Generating an encoded password

In certain cases, you may need to include a password in a script; for example, you may want to access a password-protected data source. Encoded passwords can be used in:

  • Node properties for Database Source and Output nodes
  • Command line arguments for logging into the server
  • Database connection properties stored in a .par file (the parameter file generated from the Publish tab of an export node)

Through the user interface, a tool is available to generate encoded passwords based on the Blowfish algorithm (see for more information). Once encoded, you can copy and store the password to script files and command line arguments. The node property epassword used for databasenode and databaseexportnode stores the encoded password.

  1. To generate an encoded password, from the Tools menu choose:

    Encode Password...

  2. Specify a password in the Password text box.
  3. Click Encode to generate a random encoding of your password.
  4. Click the Copy button to copy the encoded password to the Clipboard.
  5. Paste the password to the desired script or parameter.