Running the analysis (generalized linear mixed models)

  1. To fit a multinomial logistic mixed model, from the menus choose:

    Analyze > Mixed Models > Generalized...

    Figure 1. Data Structure tab
    Data Structure tab
  2. On the Data Structure tab, select Customer ID as a subject field.
  3. Click Fields & Effects.
    Figure 2. Target settings
    Target settings
  4. On the Target settings, confirm that Service usage is selected as the target and Multinomial logistic regression is selected in the Target Distribution group.

    Service usage has a predefined role as a target, so it is automatically selected as the target by default. Since it has a nominal measurement level, the model type is set to multinomial logistic by default, which assumes a multinomial distribution for the target and a logit link.

  5. Click Fixed Effects.
    Figure 3. Fixed effect settings
    Fixed effect settings
  6. On the Fixed Effects settings, select Level of education, Income category in thousands, Number of people in household, and Service type, and drag to the Main drop zone to create them as main effects.
  7. Click Random Effects, then click Add Block... in the Random Effects settings.
    Figure 4. Random Effect Block dialog
    Random Effect Block dialog
  8. In the Random Effect Block dialog, select Include intercept.
  9. Select customer_id from the Subject combination dropdown.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Click Run in the Generalized Linear Mixed Models dialog box.

    For comparison, let's also build 3 generalized logit models (with no random effects) for the TV, phone and internet service types. This can be accomplished in a single run of generalized linear mixed models by building a model without a random effect and a series of 2-way interaction as fixed effects with Service type as one of the elements of each interaction.

  12. Recall the Generalized Linear Mixed Models dialog and make sure the Random Effects settings are selected.
    Figure 5. Random Effects settings
    Random Effects settings
  13. Delete the random effect block.
  14. Click Fixed Effects.
    Figure 6. Fixed effect settings
    Fixed effect settings
  15. Remove all main effects except Service type.
  16. Select Level of education, Income category in thousands, Number of people in household, and Service type, and drag to the 2-way drop zone to create all 2-way interactions.
  17. Remove all effects that don't include Service type.
  18. Deselect Include intercept.
  19. Click Run.
