For Kubernetes: Configuring Container Backup Support to use an Ingress controller

Ingress is the preferred load balancer and default setting for external communication between the IBM Spectrum® Protect Plus server and Container Backup Support on Kubernetes. To use Ingress, you must install an Ingress controller of your choice, configure it for SSL passthrough, and define the Ingress resource for Container Backup Support. You must follow this procedure to use an Ingress controller.

Before you begin

Ingress is the default method for communication between the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server and Container Backup Support. NodePort may also be used but is not the default method for communication. If you choose to use NodePort, you do not need to install and configure an Ingress controller, nor do you need to define an Ingress resource.

If you choose to use NodePort, you must disable Ingress by updating the use_nodeport variable to true in the baas-values-cr.yaml file:
use_nodeport: true
You can skip this procedure entirely if you choose to use NodePort.


To configure an Ingress controller for external connections between the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus server and the Container Backup Support agent, complete the following steps:

  1. Before or after the installation of Container Backup Support, install an Ingress controller of your choice.
  2. Edit the Ingress deployment to allow SSL passthrough.

    In the following example, the Kubernetes NGINX Ingress controller is used. Depending on the Ingress controller that you installed, the steps to enable SSL passthrough might be different. Consult the Ingress controller documentation for instructions.

    kubectl edit deployment ingress-nginx-controller -n ingress_namespace
    where ingress_namespace is the namespace where the Ingress controller was created.
    Within the spec.template.spec.containers.args field, add the following value:
    - --enable-ssl-passthrough
  3. Ensure that you assign external IP address for the LoadBalancer service for your Ingress controller. For best results, assign external dotted IP addresses to all of your cluster nodes. You can do the assignment by updating the IP addresses in the Ingress deployment. In the following example, the Kubernetes NGINX Ingress controller is used.
    1. Issue the following command to edit the Ingress deployment:
      kubectl edit deployment ingress-nginx-controller -n ingress_namespace
      where ingress_namespace is the namespace where the Ingress controller was created.
    2. In the spec field, specify external IP address of the LoadBalancer service as follows:
        - x.x.x.y
        - x.x.x.z
        - x.x.x.n
  4. If Container Backup Support is not already installed, install it.
  5. Define the Ingress resource as follows:

    The following sample file is applicable to the Kubernetes NGINX Ingress controller. Depending on the Ingress controller that you installed, the annotations might differ. Refer to the Ingress controller documentation to obtain the correct annotations for your controller to match the ones in the sample file.

    # Ingress resource sample yaml
    kind: Ingress
      annotations: nginx HTTPS "true"
      name: baas-spp-agent-ingress
      namespace: baas
              - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                      name: baas-rest-spp-agent
                          number: 443
    where FQDN_OF_HOST_FOR_INGRESS_ENDPOINT is the fully qualified domain name of one of the external IP addresses that you assigned to your Ingress LoadBalancer service in Step 3.
  6. Copy the sample YAML file and paste the contents into the sppagent-ingress.yaml file, edit the file so that it is appropriate for your controller, and apply the YAML:
    kubectl create -f sppagent-ingress.yaml