Configuring a private password database

If you choose to authenticate users by using a private password database, all user sessions are started on the same user account.

To configure SPSS® Modeler Server in this way, follow these steps:

  1. Create the user account on which to run SPSS Modeler Server. This account is for the sole use of the SPSS Modeler Server daemon process. You must start the daemon process as that user account in the Log On tab of theSPSS Modeler Server 18.4.0 Service. For this example, let's call it modelerserv.
  2. Edit the server options file (config/options.cfg) to set the option start_process_as_login_user to Y
  3. Edit the server options file (config/options.cfg) to specify authentication against the private password database by appending the line:
    authentication_methods, "pasw_modeler"
  4. Next, you need to create a private password database that is stored in the file config/passwords.cfg. The password file defines the user name/password combinations that are allowed to log in to SPSS Modeler. Note that these combinations are private to SPSS Modeler and have no connection with the user names and passwords that are used to log in to Windows. You can use the same user names for convenience, but you cannot use the same passwords.

    To create the password file, you need to use the password utility program, pwutil, in the bin directory of the SPSS Modeler Server installation. The synopsis of this program is:

    pwutil [ username [ password ] ]

    The program takes a user name and plain-text password and writes the user name and encrypted password to the standard output in a format suitable for inclusion in the password file. For example, to define a user that is called modeler with the password data mining, you would use a DOS prompt to navigate to the SPSS Modeler Server installation directory and then type:

    bin\pwutil modeler "data mining" > config\passwords.cfg
    Note: Make sure that you have only 1 instance of each user in the file; duplicates prevent SPSS Modeler Server from starting

    Defining a single user name is sufficient in most cases, where all users log in with the same name and password. However, more users can be created by using the >> operator to append each to the file. For example:

    bin\pwutil modeler "data miner2" >> config\passwords.cfg

    If a single > is used, the contents of passwords.cfg are overwritten each time, replacing any users set previously. Remember that all users share the same UNIX user account regardless.

    If you add new users to the private passwords database while SPSS Modeler Server is running, you will need to restart SPSS Modeler Server so that it can recognize the newly defined users. Until you do so, logins will fail for any new users added via pwutil since the last restart of SPSS Modeler Server.

  5. Give the user that was created in step 1 full control over the server options file config\options.cfg and the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\IBM\SPSS directory.
  6. In the system services, stop the IBM SPSS Modeler Server service and change the Log on from the Local System Account to the user account created in step 1. Then, restart the service.