Password and API key expiration

You can configure user password and API key account expiration durations.

By default, user passwords expire in 90 days and API key accounts expire in one year. You can change the expiration duration by using configvars. It is a system-wide setting and cannot be changed per organization.
sudo resutil configset -key password.apikey_lifetime_in_years -ivalue <value>
resutil configset -key password.user_lifetime_in_days -ivalue <value>
Use the following command to configure the password expiration duration. To have the password not expire, set the <value> to 0.
sudo resutil configset -key password.user_lifetime_in_days -ivalue <value>
Use the following command to configure the API key account expiration duration. To have the API key not expire, set the <value> to 0.
sudo resutil configset -key password.apikey_lifetime_in_years -ivalue <value>

A restart is not needed for any of these commands.