Reliability Analysis Statistics

You can select various statistics that describe your scale and items. Statistics that are reported by default include the number of cases, the number of items, and reliability estimates as follows:

Descriptives for. Produces descriptive statistics for scales or items across cases.

Summaries. Provides descriptive statistics of item distributions across all items in the scale.

Inter-Item. Produces matrices of correlations or covariances between items.

ANOVA Table. Produces tests of equal means.

Hotelling's T-square. Produces a multivariate test of the null hypothesis that all items on the scale have the same mean.

Tukey's test of additivity. Produces a test of the assumption that there is no multiplicative interaction among the items.

Intraclass correlation coefficient. Produces measures of consistency or agreement of values within cases.

Specifying Statistics Settings

This feature requires Statistics Base Edition.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Scale > Reliability Analysis…

  2. In the Reliability Analysis dialog box, click Statistics.