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The PRESTART_JOB_INFO view returns information about prestart jobs.

The values returned for the columns in the view are closely related to the values returned by the Display Prestart Job Entries panel accessed through the DSPSBSD (Display Subsystem Description) CL command and by the List Subsystem Entries (QWDLSBSE) API.

Authorization: The caller must have:
  • *EXECUTE authority to the library containing the subsystem description, and
  • *USE authority to the subsystem description.

The following table describes the columns in the view. The system name is PREJ_INFO. The schema is QSYS2.

Column Name System Column Name Data Type Description
SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_LIBRARY SBSD_LIB VARCHAR(10) The name of the library in which the subsystem description resides.
SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION SBSD VARCHAR(10) The name of the subsystem about which information is being returned.
PRESTART_JOB_PROGRAM_LIBRARY PJ_PGM_LIB VARCHAR(10) The name of the library in which the prestart job program resides.
PRESTART_JOB_PROGRAM PJ_PGM VARCHAR(10) The program name that is used to match an incoming request with an available prestart job.
SUBSYSTEM_ACTIVE SBS_ACTIVE VARCHAR(3) Whether the subsystem for this prestart job is active.
The status of the subsystem is not ACTIVE.
The status of the subsystem is ACTIVE.
USER_PROFILE USRPRF VARCHAR(10) The name of the user profile under which the prestart job runs.
PRESTART_JOB_NAME PJ_NAME VARCHAR(10) The name of the prestart job.
The name of the library in which the job description for the prestart job entry resides.

Contains the null value if JOB_DESCRIPTION is *USRPRF.

JOB_DESCRIPTION JOBD VARCHAR(10) The name of the job description that is used for the prestart job entry. Can contain the following special value:
The job description that has the same name as the user profile that is used.
START_JOBS START_JOBS VARCHAR(3) Whether the prestart jobs are started at the time the subsystem is started.
The prestart jobs are not started at the time the subsystem is started. The Start Prestart Jobs (STRPJ) command is used to start these prestart jobs.
The prestart jobs are started at the time the subsystem is started.
INITIAL_JOBS INIT_JOBS INTEGER The initial number of prestart jobs that are started when the subsystem is started.
THRESHOLD THRESHOLD INTEGER The number at which additional prestart jobs are started. When the pool of available jobs (jobs available to service a program start request) is reduced below this number, more jobs (specified by ADDITIONAL_JOBS) are started and added to the available pool. This number is checked after a prestart job is attached to a procedure start request.
ADDITIONAL_JOBS ADD_JOBS INTEGER The additional number of prestart jobs that are started when the number of prestart jobs drops below the value of THRESHOLD.
MAXIMUM_JOBS MAX_JOBS INTEGER The maximum number of prestart jobs that can be active at the same time for this prestart job entry. A value of -1 indicates *NOMAX.
MAXIMUM_USES MAX_USES INTEGER The maximum number of requests that can be handled by each prestart job in the pool before the job is ended. A value of -1 indicates *NOMAX.
WAIT_FOR_JOB WAIT VARCHAR(3) Whether requests wait for a prestart job to become available or are rejected if a prestart job is not immediately available when the request is received.
Requests are rejected if a prestart job is not immediately available when the request is received.
Requests wait until there is an available prestart job, or until a prestart job is started, to handle the request.
POOL_ID POOL_ID INTEGER The subsystem pool in which the prestart jobs will run.
CLASS_LIBRARY CLASS1_LIB VARCHAR(10) The name of the library in which the first class resides.
CLASS CLASS1 VARCHAR(10) The name of the first class that the prestart jobs run under. Jobs start by using the first class that is specified until the number of jobs specified for the first class is reached. After the number of jobs that are specified for the first class is reached, then jobs are started by using the second class.
CLASS_JOBS CLASS1_JOB INTEGER The maximum number of jobs to run using the first class. Can contain the following special values:
The system calculates how many prestart jobs use this class.

If only one class is specified and -3 is specified, all of the jobs use that class.

If two classes are specified and -3 is specified for both, the first class is the value of MAXIMUM_JOBS divided by two, and the second class is the value of MAXIMUM_JOBS minus the value that is calculated for the first class.

If a specific number of jobs is specified for either class and -3 is specified for the other class, the system calculates the difference between MAXIMUM_JOBS and the specific number of jobs for the -3 designation.

All of the prestart jobs use the specified class.
The name of the library in which the second class resides.

Contains the null value if only one class is used.

The second class that the prestart jobs run under.

Contains the null value if only one class is used.

The maximum number of jobs to run using the second class. Can contain the following special values:
The system calculates how many prestart jobs use this class.
All of the prestart jobs use the specified class.

Contains the null value if only one class is used.

RESOURCES_AFFINITY_GROUP RAG VARCHAR(3) Specifies whether the prestart jobs started by this entry are grouped together having affinity to the same set of processors and memory.
Prestart jobs will not be grouped together. They will be spread across all the available system resources.
Prestart jobs will be grouped together such that they will have affinity to the same system resources.
T_RAG VARCHAR(7) Specifies whether secondary threads running in the prestart jobs are grouped together with the initial thread, or spread across the system resources.
Secondary threads running in the prestart job will all have affinity to the same set of processors and memory as the initial thread.
Secondary threads running in the prestart job will not necessarily have affinity to the same set of processors and memory as the initial thread. They will be spread across all the available system resources.
The thread resources affinity group and level in the QTHDRSCAFN system value will be used when the job starts.
The degree to which the system tries to maintain the affinity between threads and system resources.
A thread will only use the resources it has affinity to, and will wait until they become available if necessary.
A thread will use any processor or memory in the system if the resources it has affinity to are not readily available.

Contains the null value when THREAD_RESOURCES_AFFINITY_GROUP is SYSVAL.


  • List all the prestart job entries in the QUSRWRK subsystem.
    SELECT *
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