Exporting Results to PDF

Figure 1. Viewer
Frequencies tables in Viewer

You can export all or selected items in the Viewer to a PDF (portable document format) file. This topic uses the files msouttut.spv and demo.sav. See the topic Sample Files for more information.

  1. From the menus in the Viewer window that contains the result you want to export to PDF choose:

    File > Export...

  2. In the Export Output dialog box, from the Export Format File Type drop-down list choose Portable Document Format.
Figure 2. Export Output dialog box
Export Output dialog box with Portable Document Format selected as the export format
  • The outline pane of the Viewer document is converted to bookmarks in the PDF file for easy navigation.
  • Page size, orientation, margins, content and display of page headers and footers, and printed chart size in PDF documents are controlled by page setup options (File menu, Page Setup in the Viewer window).
  • The resolution (DPI) of the PDF document is the current resolution setting for the default or currently selected printer (which can be changed using Page Setup). The maximum resolution is 1200 DPI. If the printer setting is higher, the PDF document resolution will be 1200 DPI. Note: High-resolution documents may yield poor results when printed on lower-resolution printers.
Figure 3. PDF file with bookmarks
PDF file with bookmarks
