Setting Options for the Binning Node
Using the Binning node, you can automatically generate bins (categories) using the following techniques:
- Fixed-width binning
- Tiles (equal count or sum)
- Mean and standard deviation
- Ranks
- Optimized relative to a categorical "supervisor" field
The lower part of the dialog box changes dynamically depending on the binning method you select.
Bin fields. Continuous (numeric range) fields pending transformation are displayed here. The Binning node enables you to bin multiple fields simultaneously. Add or remove fields using the buttons on the right.
Binning method. Select the method used to determine cut points for new field bins (categories). Subsequent topics describe the options available in each case.
Bin thresholds. Specify how the bin thresholds are computed.
- Always recompute. Cut points and bin allocations are always recomputed when the node is run.
- Read from Bin Values tab if available. Cut points and bin allocations are computed only as necessary (for example, when new data has been added).
The following topics discuss options for the available methods of binning.