Backing up and restoring OpenShift clusters

To protect persistent volumes and other OpenShift® resources that are attached to a cluster, create service level agreement (SLA) polices and create jobs for backup and restore operations in the IBM Spectrum® Protect Plus user interface.

Ensure that your OpenShift environment meets the system requirements in Container Backup Support requirements.

To protect cluster-scoped and namespace-scoped resources in your OpenShift container workloads, ensure that the Velero tool is installed. For instructions, see For Kubernetes: Installing Velero to protect resources.

The following table shows the icon and naming convention for each type of resource that is displayed in the OpenShift Backup pane, as well as a description of each type of resource:

Table 1. Red Hat OpenShift resource types
Naming convention Resource type Description
Cluster clustername Cluster A Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
Cluster resources clustername:resources Cluster resources Cluster-scoped resources such as PersistentVolumes, ClusterRoles, StorageClasses, CSIDrivers, VolumeSnapshotClasses, and CustomResourceDefinitions.
Project project Project A project in the cluster.
Project resources clustername:project:resources Project resources Project-scoped resources such as PersistentVolumeClaims, pods, containers, ConfigMaps, secrets, services, and deployments.
PVC clustername:project:pvcname Persistent volume claim (PVC) PVCs in a project.