Backup and restore

The SOAR Platform offers several backup and restore methods.

You cannot mix backup and restore commands. For example, if you use the soarSystemBackup command to create the backup, you must use the corresponding soarSystemRestore command to restore it.

Table 1. Backup and restore methods
Backup method Description

This backup solution uses the soarSystemBackup and soarSystemRestore commands to provide a complete system backup tool that supports encryption for secure storage.

The soarSystemBackup backs up specific point-in-time data from PostgreSQL database (through the pgBackRest repository), key vaults, configuration files, attachments, and Elasticsearch indexes. The entire backup archive can then be restored on another system. You can also use this backup solution to create backups without taking down the system.

This method is more efficient than other backup methods and results in less downtime, making it the recommended backup and restore method for the SOAR Platform.


This backup solution uses the resSystemBackup and resSystemRestore commands to back up the PostgreSQL database, key vault, and attachments. It is intended for complete backups. You can use these commands to migrate the SOAR Platform to another server.

This backup method supports encryption of the backup file by using a backup_passphrase file. When you copy an older backup to a secure location, ensure that you also copy the corresponding backup_passphrase file.