Adding IFS IASPs to Db2 Mirror

Start of changeTo use an IFS IASP in the Db2® Mirror environment, IASP replication and management technology must be used to make the IASP highly available and switchable. Db2 Mirror can use geographic mirroring, a feature of the IBM® i operating system 5770-SS1, to manage IASP replication and switching, but it is limited to the two nodes within Db2 Mirror. For hardware-based storage replication and solutions for disaster recovery, the PowerHA® product can be used to manage IASP replication and switching. End of change

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Add an IASP and configure geographic mirroring

Follow these steps to add an IASP to the Db2 Mirror environment and configure geographic mirroring for the IASP to make it highly available and switchable.

  1. Using the Db2 Mirror GUI, click Integrated File System IASP - Add under the Independent Auxiliary Storage Pools menu from left navigation.
    Figure 1. Independent Auxiliary Storage Pools menu in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    Independent Auxiliary Storage Pools menu in the Db2 Mirror GUI
  2. The Db2 Mirror GUI displays the list of existing IASPs that can be added. Select the IASP(s) you want to add, choose the IASP Online configuration attribute you want for each IASP, and then click Next. An IASP already managed by a CRG will not be eligible for configuring geographic mirroring using the Db2 Mirror GUI.
    Figure 2. Add IASP for Integrated File System - Select IASP panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    Add IASP for Integrated File System - Select IASP panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
  3. Geographic mirroring sends updates from the source node that owns the production copy of an IASP to the target node that owns the mirror copy of the IASP over the TCP/IP network using the data port IP addresses. You must specify which IP addresses to use for this data transmission. Use the Select buttons to display and select up to four IP addresses from the existing TCP/IP interfaces on each node. It is recommended to use non-NRG IP addresses for geographic mirroring.
    Figure 3. Add IASP for Integrated File System - Data Port IP List panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    Add IASP for Integrated File System - Data Port IP List panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    After selecting the data port IP addresses, click Next to continue.
  4. Next, choose the disk units to use for each IASP on the copy node. Use the Select button to display and select from the available non-configured disk units on the copy node.
    Figure 4. Add IASP for Integrated File System - Disk Units panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    Add IASP for Integrated File System - Disk Units panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    After selecting the disk units, click Next to continue.
  5. A summary of your selections will be displayed before beginning to configure geographic mirroring. Verify the information you provided is correct and then click Finish.
    Figure 5. Add IASP for Integrated File System - Summary panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    Add IASP for Integrated File System - Summary panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    After clicking the Finish button, a pop up window will appear to display the progress of the configuration of geographic mirroring.
  6. While geographic mirroring configuration is in progress, the status shown at the top of the progress window in the Db2 Mirror GUI will be Configuring geographic mirroring. The configuration of geographic mirroring may take a long time, depending on the number and size of the disk units. The progress window can be closed and the configuration will continue to run in the background. To open the progress window again, choose the View Clone Progress button from the Manage IASP - Integrated File System panel, as shown in the figure below.
    Figure 6. Manage IASP - Integrated File System menu options in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    Manage IASP - Integrated File System menu options in the Db2 Mirror GUI
  7. After the configuration of geographic mirroring is complete, the status at the top of the progress window will show Geographic mirroring configuration completed successfully. Click the Close button to close the progress window. Adding an IFS IASP and configuring geographic mirroring is complete.
Important: After a hardware reclone of *SYSBAS, geographic mirroring for an IFS IASP is left unconfigured. To reconfigure geographic mirroring, you must remove the IFS IASP from Db2 Mirror and walk through these steps again to reconfigure geographic mirroring. For more information about hardware reclone, see Hardware reclone of SYSBAS. For more information about removing an IFS IASP from Db2 Mirror, see Removing an IFS IASP from Db2 Mirror.
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Add an IASP managed by PowerHA

Follow these steps to add an IASP managed by PowerHA to the Db2 Mirror environment.

  1. Make the IASP highly available using PowerHA geographic mirroring, Metro Mirror™, Global Mirror™, LUN switching, or HyperSwap®.
    See the following Redbooks® for additional information:
  2. Add the IASP to the Db2 Mirror environment. The IASP must already be in a CRG and made highly available before completing this step.

    Using the Db2 Mirror GUI, click Integrated File System IASP - Add under the Independent Auxiliary Storage Pools menu from left navigation.

    Figure 7. Independent Auxiliary Storage Pools menu in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    Independent Auxiliary Storage Pools menu in the Db2 Mirror GUI
  3. Select the IASP(s) you want to add and then click Next. An IASP already managed by a CRG will show Register only under the IASP Action column. Start of change
    Figure 8. Add IASP for Integrated File System - Select IASP panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    Add IASP for Integrated File System - Select IASP panel in the Db2 Mirror GUI
    End of change
  4. Confirm your selection and click the Finish button. Adding an IFS IASP managed by PowerHA is now complete.
Important: After a hardware reclone of *SYSBAS, the PowerHA configuration making the IFS IASP highly available is not automatically reconfigured. You will need to reconfigure your PowerHA settings to make the IFS IASP highly available again. For more information about hardware reclone, see Hardware reclone of SYSBAS.

The QSYS2.ADD_MIRROR_IASP SQL procedure can also be used to add an IASP to the Db2 Mirror environment. For more information, see ADD_MIRROR_IASP procedure.