Overview of Nodes

When creating an extension that implements a new node, you need to become familiar with the characteristics of IBM® SPSS® Modeler nodes. Doing so will help you to define them correctly in the specification file.

IBM SPSS Modeler nodes are classified into source, process, output, and modeling nodes, depending on their function. In CLEF, nodes are classified in a slightly different way. The mapping between the two systems is shown in the following table.

Table 1. CLEF node types
IBM SPSS Modeler classification Palette CLEF node type
Source nodes Sources Data reader
Process nodes Record Ops Data transformer
  Field Ops  
Output nodes Graphs Document builder
  Output (Report node)  
  Export Data writer
Modeling nodes Modeling Model builder

When you create a new CLEF node, you define it as being one of the CLEF node types. The node type you choose depends on the main function of the node.

Table 2. Node types and functions
CLEF node type Description Corresponding node palette Icon shape
Data reader Imports data into IBM SPSS Modeler from a different format. Sources
Figure 1. Source node shape (circle)
Source node shape (circle)
Data transformer Takes data from IBM SPSS Modeler, modifies the data in some way, and returns the modified data to the IBM SPSS Modeler stream. Record Ops, Field Ops
Figure 2. Ops node shape (hexagon)
Ops node shape (hexagon)
Model builder Generates models from data in IBM SPSS Modeler. Modeling
Figure 3. Model builder node shape
Model builder node shape
Document builder Generates a graph or report from data in IBM SPSS Modeler. Graphs
Figure 4. Graphs node shape (triangle)
Graphs node shape (triangle)
    Output (Report node)
Figure 5. Output node shape (rectangle)
Output node shape (rectangle)
Model applier (also known as a "model nugget") Defines a container for a generated model that is brought back to the IBM SPSS Modeler canvas.
Figure 6. Model applier node shape (gold diamond)
Model applier node shape (gold diamond)
Data writer Exports data from IBM SPSS Modeler format to a format suitable for use with another application. Export
Figure 7. Export node shape (rectangle)
Export node shape (rectangle)

You define the node type, together with other attributes, in a Node element in the specification file—for example:

<Node name="sort_process" type="dataTransformer"
      palette="recordOp" ... >
     -- node elements --

The palette attribute defines the palette in the IBM SPSS Modeler main window from which users will be able to access the node--in this case, the Record Ops palette. If you omit this attribute, the node appears on the Field Ops palette.

A number of example nodes are supplied with IBM SPSS Modeler. See the topic About the Examples for more information.