What's new in versions 28 and 28.0.1

IBM SPSS Statistics 28.0.1

Analyze procedures
Kernel Ridge Regression
The new extension-based procedure uses the Python sklearn.kernel_ridge.KernelRidge class to estimate a kernel ridge regression of a dependent variable on one or more independent variables. The independent variables include model hyperparameters, or a selection of hyperparameter values, over a specified grid of values. Cross validation is achieved by using the sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV class.
Linear Mixed Models
A new output table for the procedure provides the marginal and conditional pseudo-R2 measures. The table displays only in instances where appropriate.
Power Analysis procedures
The new precision feature computes the sample sizes that are required to estimate the population parameter with precision that is determined by user-specified confidence interval half-widths. The expected result produces the minimum sample size to ensure that the actual confidence interval half-widths do not exceed the desired values.
Note: The new feature is available for all Power Analysis procedures except Univariate Linear Regression.
Effect size as an input to the estimation of the power or sample size is now supported. The defined effect size value is passed to the intermediate step in the procedure and calculates the desired power or sample size. The following Power Analysis procedures support effect size as an input to the estimation of the power or sample:
  • Power Analysis of One-Sample t Test
  • Power Analysis of Paired-Samples t Test
  • Power Analysis of Independent-Samples t Test
  • Power Analysis of One-Way ANOVA
  • Power Analysis of Univariate Linear Regression Test
Command syntax
The new command provides options for creating custom tables, charts, and other output items from user-entered JSON or from an external *.json file. For more information, see OUTPUT CREATE.
The CONTRAST subcommand's new HALFWIDTH keyword estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see CONTRAST Subcommand (POWER ONEWAY ANOVA command).
The PARAMETERS subcommand's new ES and keyword specifies the effect size of the overall test, which is measured by either f or η2. For more information, see PARAMETERS Subcommand (POWER ONEWAY ANOVA command).
The PLOT subcommand's new ES, ES_YAXIS, and ES_XAXIS keywords control the two-dimensional power by effect size chart, the three-dimensional power by total sample size (x-axis) and effect size (y-axis) chart, and the three-dimensional power by total sample size (y-axis) and effect size (x-axis) chart. For more information, see PLOT Subcommand (POWER ONEWAY ANOVA command).
The new PRECISION subcommand estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see PRECISION Subcommand (POWER MEANS INDEPENDENT command).
The PARAMETERS subcommand's new ES keyword specifies the effect size as an input to the estimation of the power or sample size. When the two independent groups for comparison are assumed to have unequal variances, the effect size of the independent-sample analysis is measured by the mean difference. For more information, see PARAMETERS Subcommand (POWER MEANS INDEPENDENT command).
The new PRECISION subcommand estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see PRECISION Subcommand (POWER MEANS ONESAMPLE command).
The PARAMETERS subcommand's new ES keyword specifies the effect size as an input to the estimation of the power or sample size. For more information, see PARAMETERS Subcommand (POWER MEANS ONESAMPLE command).
The new PRECISION subcommand estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see PRECISION Subcommand (POWER MEANS RELATED command).
The PARAMETERS subcommand's new ES keyword specifies the effect size as an input to the estimation of the power or sample size. For more information, see PARAMETERS Subcommand (POWER MEANS RELATED command).
The new PRECISION subcommand estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see PRECISION Subcommand (POWER PARTIALCORR command).
The new PRECISION subcommand estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see PRECISION Subcommand (POWER PEARSON ONESAMPLE command).
The new PRECISION subcommand estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see PRECISION Subcommand (POWER PROPORTIONS INDEPENDENT command).
The new PRECISION subcommand estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see PRECISION Subcommand (POWER PROPORTIONS ONESAMPLE command).
The new PRECISION subcommand estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see PRECISION Subcommand (POWER PROPORTIONS RELATED command).
The new PRECISION subcommand estimates the sample size based on specified confidence interval half-widths. For more information, see PRECISION Subcommand (POWER SPEARMAN ONESAMPLE command).
The PARAMETERS subcommand's new ES keyword specifies the effect size value that is measured by f2. For more information, see PARAMETERS Subcommand (POWER UNIVARIATE LINEAR command).
The command has been deprecated.
Pivot table enhancements
Most tables contain a mix of values, and applying a heat map to an entire table typically produces tables with wildly varying ranges. The pivot table editor now includes the menu option Color Scales, which provides heat map style settings that display selected table cells in varying colors based on the cell values. For more information, see Color scales.
Workbook mode enhancements
Context menu
The right-click context menu now provides options for cutting, copying, and pasting content, and for displaying the Style Output dialog, which specifies changes to make to selected output objects in the Workbook. For more information, see Style Output: Select.
Syntax paragraph error pane
Syntax-related error information now displays under the syntax paragraph.
Manage license enhancement
The File > Manage License feature now provides the option of launching the Commuter Utility tool. Network licenses normally require that you are connected to the network to run SPSS® Statistics. If your administrator enabled commuter licenses, you can check out a commuter license to use the network license when you are not connected to the network.
The "Exporting to Data Collection" topic has been removed as IBM® SPSS Statistics no longer supports UNICOM Intelligence (formerly IBM SPSS Data Collection).

IBM SPSS Statistics 28

Analyze procedures
Meta Analysis
Meta analysis is the analysis of the data obtained from a collection of studies that answer similar research questions. These studies are known as primary studies. Meta analysis uses statistical methods to produce an overall estimate of an effect, explore between-study heterogeneity, and investigate the impact of publication bias or, more generally, small-study effects on the final results.
The following Meta Analysis procedures are new in version 28.
Meta Analysis Continuous
Performs meta-analysis with continuous outcomes on raw data that are provided in the active dataset for the estimation of the effect size.
Meta Analysis Continuous Effect Size
Performs meta-analysis with continuous outcomes when the pre-calculated effect size data are provided in the active data set.
Meta Analysis Binary
Performs meta-analysis with binary outcomes on raw data that are provided in the active dataset for the estimation of the effect size.
Meta Analysis Binary Effect Size
Performs meta-analysis with binary outcomes when the pre-calculated effect size data are provided in the active data set.
Meta Analysis Regression
Performs meta-analysis regression.
General Linear Model (GLM) procedures
The General Linear Model (GLM) procedure user interfaces now provide a Compare simple main effects setting on their EM Means dialogs. The setting is enabled whenever the target list contains one or more product or interaction effects (for example, A*B, A*B*C). The setting supports the specification of comparisons among simple main effects, which are main effects nested within the levels of other factors.
The procedure now supports non-numeric categorical variables.
Power Analysis
The new Grid Values dialog provides options for specifying a range of POWER values for the purpose of viewing projected sample sizes in a grid format for every specified POWER range value.
The Grid Values dialog is available for every Power Analysis procedure when the Estimate sample size and Grid power values options are selected (click the Grid control to display the dialog).
Ratio Statistics
Price-Related Bias (PRB)
The procedure now supports the Price-Related Bias (PRB) dispersion method. PRB is an index of whether assessment to price ratios are systematically higher or lower for higher-priced properties. PRB regresses percentage differences in assessment ratios. The differences are drawn from the median ratio on the base 2 logarithms of value proxy measures. The proxy measures are calculated as the "averages of sales prices" and the "ratios of assessed values to the median ratio". The method also gives the percentage change in assessment ratios for a 100 percent change in value.
Coefficient of Variation (COV)
The new COV dispersion method includes the median and mean-centered coefficients of variation and effectively replaces the Median Centered COV and Mean Centered COV dispersion methods. The median-centered coefficient of variation is the result of expressing the root mean squares of deviation from the median as a percentage of the median. The mean-centered coefficient of variation is the result of expressing the standard deviation as a percentage of the mean.
Command syntax
The CONTRAST subcommand's DEVIATION keyword now defaults the refcat to the first category. For more information, see CONTRAST Subcommand (COXREG command).
The CONTRAST subcommand's DEVIATION keyword now defaults the refcat to the first category. For more information, see CONTRAST Subcommand (LOGISTIC REGRESSION command).
The new command represents the meta-analysis procedure for binary outcomes when the raw data are provided in the active dataset for the estimation of the effect size. For more information, see META BINARY.
The new command represents the meta-analysis procedure for binary outcomes when the pre-calculated effect size data are provided in the active data set. For more information, see META ES BINARY.
The new command represents the meta-analysis procedure for continuous outcomes when the raw data are provided in the active dataset for the estimation of the effect size. For more information, see META CONTINUOUS.
The new command represents the meta-analysis procedure for continuous outcomes when the pre-calculated effect size data are provided in the active data set. For more information, see META ES CONTINUOUS.
The new command represents the meta-regression procedure. For more information, see META REGRESSION.
  • COV and PRB keywords added to the OUTFILE subcommand.
  • COV, PRB, and N keywords added to the PRINT subcommand.
For more information, see RATIO STATISTICS.
Relationship Maps
Relationship maps are useful for determining how variables relate to each other by providing a visual representation of the connections and influences that each node and link has over each other. Relationship maps visually represent connections and influences through nodes and links. Nodes represent variables and variable categories; links represent the strength of influence between nodes. Larger nodes and thicker link lines represent stronger connections and influence. Smaller nodes and thinner link lines represent weaker connections and influence.
The Relationship maps feature is accessed through Graphs > Relationship Map...
R and Essentials for R
R 4.0.x and IBM SPSS Statistics Essentials for R are now installed with IBM SPSS Statistics. The R environment settings are defined in Edit > Options... > File Locations > R Location.
Python 3 and R programmability
Support for Python 3 and R has been enhanced by enabling an easily configurable virtual runtime environment.
The Python runtime environment is accessed by clicking the Python 3 IDLE (PythonGUI) (Windows) or Python 3 for SPSS Statistics (macOS) option in the product folder.
Start > IBM SPSS Statistics > Python 3 IDLE (PythonGUI)
> Applications > IBM SPSS Statistics > Python 3 for SPSS Statistics
Note: Python 2 is no longer officially supported. If you still need to run Python 2, refer to the Programmability SDK.
The R runtime environment is accessed by clicking the R x64 4.0.5 (Windows) or R for SPSS Statistics (macOS) option in the product folder.
Start > IBM SPSS Statistics > R x64 4.0.5
> Applications > IBM SPSS Statistics > R for SPSS Statistics
Installation and licensing
The product installer has been updated to provide the option of registering either the subscription or licensed version of IBM SPSS Statistics.
Requires an IBMid to activate and install the subscription-based version of the software. You must purchase IBM SPSS Statistics Subscription in order to activate the product via the subscription method.
Requires an authorized user license or concurrent user license to activate the software. You must purchase an on-premise license for IBM SPSS Statistics in order to activate the product via a user license or concurrent user license.
For more information on the differences between the subscription and licensed versions, see Which IBM SPSS Statistics version is right for you?

Refer to the following introductory video for a brief overview on the installer updates:

Output enhancements
Viewing output in Workbook mode bridges the SPSS Statistics syntax editing ability with a notebook approach that provides an interactive method for running syntax and viewing the corresponding output. Workbook documents (*.spwb) consist of individual paragraphs. The paragraphs contain the output elements (syntax, tables, charts, and so on). Syntax paragraphs provide full syntax edit and run capabilities. Rich text paragraphs provide full rich-text editing capabilities.
Chart and table editor usability enhancements
Pivot table editor
The pivot table editor user interface now includes edit options slide-out pane on the right side of the dialog. The pane provides options for handling rows and columns, specifying text attributes, defining border parameters, specifying cells formats, and defining footnotes and table comments.
Installed extensions
Additional commonly used extensions are now automatically installed with the product. The installed extensions can be identified by the plus symbol next to their menu entry (for example, Extension symbol).
Search enhancements
The search feature has been updated to now provide results for procedures, help topics, syntax reference, and case studies. The Search feature now searches all words/terms in each user interface dialog and help topic.

Refer to the following introductory video for a brief overview on the search enhancements:

Command syntax help has been updated to provide tool tips that provide syntax examples when hovering the cursor over commands and subcommands in the Syntax Editor.
Export output enhancements
Word Document (*.docx)
You can now export output to Microsoft Word (*.docx) format.
Text - Plain (*txt), Text - UTF8 (*txt), and Text - UTF16 (*txt)
The text export settings are now divided into three distinct options that provide different encoding methods.
Excel output
The Microsoft Excel export settings now provide options for creating both workbooks and worksheets.
Print preview
The File > Print Preview provides a PDF formatted preview version of the output.
Select Cases - hidden cases
By default, unselected cases are now hidden in the Data Editor when a subset of cases is selected, and the unselected cases are not discarded. Hidden cases are not picked up when rows are copied from the Data Editor.
You can select to display hidden cases by deselecting Edit > Hide excluded cases, or by right-clicking in the Data Editor and deselecting the Hide excluded cases option.
Chart Builder usability enhancements
The template controls in the Chart Appearance tab have been redesigned to streamline template selection options.
The user interface now supports high contrast mode, which adjusts the background and text colors to make the application easier to read.