What's new in version 27

Version 27.0.1

Analyze procedures
Bivariate Correlations
The procedure has been updated to provide the option of suppressing the correlations table from the output. The procedure also now provides options for controlling the estimation of the confidence intervals.
Independent-Samples Proportions
The new procedure provides tests and confidence intervals for the difference in two independent binomial proportions. Output includes observed proportions, estimates of differences in population proportions, asymptotic standard errors of population differences under null and alternative hypotheses, specified test statistics with two-sided probabilities, and specified confidence intervals for differences in proportions.
One-Sample Proportions
The new procedure provides tests and confidence intervals for individual binomial proportions. Output includes the observed proportion, the estimate of the difference between the population proportion and the hypothesized population proportion, asymptotic standard errors under null and alternative hypotheses, specified test statistics with two-sided probabilities, and specified confidence intervals for proportions.
Paired-Samples Proportions
The new procedure provides tests and confidence intervals for the difference in two related or paired binomial proportions. Output includes observed proportions, estimates of differences in population proportions, asymptotic standard errors of population differences under null and alternative hypotheses, specified test statistics with two-sided probabilities, and specified confidence intervals for differences in proportions.
Reliability Analysis
The procedure has been updated to provide the Omega (McDonald’s Omega) model option. This model assumes that the model is uni-dimensional including a single factor with no local item dependence in the form of error covariances. The model implies that the covariance of the two different items is the product of their loadings.
Command enhancements
Added support for the NOMATRIX keyword in the PRINT subcommand. The keyword suppresses the correlations table from the output. For more information, see PRINT Subcommand (Correlations command).
Added support for the CI subcommand. The subcommand controls the estimation of the confidence intervals. For more information, see CI Subcommand (Correlations command).
Added support for specifying a single numeric parameter in the IMPUTE subcommand's SCALEMODEL keyword PMM method. The imputed value is based on the value defined for the closest randomly selected complete case from the closest (k) predictions, where (k) is a positive integer with a default value of 5. For more information, see IMPUTE Subcommand (MULTIPLE IMPUTATION command).
The new PROPORTIONS command computes tests and confidence intervals for binomial proportions or differences of proportions. Statistics are available for one-sample proportions (tested against a specified value), paired samples (different variables), or independent samples (different groups of cases).For more information, see PROPORTIONS, ONESAMPLE subcommand, PAIREDSAMPLES subcommand, and INDEPENDENTSAMPLES subcommand.
Added support for the OMEGA keyword in the MODEL subcommand. The keyword provides an estimation of McDonald’s Omega to evaluate reliability. For more information, see MODEL Subcommand (RELIABILITY command).
Restore points
Restore points save data from active sessions that either quit unexpectedly (automatic recovery) or that you explicitly save. Each restore point is an SPSS® Statistics session snapshot. Each restore point contains Data Editor, syntax, and output file information that was active at the time the session either quit unexpectedly or that you explicitly saved. Saved restore points remain in a backed-up state until you either restore or delete them.
Output enhancements
Export SVG charts
You can now export charts to Scalar Vector Graphics (*.svg) format.
Chart and table editor usability enhancements
  • A Reset button was added to both the chart and table editors. The button resets the chart/table to its original configuration.
  • The table editor toolbar has been split into Edit and Format toolbars.
  • Increase Decimals and Decrease Decimals toolbar controls are now available. The controls allow you to increase or decrease the decimal place settings in tables.
  • When selecting to edit a table or chart, the right-click menu now provides a single Edit option.
  • When selecting to edit a table or chart, the right-click menu now provides a single Edit option.
  • The Default Editing Mode option has been removed from the Pivot Tables tab (Edit > Options... > Pivot Tables). Table editing is now always conducted in a separate window.
APA style enhancements
  • Footnotes and captions can now be double-spaced.
  • Footnote alignment issues have been fixed.
  • Table footnotes and captions can now be disabled.
  • Chart spacing and alignment issue have been addressed.
  • Small significance values can now be represented with "<0.001".

Version 27

The Bootstrapping and Data Preparation features are now included in the IBM® SPSS Statistics Base edition (Bootstrapping was previously included in the Premium Edition; Data Preparation was previously included in the Professional Edition).
Automatic recovery is designed to recover unsaved files and content in instances where the application quits unexpectedly. You can select to enable/disable the automatic recovery feature (the feature is enabled by default), select a time interval (in minutes) between saving files, and view or change the auto-recovery file location. For more information, see General options.
Upon relaunching SPSS Statistics after an unexpected exit, you are presented with an IBM SPSS Statistics error report, which allows you to enter information about your session prior to the unexpected exit. After leaving the exit report, you are presented with the Auto-Recovery dialog, which provides options for recovering prior session data or deleting the saved session data. For more information, see Auto-Recovery.
Privacy settings
The Options dialog now includes a Privacy tab the provides options for:
  • Allow the SPSS Statistics application share information with IBM.
  • Enable or disable SPSS Statistics from retrieving Welcome dialog content updates.
  • Enable or disable SPSS Statistics from sending error reports to IBM.
For more information, see Privacy options.
Issue reporter
The Help menu now provides a Report Issue link that launches the IBM SPSS Statistics Issue Reporter dialog. The dialog allows you to enter information regarding any issues you may encounter when using the product. The information you enter is sent to IBM for use in improving the product.
Native macOS file selection dialogs
The file selection dialogs in the macOS version of SPSS Statistics have historically been heavily customized to accommodate specific SPSS Statistics file features. You now have the option of enabling native macOS file selection dialogs (via Edit > Options... > General > Windows > Display native macOS file dialogs). Native macOS file dialogs provide the following benefits:
  • All of the benefits of native macOS file selection dialogs are available (for example, search, sidebar shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts, and so on).
  • The SPSS Statistics file selection dialogs are consistent with other macOS file selection dialogs.
New user interface theme
A modern user interface theme and new color palettes are now provided. Microsoft Windows users will notice that the new ‘SPSS Light’ theme is now enabled by default. If you prefer to revert back to the previous theme, you can switch easily by navigating to Edit > Options > Windows > Look and feel > SPSS Standard.
Analyze procedures
Bivariate Correlations
The Show only the lower triangle setting was added to main dialog. When the setting is enabled only the correlation matrix table's lower triangle is presented in the output. When not selected, the full correlation matrix table is presented in the output. The setting was introduced to allow table output to adhere to APA style guidelines. For more information, see Bivariate Correlations.
The Create APA style table settings was added to Cell Display dialog. The setting produces a table that adhere to APA style guidelines. For more information, see Crosstabs cell display.
The Create APA style tables settings was added to main dialog. The setting produces tables that adhere to APA style guidelines. For more information, see Frequencies.
Power Analysis
Power analysis plays a pivotal role in a study plan, design, and conduction. The calculation of power is usually before any sample data have been collected, except possibly from a small pilot study. The precise estimation of the power may tell investigators how likely it is that a statistically significant difference will be detected based on a finite sample size under a true alternative hypothesis. If the power is too low, there is little chance of detecting a significant difference, and non-significant results are likely even if real differences truly exist. The new procedures are grouped as follows.
One-Sample T-Test
In one-sample analysis, the observed data are collected as a single random sample. It is assumed that the sample data independently and identically follow a normal distribution with a fixed mean and variance, and draws statistical inference about the mean parameter. For more information, see Power Analysis of One-Sample T Test.
Independent-Samples T-Test
In independent-samples analysis, the observed data contain two independent samples. It is assumed that the data in each sample independently and identically follow a normal distribution with a fixed mean and variance, and draws statistical inference about the difference of the two means. For more information, see Power Analysis of Independent-Samples T Test.
Paired-Samples T-Test
In paired-samples analysis, the observed data contain two paired and correlated samples, and each case has two measurements. It is assumed that the data in each sample independently and identically follow a normal distribution with a fixed mean and variance, and draws statistical inference about the difference of the two means. For more information, see Power Analysis of Paired-Samples T Test.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical method of estimating the means of several populations which are often assumed to be normally distributed. The One-way ANOVA, a common type of ANOVA, is an extension of the two-sample t-test. The procedure provides approaches for estimating the power for two types of hypothesis to compare the multiple group means, the overall test, and the test with specified contrasts. The over test focuses on the null hypothesis that all group means are equal. The test with specified contrasts breaks down the overall ANOVA hypotheses into smaller but more describable and useful pieces of the means. For more information, see Power Analysis of One-Way ANOVA.
One-Sample Binomial Test
The binomial distribution is based on a sequence of Bernoulli trials. It can be used to model those experiments including a fixed number of total trials that are assumed to be independent of each other. Each trial leads to a dichotomous result, with the same probability for a "successful" outcome.
The one-sample binomial test makes statistical inference about the proportion parameter by comparing it with a hypothesized value. The methods for estimating the power for such a test are either the normal approximation or the binomial enumeration. For more information, see Power Analysis of One-Sample Binomial Test.
Related-Samples Binomial Test
The binomial distribution is based on a sequence of Bernoulli trials. It can be used to model those experiments including a fixed number of total trials that are assumed to be independent of each other. Each trial leads to a dichotomous result, with the same probability for a "successful" outcome.
The related-sample binomial estimates the power of McNemar's test to compare two proportion parameters based on the matched pair subjects sampled from two related binomial populations. For more information, see Power Analysis of Related-Sample Binomial Test.
Independent-Samples Binomial Test
The binomial distribution is based on a sequence of Bernoulli trials. It can be used to model those experiments including a fixed number of total trials that are assumed to be independent of each other. Each trial leads to a dichotomous result, with the same probability for a "successful" outcome.
The independent-sample binomial test compares two independent proportion parameters. For more information, see Power Analysis of Independent-Sample Binomial Test.
Pearson Product-Moment
Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient measures the strength of linear association between two scale random variables that are assumed to follow a bivariate normal distribution. By convention, it is a dimensionless quantity and obtained by standardizing the covariance between two continuous variables, thereby ranging between -1 and 1.
The test uses Fisher's asymptotic method to estimate the power for the one-sample Pearson correlation. For more information, see Power Analysis of One-Sample Pearson Correlation Test.
Spearman Rank-Order
Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient is a rank-based nonparametric statistic to measure the monotonic relationship between two variables that are usually censored and not normally distributed. The Spearman rank-order correlation is equal to the Pearson correlation between the rank values of the two variables, thereby also ranging between -1 and 1. Detecting the power of the Spearman rank correlation test is an important topic in the analysis of hydrological time series data.
The test uses Fisher's asymptotic method to estimate the power for the one-sample Spearman rank-order correlation. For more information, see Power Analysis of One-Sample Spearman Correlation Test.
Partial correlation can be explained as the association between two random variables after eliminating the effect of another or several other variables. It is a useful measurement in the presence of confounding. Similar to the Pearson correlation coefficient, partial correlation coefficient is also a dimensionless quantity ranging between -1 and 1.
The test uses Fisher's asymptotic method to estimate the power for the one-sample Pearson correlation. For more information, see Power Analysis of Partial Pearson Correlation Test.
Univariate Linear
Univariate linear regression is a basic and standard statistical approach in which researchers use the values of several variables to explain or predict values of a scale outcome.
The test invokes power analysis for the type III F-test in univariate linear regression. For more information, see Power Analysis of Univariate Linear Regression Test.
Command enhancements
Added support for the FULL, LOWER, and LNODIAG keywords in the PRINT subcommand. The keywords control the display of the correlation matrix table's lower triangle or the full correlation matrix table. The keywords were introduced to allow table output to adhere to APA style guidelines. For more information, see PRINT Subcommand (Correlations command).
  • The NCDF.BETA cumulative distribution function is now supported.
  • Probability density functions are now supported (they were previously only supported by the COMPUTE command).
  • Tail probability functions are now supported (they were previously only supported by the COMPUTE command).
  • Random variable functions are now supported (they were previously only supported by the COMPUTE command).
For more information, see MATRIX-END MATRIX.
Added support for the FULL, LOWER, and LNODIAG keywords in the PRINT subcommand. The keywords control the display of the correlation matrix table's lower triangle or the full correlation matrix table. The keywords were introduced to allow table output to adhere to APA style guidelines. For more information, see PRINT Subcommand (NONPAR CORR command).
NPTESTS command
CRITERIA subcommand
The SEED keyword is now supported. The keyword resets the random seed used for the Monte Carlo sampling.
ONESAMPLE subcommand
The KOLMOGOROV_SMIRNOV keyword now supports the following Lilliefors test for Monte Carlo sampling settings:
NSAMPLES keyword
Resets the number of replicates used by the Lilliefors test for Monte Carlo sampling.
MC_CILEVEL keyword
Resets the confidence interval level that is estimated by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
Controls whether the Monte Carlo simulation will be used to conduct the Lilliefors test for Normal distribution when the parameters are not specified.
POISSON keyword
The SAMPLE setting has been removed from the POISSON keyword.
For more information, see NPTESTS.
NPAR TESTS command
KS_SIM subcommand
The KS_SIM subcommand is now supported. KS_SIM (KOLMOGOROV-SMIRNOV simulation) controls the parameters for the Monte Carlo simulation for Normal, Uniform, and Exponential distributions. The new subcommand supports the following Lilliefors test for Monte Carlo sampling keywords:
CIN keyword
Resets the estimated confidence interval level used by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (using the Monte Carlo simulations).
SAMPLES keyword
Resets the number of replicates used by the Lilliefors test for Monte Carlo sampling.
NONORMAL keyword
When specified, results will not include the Monte Carlo sampling for Normal distribution.
K-S subcommand
POISSON=varlist is no longer supported.
For more information, see NPAR TESTS.
  • FORMAT=REPORTHTML and FORMAT=REPORTMHT deprecated from the DESTINATION subcommand. The subcommand syntax has been mapped to the HTML subcommand.
  • REPORTTITLE keyword deprecated from the DESTINATION subcommand.
For more information, see OMS.
ONEWAY command
The CRITERIA and ES subcommands are now supported by the ONEWAY command:
CRITERIA subcommand
The optional subcommand controls the significance level to estimate the confidence intervals.
ES subcommand
The optional subcommand controls the effect size estimation by providing keywords for controlling the effect size calculation for the overall test, and controlling the calculation of the contrast test effect size.
For more information, see ONEWAY.
Support for the REPORT subcommand has been deprecated. The REPORT subcommand syntax has been mapped to the HTML subcommand. For more information, see OUTPUT EXPORT.
  • Added support for the PIVOT keyword in the TABLES subcommand. The keyword pivots the specified row dimension to the specified column dimension. Any existing column dimensions are incremented outwards. The keyword was introduced to allow table output to adhere to APA style guidelines.
  • Added support for the HIDE and UNGROUP keywords in the TABLECELLS subcommand. HIDE suppresses the selected row or column; UNGROUP deletes the selected row or column group header. The keywords were introduced to allow table output to adhere to APA style guidelines.
  • Added support for the PARENT and CHILD options for the SELECTCONDITION keyword in the TABLECELLS subcommand. Both options specify primary and secondary string conditions to apply changes within the area of the table specified by the SELECT keyword.
  • Added support for the VALID, TOTAL, MISSING, CUMULATIVEPERCENT, and VALIDPERCENT options for the SELECTCONDITION keyword in the TABLECELLS subcommand.
For more information, see OUTPUT MODIFY.
The TYPE subcommand's SPW option has been deprecated. For more information, see OUTPUT SAVE.
The new command estimates the power for two types of hypothesis to compare the multiple group means, the overall test, and the test with specified contrasts. The over test focuses on the null hypothesis that all group means are equal. The test with specified contrasts breaks down the overall ANOVA hypotheses into smaller but more describable and useful pieces of the means. For more information, see POWER ONEWAY ANOVA.
The new command invokes power analysis for the independent sample t-test to draw statistical inference about the difference of the two means. For more information, see POWER MEANS INDEPENDENT.
The new command invokes power analysis for the one sample t-test to draw statistical inference about the mean parameter. For more information, see POWER MEANS ONESAMPLE.
The new command invokes power analysis for the related sample t-test to draw statistical inference about the difference of the two means. For more information, see POWER MEANS RELATED.
The new command invokes the power analysis for the one-sample partial correlation test. Partial correlation can be explained as the association between two random variables after eliminating the effect of another or several other variables. It is a useful measurement in the presence of confounding. For more information, see POWER PARTIALCORR.
The new command invokes the power analysis for the one-sample Pearson correlation test. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient measures the strength of linear association between two scale random variables, which are assumed to follow a bivariate normal distribution. For more information, see POWER PEARSON ONESAMPLE.
The new command invokes the power analysis for the independent-sample binomial test to compare two independent proportion parameters. For more information, see POWER PROPORTIONS INDEPENDENT.
The new command invokes power analysis for the one-sample binomial test to make statistical inference about the proportion parameter by comparing it with a hypothesized value. For more information, see POWER PROPORTIONS ONESAMPLE.
The new command invokes power analysis for the related-sample binomial test (or McNemar's test) to compare two proportion parameters based on the matched pair subjects sampled from two related binomial populations. For more information, see POWER PROPORTIONS RELATED.
The new command invokes the power analysis for the one-sample Spearman rank-order correlation test. Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient is a rank-based nonparametric statistic to measure the monotonic relationship between two variables that are usually censored and not normally distributed. For more information, see POWER SPEARMAN ONESAMPLE.
The new command invokes power analysis for the type III F-test in univariate linear regression. Univariate linear regression is a basic and standard statistical approach in which researchers use the values of several variables to explain or predict values of a scale outcome. For more information, see POWER UNIVARIATE LINEAR.
CRITERIA subcommand
The QUANTILE keyword now provides support for a grid of quantiles (connected by the keywords TO and BY). The quantile grid can be mixed with other quantiles, and can be placed anywhere. For more information, see CRITERIA Subcommand (QUANTILE REGRESSION command).
T-TEST command
The ES subcommand is now supported:
ES subcommand
The optional subcommand controls the effect size estimation by providing keywords for controlling the printing of the effect size calculation for the overall test, and controlling how the standardizer is computed in estimating the Cohen's d and Hedges' correction for each variable pair (only for Paired-Samples T Test). For more information, see ES Subcommand (T_TEST command).
Cohen’s kappa statistic is broadly used in cross-classification as a measure of agreement between two observed raters. It is an appropriate index of agreement when ratings are nominal scales with no order structure. The new WEIGHTED KAPPA command is an important generalization of the kappa statistic that measures the agreement of two ordinal subjects with identical categories. For more information, see WEIGHTED KAPPA.
Charting enhancements
Chart Builder has been updated to include the following features/enhancements.
Bubble charts
Bubble charts display categories in groups as non-hierarchical packed circles. The size of each circle (bubble) is proportional to its value. Bubble charts are useful for comparing relationships in data.
High resolution chart export options
When the None (Graphics only) option is selected as the document type in the Export Output dialog, the default file type is now set to Production Ready Postscript (*.eps), which is a high resolution image format.
Chart templates
  • The Edit > Options > Charts dialog now includes a Samples Settings section that provides preview settings for any selected chart template. The dialog dynamically updates the preview chart images based on the specified settings.
  • Chart Builder's Chart Appearance tab now provides options for selecting chart templates. You can choose to use settings that are defined in Edit > Options > Charts, select a chart template that is installed with IBM SPSS Statistics, or select a chart template from another location. For more information, see Chart Appearance Settings.
Default chart colors
The default chart colors have been changed to a blue theme.
Chart Builder > Chart Appearance tab
The tab now allows you to directly select different chart template files.
Chart Editor
You can now increase/decrease font sizes directly in the editor.
Legends and titles
You can now move chart images and titles directly in the output.
SPSS Web Reports and Cognos Active Reports
Support for both SPSS Web Reports and Cognos Active Reports have been deprecated.
AMOS menu option
The AMOS option has been removed from IBM SPSS Statistics menu.
Font size selection
You can now manually change the font size in the following locations:
  • Edit > Options... > Viewer
  • File > Page Attributes... > Font
  • Pivot Table Editor (via the Formatting Toolbar)
The font Size lists provide a set of predefined sizes, but you can manually enter other, supported size values.
Search enhancements
The Search feature has been updated to provide results that include:
  • Menu dialogs
  • Help topics
  • Case studies
  • Syntax reference
Clicking a search result will take you directly to the relevant procedure dialog, help topic, case study, or syntax reference topic.