Db2 Mirror jobs

Db2® Mirror relies upon several system and user jobs.

Db2 Mirror System Jobs

These jobs exist whenever Db2 Mirror is active or suspended. They end when Db2 Mirror is terminated or suspended for maintenance and they run under the QSYS user profile.
This system job is the Db2 Mirror job that controls replication state.
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Start of changeThis system job continuously monitors the Db2 Mirror environment.End of change
This system job controls the Db2 Mirror flight recorder.
This system job handles nondatabase object replication.
Unlike the other Db2 Mirror system jobs, the following job terminates only when the system is ended. This job runs under the QSYS user profile.
This system job runs the IFS infrastructure for Db2 Mirror.

Db2 Mirror User Jobs

These jobs are typically active when Db2 Mirror is active or resuming. These jobs typically end when their specific task is completed.
This job is a batch job that runs in the QSYSWRK subsystem. On the primary node, it runs under the QSYS user profile. This job handles the resynchronization processing that occurs in the background when Db2 Mirror replication is suspended and limited internal Db2 Mirror communication between the nodes is available.
Note: This job is not used on the secondary and is not used for any database IASPs.
This job is a batch job that runs in the QSYSWRK subsystem. On the primary node, it runs under the QSYS user profile. On the secondary node, it runs under the QSECOFR user profile. This job handles the resynchronization processing that occurs in the background when Db2 Mirror replication is resumed.
Note: For database IASPs, this job is named QMRDBES<IASP-number>. For example, the job name is QMRDBES033 for IASP 33.
These jobs reflect active replication of database objects. A connection to a QDBMSRVR server job is established on the target node when the first database replication-eligible action is taken within a specific activation group. The QDBMSRVR job runs under the user profile in effect in the thread of the job on the source node. This job remains active until the activation group or source node job that initiated the database replication action ends. If the database replication action encounters a failure in the QDBMSRVR job, the failure message is echoed to the joblog on the source node.

QDBMSRVR jobs use the QSYS/QDBMSRVR job description.

QDBMSRVR jobs run in the QUSRWRK subsystem by default. The QSYS2.SET_SERVER_SBS_ROUTING procedure can be used to redirect QDBMSRVR activity to use a different subsystem.

For example, to route all QDBMSRVR jobs so they run in subsystem QDBMWRK, you might define the new subsystem this way:




For more information about the use of QDBMSRVR jobs, see Application considerations for database replication.

This job is an autostart job that runs in the QSYSWRK subsystem that uses the QSYS user profile. There is a separate job for each database IASP, named QSPMR00<IASP-number>. For example, the job name is QSPMR00033 for IASP 33. This job periodically sends all newly closed spooled files eligible for replication from the object tracking list to the target node. The replication interval is controlled with a Db2 Mirror property called spooled file resynchronization interval. See Spooled file resynchronization interval for details.
Other jobs
Additional jobs that are used by Db2 Mirror include: QDBMLSTN, QMRDBEEXIT, and QMRDBORCVR.

Using the Db2 Mirror GUI to look at Db2 Mirror jobs

The Db2 Mirror GUI includes a facility to let the administrator examine the Db2 Mirror jobs that are active on the primary or secondary nodes.

Figure 1. Start the Db2 Mirror Jobs dialog
Launch the Db2 Mirror Jobs dialog

Within the Db2 Mirror Jobs dialog, select the node of interest to see details about the system and user jobs being used by Db2 Mirror.

Figure 2. Db2 Mirror Jobs details
Db2 Mirror Jobs details
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Submitted Job Tracker Job

The QMRDBJNFY job is an autostart job that runs in the QSYSWRK subsystem that uses the QUSER user profile. This job monitors for Submitted Job Tracker events and processes notifications received from job notification exit points. This job also periodically removes expired job information from the job tracking files.

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