined by the *NODATETIME/*DATETIME CVTOPT parameter.

DDS time data items are declared as category time COBOL data items, for example:

The COBOL data item name is determined by the *NODATETIME/*DATETIME CVTOPT parameter.

DDS timestamp data items are declared as category alphanumeric COBOL data items, for example:
06 FILLER PIC X(26).

The COBOL data item name is determined by the *NODATETIME/*DATETIME CVTOPT parameter.

DDS timestamp data items are declared as category timestamp COBOL data items, for example:

The COBOL data item name is determined by the *NODATETIME/*DATETIME CVTOPT parameter.

DDS data items with the DATFMT keyword (excluding DDS date data items) are declared in ILE COBOL based on their original DDS type.
DDS data items with the DATFMT keyword (excluding DDS date data items) are declared in ILE COBOL as date data items. For more information about using the *CVTTODATE option, refer to Specifying Date, Time, and Timestamp Data Types.
MSGLMT Parameter:
Specifies the maximum number of messages of a given error severity level that can occur for each compilation unit before compilation stops. As soon as one compilation unit reaches the maximum, compilation stops for the entire source member.
For example, if you specify 3 for the maximum number of messages and 20 for the error severity level then compilation will stop if three or more errors with a severity level of 20 or higher occur. If no messages equal or exceed the given error severity level, compilation continues regardless of the number of errors encountered.
Specifies the maximum number of messages. The possible values are:
Compilation continues until normal completion regardless of the number of errors encountered.
Specifies the maximum number of messages that can occur at or above the specified error severity level before compilation stops. The valid range is 0-9999.
Specifies the error severity level used to determine whether or not to stop compilation. The possible values are:
Compilation stops if the number of errors with severity level 30 or higher exceeds the maximum number of messages specified.
Enter a one or two-digit number, 0 through 30, which is the error severity level you want to use to determine whether or not to stop compilation. Compilation stops if the number of errors with this severity level or higher exceeds the maximum number of messages you specified.
DBGVIEW Parameter:
Specifies options that control which views of the source program or generated listing are available for debugging the compiled module, and if the debug listing view is compressed or not.
Specify the views to be available for debugging. The possible values are:
The compiled module can be debugged using symbolic names and statement numbers.
The primary source member, as well as copied source members which were included through COPY statements, will have source views available for debugging the compiled module. These views are available only if the primary source member and copied source members come from local database source files. Do not change or delete members during the time between compile and debug.
A listing view, which shows the source code after the processing of any COPY and REPLACE statements, will be made available for debugging the compiled module. This option increases the size of the compiled module, without affecting the runtime performance of the compiled module.

The listing view will include the cross-reference listing, Data Division map, and verb usage counts when the corresponding compiler options are requested. For example, a cross-reference listing will be included if OPTION(*XREF) is specified.

Listing views can be generated regardless of where the primary source members or copied source members come from. Listing views are not affected by changes to or deletion of the source members following the compilation.

Equivalent to specifying *STMT, *SOURCE, and *LIST combined.
The compiled module cannot be debugged. This reduces the size of the compiled program, but does not affect its runtime performance. When this option is specified, a formatted dump can not be taken.
Specifies if the listing view is compressed or not when *LIST or *ALL is specified in debug-view. The possible values are:
The listing view is not compressed.
The listing view is compressed when *LIST or *ALL is specified in debug-view. By using this option, some but not all large COBOL programs will be able to compile with the *LIST debug view option.
DBGENCKEY Parameter:
Specifies the encryption key to be used to encrypt program source that is embedded in debug views.
No encryption key is specified.
Specify the key to be used to encrypt program source that is embedded in debug views stored in the module object. The length of the key can be between 1 and 16 bytes. A key of length 1 to 15 bytes will be padded to 16 bytes with blanks for the encryption. Specifying a key of length zero is the same as specifying *NONE.

If the key contains any characters which are not invariant over all code pages, it will be up to the user to ensure that the target system uses the same code page as the source system, otherwise the key may not match and the decryption may fail. If the encryption key must be entered on systems with differing code pages, it is recommended that the key be made of characters which are invariant for all EBCDIC code pages.

OPTIMIZE Parameter:
Specifies the level of optimization of the module. The possible values are:
No optimization is performed on the compiled module. Compilation time is minimized when this option is used. This option allows variables to be displayed and changed during debugging.
Some optimization (only at the local block level) is performed on the compiled module. This option allows user variables to be displayed but not changed during debugging.
Full optimization (at the global level) is performed on the compiled module. This optimization increases compilation time but also generates the most efficient code. This option allows user variables to be displayed but not changed during debugging. The displayed values of the variables may not be their current values. Some variables may not be displayable.
This option has the same effect as *NONE except the module's optimization level cannot be changed at a later time with the CHGMOD command. This option does not generate any optimization information. This enables much larger programs to be compiled without exceeding system storage limits.
Note: The user can change the optimization level of the module object using the CHGMOD, CHGPGM, or CHGSRVPGM command without having to recompile the source program, unless the *NEVER option value was selected.
FLAGSTD Parameter:
Specifies the options for FIPS flagging. (Select the *LINENUMBER option to ensure that the reference numbers used in the FIPS messages are unique.) The possible values are:
The ILE COBOL source program is not FIPS flagged.
FIPS flag for minimum subset and higher.
FIPS flag for intermediate subset and higher.
FIPS flag for high subset.
Obsolete language elements are not flagged.
Obsolete language elements are flagged.
EXTDSPOPT Parameter:
Specifies the options to use for extended ACCEPT and extended DISPLAY statements for workstation I/O. The possible values are:
Extended DISPLAY statements are held in a buffer until an extended ACCEPT statement is encountered, or until the buffer is filled.

The contents of the buffer are written to the display when the extended ACCEPT statement is encountered or the buffer is full.

Each extended DISPLAY statement is performed as it is encountered.
Displayable and undisplayable characters are handled by extended ACCEPT and extended DISPLAY statements.
Only displayable characters are handled by extended ACCEPT and extended DISPLAY statements.

Although you must use this option for display stations attached to remote 3174 and 3274 controllers, you can also use it for local workstations. If you do use this option, your data must contain displayable characters only. If the data contains values less than hexadecimal 20, the results are not predictable, ranging from unexpected display formats to severe errors.

All types of data are predisplayed in the extended ACCEPT statements regardless of the existence of the UPDATE phrase.
Only numeric-edited data are predisplayed in the extended ACCEPT statements that do not contain the UPDATE phrase.
FLAG Parameter:
Specifies the minimum severity level of messages that will appear in the compiler listing. The possible values are:
All messages will appear in the compiler listing.
Enter a one or two-digit number that specifies the minimum severity level of messages that you want to appear in the compiler listing. Messages that have severity levels of this specified value or higher will appear in the compiler listing.
REPLACE Parameter:
Specifies if a new module is created when a module of the same name in the specified or implied library already exists. The possible values are:
A new module is created and it replaces any existing module of the same name in the specified or implied library. The existing module of the same name in the specified or implied library is moved to library QRPLOBJ.
A new module is not created if a module of the same name already exists in the specified or implied library. The existing module is not replaced, a message is displayed, and compilation stops.
AUT Parameter:
Specifies the authority given to users who do not have specific authority to the module object, who are not on the authorization list, or whose group has no specific authority to the module object. You can change the authority for all users, or for specific users after the module object is created by using the GRTOBJAUT (Grant Object Authority) or RVKOBJAUT (Revoke Object Authority) commands.
The possible values are:
The public authority for the object is taken from the CRTAUT keyword of the target library (the library that is to contain the created module object). This value is determined when the module object is created. If the CRTAUT value for the library changes after the module object is created, the new value does NOT affect any existing objects.
Provides authority for all operations on the module object except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the module object's existence, specify security for it, change it, and perform basic functions on it, but cannot transfer its ownership.
Provides all data authority and the authority for performing all operations on the module object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object authority and object management authority. The user can change the object and perform basic functions on it.
Provides object operational authority and read authority; authority for basic operations on the module object. The user can perform basic operations on the object but is prevented from changing the object.
The user cannot access the module object.
The name of an authorization list of users and authorities to which the module is added. The module object is secured by this authorization list, and the public authority for the module object is set to *AUTL. The authorization list must exist on the system when the CRTCBLMOD command is issued. Use the Create Authorization List (CRTAUTL) command to create your own authorization list.
LINKLIT Parameter:
Specifies the linkage type for external CALL/CANCEL 'literal' target and the SET ENTRY target. You may override this option for specific external CALL/CANCEL 'literal' target and the SET ENTRY target lists by specifying the following sentence in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph:
LINKAGE TYPE IS implementer-name FOR target-list.
The possible values for LINKLIT are:
Target for CALL/CANCEL or SET ENTRY is a program object.
Target for CALL/CANCEL or SET ENTRY is an ILE procedure.
TGTRLS Parameter:
Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to use the object being created. In the examples given for the *CURRENT and *PRV values, and when specifying the target-release value, the format VxRxMx is used to specify the release, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V2R3M0 is version 2, release 3, modification level 0.

Valid values for this parameter change every release. The possible values are:

The object is to be used on the release of the operating system currently running on the system. For example, if V2R3M5 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to use the object on a system with V2R3M5 installed. The object can also be used on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed.
Note: If V2R3M5 is running on the system, and the object is to be used on a system with V2R3M0 installed, specify TGTRLS(V2R3M0), not TGTRLS(*CURRENT).
The object is to be used on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example, if V2R3M5 is running on the system, *PRV means that you intend to use the object on a system with V2R2M0 installed. You can also use the object on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed.
Specify the release in the format VxRxMx. The object can be used on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed.

Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a target-release that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release.

Note: The current version of the command may support options that are not available in previous releases of the command. If the command is used to create objects that are to be used on a previous release, it will be processed by the compiler appropriate to that release, and any unsupported options will not be recognized. The compiler will not necessarily issue any warnings regarding options that it is unable to process.
SRTSEQ Parameter:
Specifies the sort sequence used when NLSSORT is associated with an alphabet-name in the ALPHABET clause. The SRTSEQ parameter is used in conjunction with the LANGID parameter to determine which system-defined or user-defined sort sequence table the module will use. The possible values are:
No sort sequence table will be used, and the hexadecimal values of the characters will be used to determine the sort sequence.
The sort sequence will be resolved and associated with the module at compile time using the sort sequence of the compile job. The sort sequence table of the compile job must exist in the system at compile time. If at run time, the CCSID of the runtime job differs from the CCSID of the compile time job, the sort sequence table loaded at compile time is converted to match the CCSID of the runtime job.
The sort sequence of the module will be resolved and associated with the module at run time. This value allows a module to be compiled once and used with different sort sequences at run time.
Specifies that the sort sequence table being used must contain a unique weight for each character in the code page. The sort sequence table used will be the unique weighted table associated with the language specified in the LANGID parameter.
Specifies that the sort sequence table being used can contain the same weight for multiple characters in the code page. The sort sequence table used will be the shared weighted table associated with the language specified in the LANGID parameter.
Enter the name of the sort sequence table to be used. The table contains weights for all characters in a given code page. A weight is associated with the character that is defined at the code point. When using a sort sequence table name, the library in which the object resides can be specified. The valid values for the library are:
The library list is searched to find the library where the sort sequence table is located.
The current library is used. If you have not assigned a library as the current library, QGPL is used.
Enter the name of the library where the sort sequence table is found.
LANGID Parameter:
Specifies the language identifier which is used in conjunction with the sort sequence. The LANGID parameter is used only when the SRTSEQ value in effect is *LANGIDUNQ or *LANGIDSHR. The possible values are:
The language identifier of the module will be resolved at run time. This value allows a module to be compiled once and used with different language identifiers at run time.
The language identifier of the module will be resolved at compile time by using the language identifier of the compile job.
Enter a valid 3-character language identifier.
ENBPFRCOL Parameter:
Specifies whether performance measurement code should be generated in the module or program. The data collected can be used by the system performance tool to profile an application's performance. Generating the addition of the performance measurement code in a compiled module or program will result in slightly larger objects and may affect performance.
Performance statistics are gathered on the entry and exit of the program entry procedure only. Choose this value when you want to gather overall performance information for an application. This support is equivalent to the support formally provided with the TPST tool. This is the default.
Performance Statistics are gathered on the entry and exit of all the procedures of the program. This includes the program PEP routine.

This choice would be useful if you want to capture information on all routines. Use this option when you know that all the programs called by your application were compiled with either the *PEP, *ENTRYEXIT or *FULL option. Otherwise, if your application calls other programs that are not enabled for performance measurement, the performance tool will charge their use of resources against your application. This would make it difficult for you to determine where resources are actually being used.

Performance statistics are gathered on the entry and exit of all procedures. Also statistics are gathered before and after each call to an external procedure.

Use this option when you think that your application will call other programs that were not compiled with either *PEP, *ENTRYEXIT or *FULL. This option allows the performance tools to distinguish between resources that are used by your application and those used by programs it calls (even if those programs are not enabled for performance measurement). This option is the most expensive, but allows for selectively analyzing various programs in an application.

STGMDL Parameter:
Specifies the type of storage to be used by the module.
The module is created with inherit storage model. An inherit storage model module can be bound into programs and service programs with a storage model of single-level, teraspace or inherit. The type of storage used for automatic and static storage for single-level and teraspace storage model programs matches the storage model of the object. An inherit storage model object will inherit the storage model of its caller.
The module is created with single-level storage model. A single level storage model module can only be bound into programs and service programs that use single level storage. These programs and service programs use single-level storage for automatic and static storage.
The module is created with teraspace storage model. A teraspace storage model module can only be bound into programs and service programs that use teraspace storage. These programs and service programs use teraspace storage for automatic and static storage.
PRFDTA Parameter:
Specifies the program profiling data attribute for the module. Program profiling is an advanced optimization technique used to reorder procedures and code within the procedures based on statistical data (profiling data). For more information about collecting profiling data, refer to Collecting Profiling Data.
This module is not enabled to collect profiling data. This is the default.
This module is enabled to collect profiling data.
Note: *COL can be specified only when the optimization level of the module is *FULL.
CCSID Parameter:
Specifies the coded character set identifier (CCSID) that records in files, and data associated with LOCALEs, are converted to at run time. Also used by NATIONAL-OF and DISPLAY-OF intrinsic functions as the default CCSID value when no CCSID is specified in the intrinsic function. Also used during the MOVE of a single-byte data item, such as alphabetic or alphanumeric, or a DBCS data item, to a National data item. See ILE COBOL Reference guide, MOVE statement for more information.
The CCSID of the program is resolved at run time. When the compiled program is run, the current job's CCSID is used.
The current job's CCSID at compile time is used.
The CCSID 65535 is used, which indicates that data in the fields is treated as bit data, and is not converted.
Specifies the CCSID to be used.
NTLCCSID Parameter:
Specifies the coded character set identifier (CCSID) to be used for National items.
CCSID 13488 will be used for National items.
The specified CCSID must be compatible with UCS-2, for example UTF-16 CCSID 1200.
Specifies the arithmetic mode for numeric data. The possible values are:
This option specifies the default arithmetic mode for numeric data. The intermediate result of a fixed-point arithmetic expression can be up to 30 digits and numeric literals may only have a maximum length of 18 digits.
Use this option to increase the precision of intermediate results for fixed-point arithmetic. The intermediate result of a fixed-point arithmetic expression can be up to 31 digits and numeric literals may have a maximum length of 31 digits.
Use this option to increase arithmetic accuracy.
  • The following numeric intrinsic functions have decimal floating-point accuracy of up to 34 digits: ANNUITY, MEAN, MEDIAN, MIDRANGE, NUMVAL, NUMVAL-C, PRESENT-VALUE, and VARIANCE.
  • The intermediate result of a fixed-point arithmetic expression can be up to 34 digits and numeric literals may have a maximum length of 34 digits.
Use this option to increase the precision of intermediate results for fixed-point arithmetic. The intermediate result of a fixed-point arithmetic expression can be up to 63 digits and numeric literals may have a maximum length of 63 digits.
This option specifies padding characters for the MOVE statement, when a national data item receives single-byte, double-byte, or national characters. Specify the padding characters in the following order:
  1. Single-byte to national

    The sending item is a single-byte item, such as alphabetic or alphanumeric. Specify a national hexadecimal character. The default is NX"0020".

  2. Double-byte to national

    The sending item is a double-byte item. Specify a national hexadecimal character. The default is NX"3000".

  3. National to national

    The sending item is a national item. Specify a national hexadecimal character. The default is NX"3000".

LICOPT Parameter:
Specifies one or more Licensed Internal Code compile-time options. This parameter allows individual compile-time options to be selected, and is intended for the advanced programmer who understands the potential benefits and drawbacks of each selected type of compiler option.
INCDIR Parameter:
Specifies one or more directories to add to the search path used by the compiler to find copy files. The compiler will search the directories specified here if the copy files specified in the source code cannot be resolved.
No user directories are searched for copy files. By default, the current directory will still be searched.
Specify up to 32 directories in which to search for copy files. In addition to the specified directories, the current directory is also searched for copy files.
PGMINFO Parameter:
This option specifies whether program interface information should be generated and where it should be generated. Specify the option values in the following order:
Specifies whether program interface information should be generated. The possible values are:
Program interface information will not be generated.
Specifies that PCML (Program Call Markup Language) will be generated into the specified location. The generated PCML makes it easier for Java™ programs to call this COBOL program, with less Java code. The name of a stream file that will contain the generated PCML must be specified on the INFOSTMF option.
Specifies the location for the generated program information if the generate parameter is *PCML. The possible values are:
Specifies that the program information should be generated into a stream file. The name of a stream file that will contain the generated information must be specified on the INFOSTMF option.
Specifies that the program information should be stored in the COBOL module.
Specifies that the program information should be generated into a stream file and also stored in the module. The name of a stream file that will contain the generated information must be specified on the INFOSTMF option.
INFOSTMF Parameter:
Specifies the path name of the stream file to contain the generated program interface information specifed on the PGMINFO option. The path name can be either absolutely or relatively qualified. An absolute path name starts with '/'; a relative path name starts with a character other than '/'. If absolutely-qualified, the path name is complete. If relatively-qualified, the path name is completed by appending the job's current working directory to the path name. This parameter can only be specified when the PGMINFO parameter has a value other than *NO.
DEFINE parameter
Specifies one or more compilation variables that are defined before the compilation begins.
No compilation variables are defined.
'name', 'name=value', 'name, value', or 'name as value'
Specify up to 32 compilation variables and their associated values. The combined length of the compilation variable name and its associated value can be up to 80 characters long.

If 'name' is specified it is equivalent to a DEFINE directive of '>> DEFINE name b"1"'.

If 'value' is specified it can be a boolean literal, a nonnumeric literal, or an integer.

TGTCCSID parameter
Specifies the CCSID that the compiler uses to read the source files.
The source is read in the CCSID of the primary source file, or if the file is an IFS file with an ASCII CCSID, the EBCDIC CCSID related to the ASCII CCSID. This is the default.
The source is read in the job CCSID. If the job CCSID is 65535, the source is read in the default CCSID of the job.
The source is read in the specified CCSID. The CCSID must be a single-byte or mixed-byte EBCDIC CCSID.