Changed in Installing the virtual appliance

This procedure applies only when installing the virtual appliance (ova file), but not in an air gap environment.

About this task

Before you begin, download the package for the App Host virtual application from IBM Support Fix Central.

The App Host .ova installation file is available from the apphost-<version>.run package, and the file name is apphost_<Red_Hat_OS_version>_<version>.ova. It is recommended to install the latest version to get newest features and security updates.

The App Host is a self-contained server, which runs K3s Kubernetes. The following lists the default configuration, which you can modify during deployment:

  • 2 vCPUs
  • 4 GB memory
  • 100 GB thin provision disk
Important: Do not cancel the first boot script or reboot the system until after the installation is complete. Otherwise, you might need to re-import the .ova file or, if you cancel the script before a root password is set, you might not be able to access the system.

During the first boot script, you are asked to provide passwords for root and appadmin accounts, and to verify or adjust the virtual machine's network configuration. When it is completed, the first boot script is removed and cannot be run a second time.

Before starting the procedure, make sure you know your IP address for each of your network adapters.


  1. Open the VMware vSphere client.
  2. Select File > Deploy OVF Template.
  3. Browse to the location of the .ova file you downloaded and select the .ova file.
  4. When prompted, enter a name for the deployed template.
  5. When prompted by the Disk Format screen, select the Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed, Thick Provision Eager Zeroed, or Thin Provision option. If you choose one of the thick provisions, the App Host initially begins using 100 gigabytes of storage. If you choose Thin Provision, the App Host initially begins using a small amount of gigabytes and grows over time.
  6. In the Ready to Complete screen, select the Power on after Deployment option and click Finish. A status bar appears during deployment. VMware notifies you when the App Host image successfully deploys.
  7. Click Close in the Deployment Completed Successfully dialog box.

    After the reboot, the first boot script starts automatically and installs the App Host image. This might take a few minutes.

  8. When prompted, enter a root password then enter a password for the appadmin account. For security, you should use a strong password with at least four character classes (for example, lowercase, uppercase, digits, symbols, and so on).
  9. Changed in When prompted, review the network and cluster settings. You can choose to accept the default configuration or modify it.
    For example, you might want to use a static IP address instead of using DHCP. If you choose to use a static IP address, make sure that the host name resolves to that IP address, as the App Host does not automatically register the IP address in DNS. Also, enter the IP address in your Domain Name Server (DNS).
    The cluster settings are listed as Cluster CIDR and Service CIDR, the default values of which are and respectively. You can change these to valid CIDR values, such as and
  10. Perform the following if you want to modify the settings:
    1. Start the NetworkManager text user interface (nmtui) tool by issuing the following command as root:
    2. To navigate, use the arrow keys or press Tab to step forwards and press Shift+Tab to step back through the options. Press Enter to select an option. The Space bar toggles the status of a check box. Edit the connection that you want to modify.
    3. To use a static IP address, select the configuration and select Manual.
    4. Enter the IP address you want to use and your Domain Name Servers. Make sure that the host name resolves to that IP address. Note that the App Host does not automatically register the IP address in DNS. Also, enter the IP address in your Domain Name Server (DNS).
    5. Save your settings and reboot the appliance.
    Note: If you are using a static IP address and if DNS is unavailable, you can append a mapping of the IP address to /etc/hosts. Otherwise, you might see performance issues, such as slow service startup or command execution, if the host name is not resolved to an IP address.
  11. Install the security updates by running the following command:
    sudo bash apphost-ova-security-update-<version>.run
  12. Optionally, you can install various Linux® utilities and programs as described in Installing optional packages.


The App Host image is successfully installed.

If you were installing the App Host in an air gap environment, you need to complete the procedure in Virtual appliance in an air gap environment; otherwise, the next step is to deploy App Host instances as described in Create an App Host pairing.