Managing accounts for S3 object access

Use the CLI or the API to manage your accounts for S3 object access.

Before creating an account, after the S3 service instance is created, make sure that the directory structure corresponding to the new account exists on the storage cluster with the appropriate user ID and group ID.
On the storage cluster, you must have this directory and permissions set before it is passed to the newBucketsPath parameter.
cd /<mount-point>/fs1
mkdir <create-user-dir>
chown -R uid:gid <preceding-dir-name>

As the IBM Storage Scale DAS administrator, you can get this directory created by the storage cluster administrator with the appropriate user ID and group ID or you can create it yourself. If you plan to use the newBucketsPath parameter, complete this prerequisite step before creating user accounts.

Account directory in filesets: If you plan to use an account directory that is in a fileset, the following considerations apply:
  • You must change the ownership of the directory to the account user ID.
  • If you have enabled SELinux on the storage cluster, you must set the SELinux context. Because the SELinux context inheritance breaks, if the account directory is in a fileset.

Use the following information to create, list, update, or delete your accounts for S3 object access.

  • Create an IBM Storage Scale DAS S3 object user account as follows:
    • CLI
      mmdas account create s3user --gid 777 --uid 888 --newBucketsPath "/mnt/fs1/fset1/user1_buckets"
      In this command example, the following parameters are specified:
      • File system absolute path for creating new exports for the S3 user account that you want to create.
        Note: When you specify this parameter for creating an account, the specified path is not validated. If the specified path is not valid, an error occurs when you try to create an export. Administrators must specify the newBucketsPath to enable s3 accounts of end users to create exports using the S3 IO path. If newBucketsPath is not specified for an S3 account, by default, the S3 user cannot create new exports and gets the AccessDenied error while trying to create an export using the S3 IO path.
      • User ID that is associated with the S3 user account that you want to create.
      • Group ID that is associated with the S3 user account that you want to create.
      A sample output is as follows:
      Account is created successfully. The secret and access keys are as follows. 
      Secret Key                                     Access Key 
      ----------                                     ----------- 
      q2F4l5tt8/8mFXt8YOroVrUPx80TW6dlrVYm/zGO       47al0MTOuj98WkgHWmti
    • REST API
      curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic czMtYWRtaW46UGFzc3cwcmQ=" https://<ibm-spectrumscale_host>/scalemgmt/v2/das/accounts/ 
      -d '{"name":"s3user","uid":5001,"gid":500,"newBucketsPath":"/mnt/fs1/fset1/s3user_bucket1"}'
      A sample output is as follows:
      Note: The variable <ibm-spectrumscale_host> in the request URL must be replaced with the route host. Obtain the route host by using the following command from a node that is configured to work with the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster:
      oc get route ibm-spectrum-scale-gui -n <IBM Storage Scale namespace> -o json | jq
      For example,
      oc get route ibm-spectrum-scale-gui -n ibm-spectrum-scale -o json | jq
      A sample output is as follows:
  • List the account information for IBM Storage Scale DAS S3 object user accounts as follows:
    • CLI
      mmdas account list
      A sample output is as follows:
      Name       UID	GID	New buckets path 
      ----       ---	---	-----------------	 
      s3user1    888	777	/mnt/fs1/fset1/user1_buckets/s3user1_buckets	 
      s3user2    679	629	/mnt/fs1/fset1/user1_buckets/s3user2_buckets	 
      s3user3    478	128	/mnt/fs1/fset1/user1_buckets/s3user3_buckets	 
      s3user4    471	127	/mnt/fs1/fset1/user1_buckets/s3user4_buckets 
      s3user5    431	124	/mnt/fs1/fset1/user1_buckets/s3user5_buckets
      To list the detailed information for a specified S3 object user account in the JSON format, issue the following command:
      mmdas account list s3user1 -o json
      A sample output is as follows:
      Note: The access key and the secret key that are associated with an S3 object user account are only displayed in the output if you specify an account name with this command. If you specify UserID:GroupID with this command, they are not displayed.
    • REST API
      curl -k -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic czMtYWRtaW46UGFzc3cwcmQ=" -H "accept: application/json" https://<ibm-spectrumscale_host>/scalemgmt/v2/das/accounts
      A sample output is as follows:
          "gid": 52,
          "name": "s3user1",
          "newBucketsPath": "/mnt/fs1/fset1/s3user1_bucket1",
          "uid": 51
          "gid": 101,
          "name": "s3user2",
          "newBucketsPath": "/mnt/fs1/fset1/s3user2_bucket1",
          "uid": 1003
          "gid": 101,
          "name": "s3user3",
          "newBucketsPath": "/mnt/fs1/fset1/s3user3_bucket1",
          "uid": 1001
          "gid": 101,
          "name": "s3user4",
          "newBucketsPath": "/mnt/fs1/fset1/s3user4_bucket1",
          "uid": 1001
  • Update the IBM Storage Scale DAS S3 object user account as follows:
    • CLI
      mmdas account update s3user2 --newBucketsPath "/mnt/fs1/fset1/sharedBuckets" --resetKeys
      This command updates the bucket path and resets the access and secret keys. A sample output is as follows:
      Account is successfully updated
    • REST API
      curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic czMtYWRtaW46UGFzc3cwcmQ=" https://<ibm-spectrumscale_host>/scalemgmt/v2/das/accounts/ 
      -d '{"name":"s3user2", "newBucketsPath":"/mnt/fs1/fset1/sharedBuckets","resetKeys":true}'
  • Delete an IBM Storage Scale DAS S3 object user account as follows:
    Note: You can delete an account only if the exports (buckets) corresponding to the account are deleted.
    • CLI
      mmdas account delete s3user1
      A sample output is as follows:
      Account is successfully deleted
    • REST API
      curl -k -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Basic czMtYWRtaW46UGFzc3cwcmQ=" https://<ibm-spectrumscale_host>/scalemgmt/v2/das/accounts/s3user1